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15 Juni, 2010

Planting Bok Choy

By Cynthia

Kak Qori assisted us to learn gardening. We were supplied by plastic bottles served as pots. We took some soils and fertilizer. We mixed them and put into the plastic bottles. After that, we sowed Bok Choy seeds and we labeled our name on each bottle. We then water the seeds.

According to Kak Qori’ah, the plants need to be watered every morning and late afternoon. My plant and Umi’s grew healthily. Every Sunday, we brought our plants to the Learning House to be examined.

The next Sunday, we brought our plants again. Apparently, Intan’s plant has died.

Translated by Anita Linggar


Karya Cynthia

Kak Qori mendampingi kami belajar menanam. Kami disediakan botol-botol infuse plastic sebagai wadah bertanam.

Kak Qori memotong sebagian botol infuse untuk tempat tanah dan pupuk. Kami dibagikan masing-masing satu botol infuse plastic.

Lalu kami mengambil tanah dan pupuk. Kemudian memasukkan ke dalam botol infuse plastic. Setelah itu kami diberi bibit sawi, lalu kami beri nama kami masing-masing dan disiram.

Kata Kak Qori, tanamannya mesti disiram setiap pagi dan sore hari. Tanaman saya dan Umi tumbuh subur. Setiap hari minggu, kami bawa tanaman kami untuk dinilai di rumah belajar.

Minggu berikutnya dibawa lagi. Hari itu tanaman Intan tidak dibawa karena tanamannya mati.

Creating a Photo Frame

By Eneng

On Sunday, I made a photo frame. I made it together with other friend, in a group.

We must prepare the materials, glue, cardboard, cutter and a pair of scissors.

I teamed up with Erna. The other groups were Mayang and Asih, Haris and Dicky, Intan, Umi and Enti. After creating the photo frame, I decorated it.

I use small green beans, rice and coriander. In the frame, I then inserted Barbie picture.

Translated by Anita Linggar


Karya Eneng

Pada hari Minggu, saya membuat bingkai foto. Saya membuat bingkai foto dalam kelompok.

Kami mesti menyiapkan lem, kardus, ‘cutter’, dan gunting.

Saya membuat bingkai foto berdua bersama Erna. Peserta kelompok diantaranya : Mayang dan Asih, Haris dan Dicky, Intan, Umi, dan Enti. Setelah itu saya menghias bingkai foto.

Saya menghias menggunakan petai cina, beras, dan ketumbar. Dalam bingkai foto, saya memasukkan gambar ‘Barbie’.

Making Photo Frame

By Dicky

On Sunday, we made photo frames. We prepared all the necessary materials. There were glue, cardboard, a pair of scissors and cutter.

We then made the photo frame. Once it was completed, we inserted the picture we took from magazines. I put the frame on top of television.

Translated by Anita Linggar


Karya Dicky

Pada hari Minggu, kami membuat bingkai foto. Kami menyiapkan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan. Ada lem, kardus, gunting, dan ‘cutter’.

Lalu kami mulai membuat bingkai foto. Setelah selesai, bingkai foto diisi dengan gambar yang kami gunting dari majalah. Sekarang bingkai foto itu saya letakkan di atas TV.

Developing New Skills

By Enti

On Sunday, 23th May 2010, we made a photo frame. It was Kak Qori’ah who taught us. We were divided into groups. I was accompanied by Intan and Umi. The other team consists of Eneng and Erna, and Asih was together with Mayang. Haris was in the same team as Dicky. Each team comprised of two or three people.

I loved Cynthia’s team result.

I like to learn new skills such as making photo frame, wallet and gardening together with friends near Learning House. My plants which I planted for learning did not grow well apparently. It was defeated by weed. And, because of too much rain, the plant then died.

Translated by Anita Linggar


Karya Enti

Pada Minggu, 23 Mei 2010, kami membuat bingkai foto. Yang mengajarkan kami adalah Kak Qori’ah. Kami dibagi dalam kelompok. Saya ditemani Intan dan Umi. Kelompok lainnya ada Eneng dan Erna, Asih bersama Mayang, Haris dan Dicky. Masing-masing kelompok ada yang berjumlah dua, juga ada yang tiga orang.

Saya paling suka hasil karya kelompok Cynthia.

Saya suka akan kegiatan membuat bingkai foto, dompet, dan berkebun bersama-sama teman-teman di rumah belajar. Tanamanku yang ditanam saat belajar bertanam, ternyata tidak tumbuh, malah rumput yang tumbuh. Karena kena banyak air hujan, akhirnya tanaman itu mati.

Growing Bok Choy

By Nia

On Sunday, my friends and I sowed Bok Choy seeds in a plastic bottle. We brought them to our home to take care.

We water them every morning and afternoon so the plants can grow healthily. We loved to learn planting Bok Choy however, unfortunately my plant died.

I was so sad because I could not grow it. I do wish I can grow another one. I promise to take care of it more seriously.

Translated by Anita Linggar


Karya Nia

Pada hari Minggu, saya dan teman-teman menanam sawi dalam botol infus plastic. Tanaman itu kami bawa pulang ke rumah kami masing-masing untuk dirawat dengan baik.

Setiap hari kami siram pada pagi dan sore hari agar tanaman bisa tumbuh dengan subur. Kami senang bisa belajar menanam sawi, akan tetapi sayangnya, tanaman kesayangan saya mati.

Saya sangat sedih karena tidak bisa menanam lagi. Saya berharap, saya bisa menanam yang baru. Saya berjanji akan merawatnya dengan baik dan sungguh-sungguh.

Making a Photo Frame

By Asih

Last Sunday we made photo frame. We use cardboard, glue, rice and candle nuts to make it.

Sister OOria’h and sister Uju taught us how to make it. We worked in different groups. Umi, Intan and Enti were in my group. My friend Cynthia was in a group with Nia. While Mayang, Asih and Desi were in another group. Dicky and Haris were in a group. My other friend Eneng worked with Erna.

In my group, Enti and Umi were responsible to look for the picture to be placed in the frame. My task was to decorate the frame with peanuts, bean, rice and candle nuts.

We placed the picture found by Enti and Umi once I finished decorating the frame. We gave the final product to sister Oor’iah for her to mark and show it to the class.

After making photo frame activity, we played straight away.

Translated by Maria Theresia Indrawan


Karya Asih

Pada hari Minggu, saya dan anak-anak belajar membuat bingkai foto bersama Kak Qori’ah. Kegiatan keterampilan ini sangat menyenangkan.

Saya dan Mayang berkelompok membuat bingkai foto. Cara membuatnya tidaklah sulit. Mencari hiasannya yang sulit. Untung saja ada majalah-majalah maka saya bisa mencari hiasannya.

Saya pusing karena majalahnya tidak hanya satu tetapi banyak, sehingga banyak pilihan. Saya minta saja Mayang yang memilih hiasannya supaya pekerjaan kami menjadi ringan. Setelah dapat gambar, kami langsung gunting dan temple di sisi bingkai foto. Setelah selesai, kami letakkan di atas meja untuk dipamerkan dan dinilai.

Selesai kegiatan, kami langsung main.

Making Photo Frame

By Intan

On Sunday, we made a photo frame. The materials were cardboard, glue, rice and candlenuts. I learnt about it together with Kak Qori’ah and Kak Uju. In my team, there were Umi, Intan and Enti. Nia was in the same team as Cynthia. In Mayang’s team, there were Asih and Desi. Dicky and Haris were in one team and Eneng was together with Erna.

Enti and Umi ‘s role was to find pictures to be framed. I was in charge to decorate the photo frame. I used peanuts, small green beans, rice and candlenuts.

After decorating it, we then put the picture in it. We handed them to Kak Qori’ah to display and judge.

Translated by Anita Linggar


Karya Intan

Pada hari Minggu, kami membuat bingkai foto. Bahan-bahannya ada kardus, lem, beras, dan kemiri.

Saya belajar bersama Kak Qori’ah dan Kak Uju. Kelompok saya terdiri dari Umi, Intan, dan Enti. Dalam kelompok Cynthia ada Cynthia dan Nia. Dalam kelompok Mayang ada Asih dan Desi. Dalam kelompok Dicky ada Haris, dan kelompok Eneng ada Erna.

Enti dan Umi bertugas mencari gambar untuk dipasang. Saya bertugas menghias bingkai foto. Saya menghias menggunakan pilus, petai cina, beras, dan kemiri.

Setelah menghias, kami memasukkan gambar. Setelah itu, kami berikan pada Kak Qori’ah untuk dipamerkan dan dinilai.

Skill to make photo frame

By Mayang

On Sunday, the children gathered together, sang together, then we drink milk. After finished drinking our milk then we studied. We took a break after we finished studying.

After we took a break, we learn to make photo frames. We were taught by Sister Qori'ah. She gives an example for us to make photo frames.

After that we immediately make a photo frame. How to make it, we did it with a partner. I am with Asih, Intan with Enti, Nia with Cynthia, Dicky and Haris, Eneng and Erna. Susi making it alone. A group who make it by three people are Intan, Enti, and Umi. There are also children who do not want to make a picture frame, and they chose to draw.

When I was looking for images to fill the picture frame, my little sister asked if she can participate to make photo frames. Because she was not in the group, eventually Kak Qori'ah took her together in my group. Me, Asih, and my sister, Desi search for images.

Desi found good pictures; Barbie picture. Then we started to decorate. I put a picture of the artist in it. After finishing the works, there was guest coming. He took photographs of our photo frames that are finished and we display them on the table.

After we displayed the works, we keep them to be carried and to keep them home. After that, we helped clean up the library. In the evening we returned to our respective homes.

That’s all and thank you.

Translated by Janto Dj

Ketrampilan Membuat Bingkai Foto

Karya Mayang

Pada hari Minggu, anak-anak berkumpul, bernyanyi bersama-sama, lalu kami minum susu. Selesai minum susu kami langsung belajar. Kami istirahat selesai belajar.

Selesai istirahat, kami belajar membuat bingkai foto. Kami diajar oleh Kak Qori’ah. Ia memberi contoh bagi kami yang akan membuat bingkai foto.

Setelah itu kami langsung membuat bingkai foto. Cara membuatnya, kami lakukan berdua-dua. Saya berdua dengan Asih, Intan bersama Enti, Nia bersama Cynthia, Dicky dan Haris, Eneng dan Erna. Yang membuat sendirian adalah Susi, sedangkan yang mengerjakan bertiga adalah Intan, Enti, dan Umi. Ada juga anak yang tidak mau membuat bingkai foto, dan mereka memilih menggambar.

Ketika saya sedang mencari gambar untuk mengisi bingkai foto, adik saya minta ikut membuat bingkai foto. Karena tidak masuk dalam kelompok, akhirnya Kak Qori’ah mengajaknya bersama-sama dalam kelompok saya. Saya, Asih, dan adik saya, Desi mencari gambar.

Desi menemukan gambar yang bagus; gambar Barbie. Lalu kami mulai menghias. Saya memasang foto artis di dalamnya. Selesai mengerjakan ketrampilan, ada tamu yang datang. Ia mengambil foto-foto bingkai-bingkai foto kami yang sudah selesai dan kami pamerkan di atas meja.

Selesai dipamerkan, bingkai-bingkai foto kami bawa simpan untuk dibawa pulang. Setelah itu, kami membantu membereskan perpustakaan. Sore hari kami pulang ke rumah kami masing-masing.

Sekian dan terimakasih.


By Susi

First, cut out the cardboard
Second, choose the papers
Third, paste the paper with glue.

Fourth, decorate the frame.
Fifth, find a photo.
Sixth, put the photo on.

Seventh, photographed the works.
Eighth, scoring the works.

Ninth, the announcement of the best results.
Tenth, we keep the works in our own homes.

Translated by Janto Dj


Karya Susi

Pertama, gunting kardus.
Kedua, memilih kertas.
Ketiga, ditempel dengan lem.

Keempat, menghias bingkai.
Kelima, cari foto.
Keenam, pasang gambar.

Ke tujuh, hasil karya difoto.
Ke delapan, bingkai-bingkai foto dinilai.

Ke sembilan, pengumuman hasil terbaik.
Ke sepuluh, kami simpan hasil karya kami di rumah masing-masing.