Cari Blog Ini

23 Desember, 2023

Wish to all educators, a Happy Teachers’ Day. November 2023 Childrens Learning Community Report


Dear friends,



We thank our loyal friends for keeping the children learning community run until today. Thank you for all your prayers and kind attention to the children.



Our gratitude to friends for who donated their money for a brand new laptop. Now, we are able to catch up with pending office works. Once again, we thank you for that. May God bless you with good health and abundant resources.  


Throughout November, all children’s activity ran according to plan.  


We are also grateful that Rental Cakung’s learning home has been extended for the next two years. We thank you for your contribution.  


Thank you for all your kindness.


At the end of November, children got invited by “Sanggar Culture Center” in East Jakarta to attend their 29th anniversary and to celebrate 25 November’s Teachers Day. 28 children, facilitators and some parents attended the event.


Children were excited. They got to experience activities outside their learning home.  There were activities for small children and teenagers. Some children busied with drawing and some teenagers learned to write song.


The children also attended the entertainment session. Small children performed songs for their teachers. They sang songs such as “Terimakasih Guru”, thank you teachers and Teachers Hymn.


Review session were decided on Thursday at the 1st week of December. Facilitators met to review children’s performance on the 3rd quarter 2023.


Following are pictures of children’s activity and meal sharing in the month of November 2023.


We are thankful for all dedicated donors who have been helping the children with scholarship. Together, we help the children to stay in school.


Your attention and generosity boost our morale and effort to care for the children.

Please join us in monthly contribution. Your contribution is needed to keep this children’s activity running. We are still struggle to fulfil the the operational cost.


December 2023 plan :


  1. Learning activity
    1. The 3rd Quarterly Review hold at the beginning of December 2023 
  1. Scholarship

a.       Monthly school fee and school related expenses will be distributed to several scholarships’ recipients.


  1. Staple Food Cooperative

Clerical routine and service for cooperative member


  1. Office and administration


As November 2023, the amount due of Children Learning Community’s loan was 18,500,000 IDR .

Thank you for all your attention, financial support and prayers.


We are truly grateful to all donors’ commitment to support with finances, materials, efforts and prayers this month.


Together, we have taken part in the nation’s effort for social justice. For that, we kindly ask to keep remember the children and their community on your routine donation throughout the year and next year.


With this report, we attach the Children Learning Community 2024 Budget.


We thank our donors for their financial dedication which is valuable for maintaining the operation of Children Learning Community.

Even the smallest help has great impact to this future generation.


We thank Mr. David for your kindness in translating this report.


We are thankful for your kind faith, dedication and trust in us.


We pray for your health and financial blessings. We wish to keep working with you.


We are called to bring peace and welfare to the world.


God bless us, all.


For monthly activity report, please visit us at

To order teenagers’ and mothers’ craft, please kindly look us at


Warm regards,

On behalf of Children Learning Community





To place your donation through the bank.

Account holder : Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
Bank                 : BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Account no.       : 342-2792161

Swift code         : cenaidja

Feel free also to contact me at +628129685594, WhatsAp +6288210537251 or for any supporting documents and materials.


Selamat Hari Guru Nasional. Laporan Kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar pada November 2023


Salam jumpa teman-teman,



Syukur dan terimakasih kami atas perhatian, dukungan, doa dan bantuan teman-teman sehingga kegiatan belajar anak-anak Komunitas Anak Belajar tetap bisa berlangsung hingga saat ini.


Terimakasih banyak atas perhatian, dukungan, dan bantuan finansial dari teman-teman. Akhirnya computer baru bisa kami miliki dan masalah kerusakan dan keterlambatan bisa diatasi. Terimakasih banyak sekali lagi. Kiranya Tuhan memberikan berkat limpah dan Kesehatan prima bagi teman-teman semua.


Sepanjang bulan November ini, kegiatan belajar anak-anak berjalan dengan baik.


Kami bersyukur atas perhatian dan bantuan teman-teman, kami bisa memperpanjang sewa rumah belajar Cakung selama 2 tahun.


Terimakasih banyak atas kebaikan teman-teman semua.


Menjelang akhir November, anak-anak diundang sanggar di Jakarta Timur untuk menghadiri ulang tahun yang ke 29 tahun dan dalam rangka hari Guru Nasional 25 November 2023. Sebanyak 28 anak ditemani tim pengajar dan beberapa orang tua, kami hadir disana.


Anak-anak gembira bisa mengikuti kegiatan di luar rumah belajar Cakung. Ada beberapa pelatihan untuk anak-anak kecil dan remaja. Anak-anak kecil mengikuti kegiatan menggambar, beberapa remaja mengikuti kegiatan penulisan lagu.


Selesai kegiatan, ada panggung hiburan. Anak-anak kecil dan remaja mengisi panggung hiburan dengan menyanyi lagu untuk guru, seperti Terimakasih Guru dan Himne Guru.


Berdasarkan evaluasi tim pengajar, akhirnya kami putuskan evaluasi belajar anak caturwulan III diadakan pada Kamis I bulan Desember 2023.


Berikut foto-foto kegiatan belajar anak dan pembagian menu sehat sepanjang bulan November 2023.


Terimakasih kami atas perhatian dan dukungan tim pengajar bagi kelangsungan kegiatan belajar Komunitas Anak Belajar serta Ibu-ibu warga Cakung yang terlibat membantu kami.


Semangat belajar anak yang besar untuk belajar mendorong kami untuk tetap mencari bantuan sekolah mereka.


Syukur terimakasih kami pada teman-teman yang setia berpartisipasi melanjutkan tanggung jawab bersama dalam penyelenggaraan program beasiswa. Terimakasih karena telah membantu kami mendukung niat anak-anak untuk bersekolah.


Perhatian dan dukungan teman-teman memberi kekuatan bagi kami untuk tetap setia menjalankan karya dan pelayanan ini.

Kami mengajak teman-teman semua untuk tetap setia berpartisipasi dan mendukung kegiatan kami dengan harapan bisa memberikan bantuan dana rutin per bulan mengingat dana operasional Komunitas Anak Belajar yang mengalami deficit.


Rencana kegiatan di bulan Desember 2023 ini adalah :


  1. Kegiatan Belajar
    1. Evaluasi belajar anak Caturwulan III diadakan pada awal Desember 2023.


  1. Beasiswa
    1. Pembayaran SPP dan kebutuhan perlengkapan sekolah beberapa anak penerima beasiswa.


  1. Koperasi Sembako

Kegiatan administrasi anggota koperasi Kartini.


  1. Administrasi dan Sekretariat


Saat ini pinjaman dana Komunitas Anak Belajar hingga November 2023 sebesar Rp. 18.500.000,-.

Terimakasih kami atas perhatian, dukungan doa, dan bantuan dana dari teman-teman. 


Akhirnya kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih pada teman-teman yang telah banyak mendukung dalam doa dan dana, tenaga, maupun material untuk terwujudnya program kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar sepanjang bulan ini.


Adalah tanggung jawab kita bersama untuk ambil bagian dalam karya sosial ini demi mencerdaskan anak-anak bangsa dan demi kesejahteraan masyarakat yang kami dampingi khususnya serta demi tegaknya keadilan sosial bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Kami tetap mengharap dukungan dan partisipasi teman-teman untuk donasi rutin selama tahun ini dan kami harapkan untuk tahun depan.


Anggaran Komunitas Anak Belajar 2024 kami lampirkan dalam laporan ini.


Terimakasih kami pada para donatur atas bantuan dana rutin yang amat sangat mendukung terselenggaranya operasional program Komunitas Anak Belajar.

Sekecil apapun sangat berguna demi kelangsungan kegiatan belajar anak-anak dan kemajuan generasi penerus bangsa.


Terimakasih banyak atas kesetiaan, kepercayaan, dan semua kebaikannya.


Kiranya Tuhan berkenan memberi kesehatan prima dan berkat limpah, dan semoga kerjasama kita yang telah dijalin selama ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik.


Kita diutus untuk membawa damai sejahtera di dunia ini.


Tuhan memberkati kita semua.


Laporan kegiatan bulanan dapat diakses dalam blog kami di :

Produksi ketrampilan warga dapat dipesan dan diakses dalam blog kami di :




Salam hangat,

Atas nama anak-anak Komunitas Anak Belajar





To place your donation through the bank.

Account holder : Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
Bank                 : BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Account no.       : 342-2792161

Swift code         : cenaidja

Feel free also to contact me at +628129685594, WhatsAp +6288210537251 or for any supporting documents and materials.



Lets Learn. Children Learning Community October 2023 Report


Dear friends,



We thank our loyal friends for keeping the children learning community run until today. Thank you for all your prayers and kind attention to the children.


We are sorry for some office and reporting problems that happened. At this moment, things are back in normal. In the beginning, with the help of Ibu Esti, we tried to fix our broken laptop. But at the end, it was unrepairable, thus we ended up purchasing a brand new laptop. We thank Pak Mehdi, Bu Esti and friends for their financial assistances in this matter.


Throughout October, all activities run well. In the middle of October 2023, we had a chance to help Muara Angke’s children. Through big sister Lusi and big brother Ferdi, we helped the children with coloring books and pencils. They are still in need for learning materials for their learning activity.  


Following are pictures of children’s activity and meal sharing in the month of October 2023.


We thank the loyal facilitators and Cakung’s mothers for their assistance, attention and support to the Children Learning Community’s activity.


The children’s enthusiasm for education has inspired all of us to fulfil their school’s needs.


We are thankful for all dedicated donors who have been helping the children with scholarship. Together, we help the children to stay in school.


Your attention and generosity boost our morale and effort to care for the children.

Please join us in monthly contribution. Your contribution is needed to keep the activity run. At this moment, we are struggling to fulfil the operational cost.


November 2023 Plan:


  1. Learning Activity
    1. The 3rd Quarter Review will be done at the end of November 2023.


  1. Scholarship

a.       Monthly school fee and needs will be paid to several scholarships’ recipients.


  1. Staple Food Cooperative

Meeting  and purchasing cooperative members’ and Cakung community’s food needs.


  1. Office and Administration


As October 2023, the amount due of Children Learning Community’s loan was 19,500,000 IDR .

Thank you for all your attention, financial support and prayers.


We are truly grateful to all donors’ commitment to support with finances, materials, efforts and prayers this month.


Together, we have taken part in the nation’s effort for social justice. For that, we kindly ask to keep remember the children and their community on your routine donation throughout the year and next year.


With this report, we attach the Children Learning Community 2024 Budget.


We thank our donors for their financial dedication which is valuable for maintaining the operation of Children Learning Community.

Even the smallest help has great impact to this future generation.


We thank Mr. David for your kindness in translating this report. 

We are thankful for your kind faith, dedication and trust in us.


We pray for your health and financial blessings. We wish to keep our tie with you.


We are called to bring peace and welfare to the world.


God bless us, all.


For monthly activity report, please visit us at

To order teenagers’ and mothers’ craft, please kindly look us at


Warm regards,

On behalf of Children Learning Community





To place your donation through the bank.

Account holder : Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
Bank                 : BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Account no.       : 342-2792161

Swift code         : cenaidja

Feel free also to contact me at +628129685594, WhatsAp +6288210537251 or for any supporting documents and materials.