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01 Desember, 2009


By Riri

First of all, put some toothpaste on your toothbrush.
Then, brush your teeth vertically.
Gargle your mouth with clean water.
Brush your teeth two times a day, after meals and before sleeping.


Karya Riri

Pertama-tama oleskan odol pada sikat gigi, lalu sikat gigi searah tumbuhnya gigi.
Kumur-kumur dengan air sampai bersih.
Menggosok gigi sehari 2 kali sehabis makan dan sebelum tidur.


By Riri

First of all, wet your hair with water evenly.
Then, pour a bit of shampoo into your palm, then rub onto your hair.
Massage gently until it produces foam.
Then rinse thoroughly until all foam are gone.
Dry your hair gently with towel.
After your hair is dry, then you can brush your hair.


Karya Riri

Pertama-tama basahkan rambut dengan air secara merata.
Tuangkan shampoo pada telapak tangan, lalu usapkan pada rambut.
Pijat-pijat perlahan sampai berbusa, lalu bilas sampai bersih.
Keringkan dengan handuk dengan cara diusap-usap.
Setelah kering baru disisir.

Kiki, my little brother

By Tia

My brother likes to eat cheese. His lips are quite thick.
He likes to drink ice tea too. He loves to draw and coloring.
He does not like to fight. He loves ST12 music. Lately, I notice he likes to daydream.
My brother is very active. Sometimes he wants to study, but sometimes he does not want to. If Mom scolded him, then he starts studying.
My brother cries a lot. He likes to sleep very late because of watching TV. He likes to watch Spiderman the movie.
Mom often asks Kiki and I to go to Kayu Tinggi market. If we go there, Kiki asks for robot toy.
I do love my little brother.


Karya Tia

Nama adik saya Kiki. Ia nakal sekali.
Ia senang bermain di terik matahari. Saya kesal karena ia suka main di luar.
Adik saya suka makan keju. Bibirnya dower.
Ia suka minum es the. Ia suka menggambar & mewarnai.
Ia tidak suka bertengkar. Ia suka music ST 12. Akhir-akhir ini ia suka melamun.
Adik saya tidak bisa diam. Kadang ia mau diajak belajar, kadang tidak. Bila dimarahi Mama, baru ia belajar.
Adik saya cengeng sekali. Ia suka tidur larut malam karena menonton TV. Ia suka nonton film Spiderman.
Kiki dan saya sering diajak Mama ke Pasar Kayu Tinggi. Disana ia minta dibelikan mainan robot.
Saya sayang sekali pada adik saya.


My name is Intan. I am 7 years old and I am in 2nd grade in primary school.
I have a sister named Fajarwati. She is my little sister, the second child in the family.

She is funny and likes to joke.
She loves to eat corn. Eventhough the corn is still hot, she likes it as she does not afraid of heat.
She also likes mangoes. If someone took her mangoes, she would cry.
If she is sick, she does not like to eat anything.
Sometimes she wets her pants. She is still breastfed.

She cries if Mom left her to go to work, washing clothes at someone’s house.
If she is upset, she would still cry eventhough someone has carried her.
She sometimes fights with Gio and me.
She is so talkative. If someone accompanies her in bed, she does not want to sleep.
I love Fajarwati.


Nama saya Intan. Umur saya 7 tahun. Saya duduk di kelas II SD.
Saya mempunyai adik bernama Fajarwati. Ia adik perempuan saya. Ia anak kedua.

Ia lucu, suka bercanda.
Ia suka makan jagung walau masih panas karena dia tidak takut panas.
Ia suka mangga, bila diambil ia menangis.
Kalau sakit, ia tidak mau makan.
Ia masih sering ngompol. Ia masih menyusu.

Ia suka menangis bila ditinggal Mama kerja mencuci di rumah orang.
Kalau sudah ngambek, bila digendong dia pasti menangis.
Ia suka berantem dengan Gio. Ia juga suka berantem dengan saya.
Ia cerewet sekali. Kalau ditemani, ia tidak mau tidur.
Saya sayang Fajarwati.