Cari Blog Ini

11 Juli, 2014

Progress Report of Children Learning Community in June 2014

Dear friends,

In June 2014, the learning activities ran well. The children, the team and I are so grateful for your prayer and support.

In the early June 2014, to be exact on Saturday, June 7th, 2014, four facilitators had the assignment to follow the human right workshop for interfaith youth. The workshop held by ICRP (Indonesian Commission on Religion and Peace) and Wahid Institute at the secretariat of Wahid Institute, in Matraman, Central Jakarta.

The workshop was about the education of law, human right, and democracy. It followed by the NGOs, the indigenous figures, and youth from the civil society organizations and school organizations.

This sustainable workshop is teaching and giving the good value and moral which respect the human rights. It is excepted to have the open-minded youth with wider understanding and applicable in nation’s life.

We thank for the support and the attention of the ICRP caretakers of the worth provide workshop.

On Sunday, June 8th, 2014, a facilitator of Cakung attended the Parenting Class in Bunda Hospital. It’s about the prevention of sexual abused of the children. It facilitated by the psychologist and the educator.

Almost all young family attended this activity. It is really worth provide as the anticipation of sexual abused that happened to the children lately. The parents’ role and responsibility are needed in caring and nurturing their children. The early sex and ethics education must have introduced by the parents based on age and understanding.

We thank for the attention and support of Ms. Gite Eleonora Bergite who connect us with the organizer of this activity.

On Friday, June 13th, 2014, we had a visitor from Belgium, Mr. Aki Baihaki who would like to know the Cakung children after the learning time. He talked to the facilitators to know more about the background of the learning activities. He had a plan to support us broadcasting the information by making a website.

We are so thankful for Mr. Aki’s attention and support. We thank for his kindness spending the time during his limited worktime to visit the learning house. We hope this cooperation will continue well.

In the afternoon on the same day, we had a deal to rent another learning house nearby. We had to make a decision because the owner will increase the rent almost 20%. Almighty God gave a way for us to have the new one with the lower price. We are so grateful for the dealing of both sides has the win win solution. The new owner needs the money immediately while we need time to start on the due date; in the early November 2014.

Now we can prepare everything well. We are grateful for the support of Laftavi and Tontey families, who really understand us and our problem. Thank you very much for your donation.

A day after, on Saturday, June 14th, 2014, Ms. Meltari who ever followed live-in exposure few years ago and facilitated the children learning for few days in Cakung, visited us and brought cakes and some food which she cooked, also secondhand materials. She missed the children so much and said goodbye for her beginning new life in Australia.

We were sad to know will be far apart but we’re glad for her determination on beginning new life. We really thank for her attention and support. Have a blessed new life, your memories of your kindness and patient will be our foothold in life.

On Thursday, June 19th, 2014, we prepared 2 big boxes and 4 small boxes to give for the social service event of Pondok Bangsa at the fisherman village, Muara Karang.
Let’s share the people in need.

Alternative Learning Activities

a. Cakung Children Community

The learning activities ran well. There is a new children in the 0 category since mid June 2014.

After learning the theoretical knowledge, on Friday, June 27th, 2014, the children learning gardening. We gave them a pot and must write their name in a small sheet, sticked in each pot and free to choose whatever seed they want to plant.

We provide the seeds of red spinach, green spinach, kangkung, and mustard greens. After the pot filled with soil mixed with organic fertilizer by the facilitators, each child in group started to plant the seeds that is given by a facilitator. The children were so enthusiastic to do this.

The children from 0 to 2 category learned gardening and share the task to pouring the seed in group. The children who live near the learning house have to do it every morning and afternoon except on Friday and Saturday where all the children come to learn together.

The life-skill activity for teenagers and mothers in Cakung during this month focused in producing Lebaran paper quilling cards and preparing for the creation from the coffee sachettes.

We are gladly receiving your plastic garbages for supporting the income generating program for the teenagers and the mothers of Children Learning Community. Together we move the action of reduce, reuse, and recycled the plastic garbages.

Thank you very much to Sr. Marcelline, OSU who regularly support the recycled materials.

b. Muara Baru Community

In this month, the learning activities ran twice, on the week I and III.

The learning activities ran well and did in two groups, the first group is the children who aren’t fluently reading, writing, and counting, instead of the second group.

Since May 2014, the learning activities are facilitatated by the facilitators assisted by the children of the 3rd category as the regeneration prepared.

On the week I, the learning activity is facilitated by Kak Indri and Kak Mohandri while on the week III by two facilitators and a child of the 3rd category.

We thank all the collaborative works of the facilitators, the volunteer, the children, and the residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs Herda, Ms Qori’ah, Ms Uju, Ester, Tino, Mohandri, Indri, and the children coordinator programs.


The library activities on this month were finishing the management of 2013 and 2014 registered books.

The administrative works were doing by the team every Thursday and Friday after the learning activity. When they knew the learning house will move to the new location, all 2012 until 2014 registered books storing in boxes so it will ready to move.

The activity has been doing until now so all the children learning participants use the 2009 until 2011 registered books in bookshelves as their reference.

We thank for the attention, support, and the perseverance of the coordinator and her team, who faithfully spent the time to do the assignment.

Nutrition Improvement Program for Children

In June 2014, the program ran well.

Besides drinking milk every Saturday, the healthy menus were hardboiled eggs, papaya with jelly, and lemon ice with scraped jelly and cucumber.

The healthy menu on the first Friday of June 2014 was hardboiled eggs which usually eaten with soyasauce or sprinkle salt while there’s no preparation on the second Saturday of June 2014 because the food and cakes brought by Ms. Meltari.

Thank you very much to Ms. Meltari who prepared the fried tofu in heart shape as her full hearted love to the children. She also brought roll cakes which we sliced and enjoyed together. Thank you for your attention and support.

On the third Friday of June 2014, we enjoyed papaya jelly. The team prepared the jelly which is filled into the two side cut of papaya. They stored this healthy menu in a fridge for few hours and enjoy together after the life-skill activity.

We are so thankful for the attention and support of Sr. Annunciata, OSU for the jelly as our healthy menu. We hope our cooperation will continue well.

On the fourth Friday of June 2014, the team prepared the lemon ice with jelly and cucumber. After finished the gardening activity and wash hands, all the children enjoy biscuits and this menu in the hot afternoon.

Thank you very much for the attention and biscuit support from Sr. Annunciata, OSU and to the team who organised the healthy menu and cooked it during June 2014.

Children Scholarship

In June 2014, we finished the administrative school payment for Mohandri and Tino. On Monday, June 23rd, 2014, a volunteer who register in the vocational high school followed the enroll test from morning til afternoon. On the same day, a university student paid the 4th semester credit. Three days after, a volunteer passed the test. We paid all the enrollment fee on due date, Saturday, June 28th, 2014.

Other student is still in registering to a public high school.

At the end of this month, a university student was preparing the examination while an elementary student has report and passed the examination to the 3rd grade.

On this month, the scholarship expenditures were in providing the students learning materials, including copy learning materials, print school assignment, the fee of school swimming of the junior high school student, and the students weekly accommodation.

We are gladly receiving the support of elementary until high school’s student books. Let’s together support the children for preparing their future.

We are so grateful to our friends who would like to support the program regularly. Thank you very much to Laftavi family and Tontey family who are always support us. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children’s future.

July 2014 Activity Plans

1. Learning Activities

a. The learning activities run every Friday and Saturday from 12 PM til 3.30 PM.
b. The life-skill activities run every Tuesday from day until afternoon or evening at the learning house focused on recycled material, Lebaran paper quilling cards, and beads creations.
c. The workshop and production bags of recycled coffee sachettes, facilitated by a mother who has assignment to follow the workshop for few days in Indramayu, West Java.
d. The facilitators’ presentation of the worshop during June 2014 in facilitator capacity building program on mid July 2014.

2. The Nutrition Improvement Program for Children

a. Providing the healthy menu and purchasing milk, also providing some kitchenware. The preparation time during fasting month is near the fasting break so it can deserve to the Moslem children.

3. Bibliotheque

a. Storing the 2012 until 2014 registered books as preparing to move at the new learning house in the early November 2014.

4. Children Scholarship

a. The 4th semester examination for a university student, begin at the end of June 2014 for two weeks ahead.
b. Providing the children school’s need, such as notebooks and stationeries, school uniforms, school bags and socks.

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.

Thank you for all the donors who really care others above their interest, respect us and appreciate for what we had done.

Thank you very much to Ms. Sam, Sr. Annunciata, OSU, Sr. Marcelline, OSU, Sr. Gertrudis, OSU, and Ms. Meltari for the material supports, such as secondhand clothes, handbags, biscuit, jelly powder, teenager and baby clothes, recycled coffee sachets, crochet equipment, dolls, glasses, lamp, photoframes, and piggy banks.

Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthy for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Mrs Hanaria Putri, Ms Jenny, Mrs Sofia Erlinda Indra, Ms Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Mrs Devi Suleiman, Mrs. Lim Kim Huang and Laftavi family and Tontey family as well.

Our monthly progress report could be accessed on our blog :

The production of Cakung teenagers creation could be accessed on our blog :

Again, our sincere thanks to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well. We are chosen to share and serve others.

Warmest regards,
On behalf of Children Learning Community

You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594

05 Juli, 2014

Laporan Kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar pada Juni 2014

Salam jumpa teman-teman yang baik,

Sepanjang Juni 2014 ini, kegiatan belajar Komunitas Anak Belajar dapat berjalan dengan baik.
Kami bersyukur dan berterimakasih atas bantuan dan doa teman-teman.

Pada awal Juni 2014, tepatnya Sabtu, 7 Juni 2014, empat fasilitator mendapat tugas untuk mengikuti pelatihan HAM untuk kaum muda lintas iman yang diselenggarakan ICRP (Indonesian Commission on Religion and Peace) bekerjasama dengan Wahid Institute di kantor Wahid Institute, Matraman, Jakarta Pusat.

Kegiatan mencakup pendidikan tentang perundang-undangan, pengetahuan tentang hak asasi manusia, dan demokrasi. Kegiatan dihadiri oleh perwakilan lembaga-lembaga sosial kemasyarakatan, tokoh-tokoh adat, dan kaum muda dari lembaga-lembaga sosial masyarakat dan lembaga pendidikan.

Pendidikan yang berkelanjutan ini mengajarkan dan menanamkan nilai-nilai kebaikan sesuai dengan nilai-nilai moral yang menghargai hak asasi manusia. Pendidikan ini diharapkan menghasilkan kaum muda yang memiliki pemahaman yang luas dan pikiran yang terbuka dan mampu menerapkannya dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.

Kami berterimakasih atas dukungan dan perhatian para pengurus ICRP atas pelatihan yang sungguh berguna bagi Komunitas Anak Belajar.

Pada Minggu, 8 Juni 2014, kami menghadiri kegiatan Parenting Class RS Bunda mengenai pencegahan kejahatan seksual terhadap anak-anak, yang diwakili oleh seorang fasilitator Cakung. Kegiatan ini dibimbing oleh psikolog dan pendidik anak.

Kegiatan yang hampir seluruhnya dihadiri oleh keluarga muda ini sebagai antisipasi atas kejahatan seksual yang akhir-akhir ini menimpa anak-anak. Peran dan tanggung jawab orang tua sangat dibutuhkan dalam membimbing anak-anak. Pendidikan seksual dan etika sejak dini sudah mesti diperkenalkan oleh orang tua sesuai dengan usia dan pemahaman anak.

Kami berterimakasih atas dukungan dan perhatian Kak Gite Eleonora Bergita yang berkenan untuk menghubungkan kami dengan pihak penyelenggara kegiatan Parenting Class ini.

Pada Jumat, 13 Juni 2014, kami kedatangan tamu dari Belgia, Kak Aki Baihaki yang berkenan untuk berkenalan dengan anak-anak Cakung seusai anak-anak belajar. Kak Aki berkenalan langsung dengan para fasilitator dan berbincang-bincang untuk mengenal lebih jauh latar belakang berdirinya kegiatan ini. Kak Aki berencana untuk membantu menyebarluaskan informasi ini dengan membuat website.

Kami amat sangat berterimakasih atas dukungan dan perhatian Kak Aki yang menyempatkan waktu untuk berkunjung ke Cakung dalam masa kerjanya selama beberapa hari di Indonesia. Semoga kerjasama yang telah dijalin ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik.

Pada sore hari yang sama kami sepakat untuk mengontrak rumah belajar lain yang letaknya hanya beberapa rumah dari rumah belajar.

Kami segera mengambil keputusan ini karena pemilik rumah menaikkan biaya sewa hampir 20%. Tuhan maha kuasa membuka jalan bagi kami untuk mendapatkan rumah belajar baru yang dekat, dengan harga sewa jauh di bawah rumah belajar yang kami tempati ini. Kami bersyukur karena kesepakatan yang dibuat pihak pemilik rumah dan kami bisa menghasilkan solusi yang menguntungkan kedua belah pihak. Pihak pemilik rumah membutuhkan uang segera untuk membangun rumah barunya sementara kami menginginkan perhitungan waktu sewa rumah dimulai pada awal November 2014 saat jatuh tempo kontrak rumah belajar yang kami tempati saat ini habis.

Kini kami bisa tenang mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya dengan baik. Kami bersyukur dan berterimakasih atas dukungan keluarga Laftavi dan keluarga Tontey, yang sungguh memahami kami dan persoalan yang kami hadapi ini. Terimakasih banyak atas bantuan dana untuk biaya sewa rumah belajar baru ini.

Keesokan harinya, pada Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014, Kak Meltari, yang pernah live-in dan mendampingi anak-anak belajar selama beberapa hari di Cakung, datang untuk bertemu anak-anak sambil membawa barang-barang layak pakai yang disumbangkan pada kami dan kue-kue serta makanan yang ia buat sendiri khusus untuk anak-anak. Kehadirannya sekaligus melepas kangen dan berpamitan pada kami untuk memulai kehidupan barunya di Australia.

Kami sedih harus berpisah jauh dengan Kak Meltari namun senang atas keteguhan hatinya untuk memulai hidup yang baru. Kami amat sangat berterimakasih atas dukungan dan perhatiannya selama ini. Selamat mengarungi hidup baru, kenangan akan kebaikan dan kesabaran Kakak menjadi bekal hidup kami.

Pada Kamis, 19 Juni 2014, barang-barang sumbangan yang berlebih, kami siapkan untuk disumbangkan dalam acara bakti sosial kegiatan Pondok Bangsa di pemukiman nelayan Muara Karang. Ada dua dus besar dan empat dus kecil kami siapkan dan dibawa oleh dua fasilitator ke sekretariat Pondok Bangsa.

Bersama kita bantu sesama yang membutuhkan.

Kegiatan Belajar Alternatif

a. Komunitas Anak Cakung

Sepanjang Juni 2014 ini, kegiatan belajar alternatif dapat berjalan dengan baik.

Ada satu anak baru dari kategori 0 yang mulai terlibat dalam kegiatan belajar sejak pertengahan Juni 2014.
Setelah anak-anak menimba pengetahuan teoritis pada Jumat, 27 Juni 2014, kegiatan ketrampilan diarahkan pada belajar berkebun. Anak-anak mendapatkan pot tanaman yang wajib ditulis nama masing-masing pada secarik kertas dan ditempel pada tiap-tiap pot. Kemudian masing-masing anak boleh memilih bibit apa yang akan mereka tanam.

Bibit yang kami sediakan adalah bayam merah, bayam hijau, kangkung, dan sawi. Sesudah pot diisi tanah yang sudah dicampur pupuk organik oleh kakak-kakak fasilitator, tiap-tiap anak dalam kelompok sesuai pilihan mereka, dibagikan bibit tanaman. Anak-anak sangat antusias melakukan kegiatan ini.

Mereka belajar menanam dan kemudian berbagi tugas untuk menyiram tanaman dalam kelompok. Anak-anak yang tinggal dekat dengan rumah belajar mendapat tugas memelihara bibit tanaman dengan menyiramnya setiap pagi dan sore hari.

Kegiatan peningkatan pendapatan para remaja dan ibu di Cakung sepanjang bulan ini berfokus pada pembuatan kartu Lebaran paper quilling dan berkreasi dari bungkus kopi yang didaur ulang.

Kami dengan senang hati menerima sumbangan bahan-bahan daur ulang dari teman-teman yang berkenan untuk mendukung kegiatan ketrampilan yang dilakukan oleh para remaja dan ibu Cakung. Mari bersama kita dukung gerakan pengurangan, penggunaan kembali, dan daur ulang sampah plastik di sekitar kita.

Terimakasih kami pada Sr. Marcelline, OSU yang rutin setiap bulan membantu mengumpulkan bahan-bahan yang bisa didaur ulang untuk kegiatan ketrampilan Komunitas Anak Belajar.

b. Komunitas Muara Baru

Selama bulan ini, kegiatan belajar dilakukan pada hari Minggu I dan III.

Kegiatan belajar berlangsung dengan baik, dibagi dalam dua kelompok, anak-anak yang belum lancar membaca, tulis, berhitung, dan anak-anak yang sudah lancar membaca.

Sejak Mei 2014, kegiatan pendampingan dipegang oleh fasilitator anak yang biasa mendampingi belajar anak-anak di Cakung. Dengan mengikutsertakan seorang anak dari kategori 3, proses regenerasi mulai dipersiapkan.

Pada minggu I, kegiatan belajar di Muara Baru didampingi oleh Kak Indri dan Kak Mohandri, dan pada Minggu III, kegiatan belajar selain didampingi dua fasilitator, seorang anak kategori III ikut serta mendampingi anak-anak Muara Baru belajar.

Kami ucapkan terimakasih banyak atas kerjasama para fasilitator, volunteer, anak-anak, warga Cakung dan Muara Baru, terutama pada Mohandri, Indri, Kak Qori’ah, Kak Uju, Ester, Tino dan anak-anak pengurus program, serta Bu Herda di Muara Baru.


Kegiatan perpustakaan sepanjang bulan ini adalah penyelesaian perawatan dan penataan buku-buku registrasi tahun 2013 dan 2014.

Kegiatan administrasi dilakukan oleh tim perpustakaan setiap Kamis dan Jumat selesai kegiatan belajar. Saat mengetahui rencana pindahnya rumah belajar, semua buku registrasi 2012 hingga 2014 mulai disimpan dalam kardus untuk mempermudah persiapan pindah rumah. Kegiatan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini.

Kini anak-anak peserta belajar di Cakung menggunakan bahan bacaan dari buku-buku registrasi 2009 hingga 2011 yang sudah ditata dalam lemari perpustakaan.

Kami ucapkan terimakasih banyak atas dukungan, perhatian dan ketekunan tim program perpustakaan, yang telah meluangkan waktu untuk menyelesaikan tugas ini.

Kegiatan Peningkatan Gizi Anak

Selama Juni 2014 ini, kegiatan peningkatan gizi anak berlangsung dengan baik.

Selain minum susu rutin, menu sehat bulan ini adalah telur rebus, papaya agar, dan es lemon ketimun agar.

Pada Jumat I Juni 2014, menu sehat yang dihidangkan adalah telur rebus, sedangkan pada Sabtu II Juni 2014, tim program peningkatan gizi anak tidak menyiapkan menu sehat karena kedatangan Kak Meltari yang sudah mempersiapkan makanan untuk anak-anak.

Terimakasih banyak pada Kak Meltari yang telah mempersiapkan tahu goreng yang diolah dengan bumbu-bumbu dan dibentuk hati sesuai dengan suasana hatinya yang penuh cinta dan kerinduan pada anak-anak. Kak Meltari juga membawa bolu gulung yang dipotong-potong dan dibagi bersama. Terimakasih banyak atas dukungan dan perhatiannya.

Pada Jumat III Juni 2014, kami menikmati pepaya jelly. Tim program peningkatan gizi anak menghidangkan jelly yang dituang dalam pepaya yang telah dibelah dua. Pepaya disimpan selama beberapa menit dalam kulkas dan dinikmati anak-anak setelah selesai kegiatan ketrampilan.

Kami amat sangat berterimakasih atas perhatian dan bantuan jelly dari Sr.Annunciata, OSU untuk menu sehat pada bulan ini. Semoga kerjasama yang telah dijalin dengan baik ini dapat terus berlanjut.

Pada Jumat IV Juni 2014, kami mempersiapkan es lemon ketimun agar bagi seluruh anak peserta belajar. Selesai mereka berkebun dan mencuci tangan, anak-anak dibagikan biscuit sumbangan. Begitu es segar dikeluarkan, anak-anak langsung menikmati setelah melalui siang yang terik.

Terimakasih banyak kami ucapkan pada Sr.Annunciata, OSU atas perhatian dan bantuannya.
Akhirnya, kami berterimakasih pada tim pengurus program yang telah mempersiapkan menu sehat dengan baik selama Juni 2014.


Sepanjang bulan ini, kami menyelesaikan biaya administrasi bagi fasilitator anak yang kami berikan beasiswa. Pelunasan biaya masuk STM dilakukan pada Mohandri dan Tino.

Pada Senin, 23 Juni 2014, seorang fasilitator anak yang mendaftar di STM mengikuti tes masuk dari pagi hingga siang hari. Pada hari yang sama, seorang fasilitator yang duduk di perguruan tinggi melunasi biaya SKS semester IV. Tiga hari setelahnya, diumumkan kelulusan Tino. Kami melunasi biaya masuk sekolah pada Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014 yang merupakan batas akhir pembayaran.
Seorang fasilitator anak lain masih dalam pengurusan masuk SMA negeri.

Seorang fasilitator tingkat perguruan tinggi pada akhir bulan ini mempersiapkan diri untuk mengikuti ujian akhir semester, sedangkan seorang anak SD mendapatkan raport kenaikan kelas III.

Pada bulan ini, pengeluaran dana untuk beasiswa anak mencakup fotokopi, print tugas sekolah, biaya renang, biaya masuk sekolah maupun biaya transportasi sekolah anak.

Kami dengan senang hati menerima sumbangan buku-buku pelajaran sekolah tingkat SD hingga SMA. Mari kita dukung persiapan anak-anak meraih masa depannya.

Terimakasih kami pada Keluarga Laftavi dan keluarga Tontey yang setia membantu penyelenggaraan program beasiswa ini. Kami berharap kerjasama yang telah dijalin dengan baik ini dapat terus berlanjut dan menjadi bekal yang berguna bagi masa depan anak-anak.

Rencana kegiatan di bulan Juli 2014 ini adalah :

1. Kegiatan Belajar

a. Kegiatan belajar bersama dilakukan setiap Jumat dan Sabtu dari pukul 12.00 hingga pukul 15.30.
b. Kegiatan ketrampilan dilakukan setiap Selasa siang hingga sore atau malam hari di rumah belajar. Fokus pada pembuatan kartu Lebaran paper quilling dan kreasi bungkus kopi.
c. Pelatihan pembuatan tas dari bungkus kopi dibimbing oleh seorang ibu yang menjadi fasilitator ketrampilan yang telah ditugaskan untuk mengikuti pelatihan selama beberapa hari di Indramayu.
d. Presentasi hasil pelatihan yang sudah diperoleh fasilitator selama bulan Juni 2014 dalam kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas fasilitator akan diadakan pada pertengahan Juli 2014.

2. Kegiatan Peningkatan Gizi Anak

a. Persiapan bahan-bahan menu sehat dan pembelian susu serta penyediaan perlengkapan masak yang memadai. Waktu persiapan menu sehat selama bulan ini mendekati waktu berbuka puasa agar bisa dinikmati oleh anak-anak muslim.

3. Perpustakaan

a. Pengepakan buku-buku yang telah diregistrasi dimulai dari buku-buku tahun registrasi 2012 hingga 2014 sebagai persiapan pindah rumah pada awal November 2014.

4. Beasiswa

a. Ujian Akhir Semester IV seorang mahasiswa penerima beasiswa yang dimulai pada akhir Juni 2014 selama 2 minggu ke depan.
b. Pemenuhan kebutuhan sekolah anak-anak, seperti buku dan alat tulis, seragam sekolah, tas dan kaos kaki.

Akhirnya, kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih pada teman-teman yang telah banyak mendukung dalam doa dan dana, tenaga, maupun material untuk terwujudnya program kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar sepanjang bulan ini.

Kami berterimakasih pada para donator yang sungguh-sungguh mau peduli pada kepentingan orang lain di atas kepentingan pribadi dan sungguh-sungguh menghormati dan menghargai kami dan apa yang sudah kami lakukan.

Terimakasih kami pada Ibu Sam, Sr. Annunciata, OSU, Sr. Marcelline, OSU, Sr. Gertrudis, OSU, dan Kak Meltari atas bantuan pakaian layak pakai, tas-tas kecil, biscuit, bubuk agar-agar jeli, pakaian balita dan remaja, bungkus kopi dan bungkus-bungkus kebutuhan rumah tangga, perlengkapan merajut, boneka, gelas, lampu belajar, bingkai foto, dan celengan anak-anak.

Terimakasih banyak atas bantuan dana yang amat sangat mendukung terselenggaranya operasional program Komunitas Anak Belajar. Terimakasih kami untuk Kak Hanaria Putri, Mbak Jenny, Ibu Sofia Erlinda Indra, Kak Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Bu Devi Suleiman, Bu Lim Kim Huang serta keluarga Laftavi dan keluarga Tontey.

Laporan kegiatan bulanan dapat diakses dalam blog kami di :
Produksi ketrampilan remaja Cakung dapat dipesan dan diakses dalam blog kami di :

Terimakasih banyak atas semua kebaikan teman-teman. Kiranya Tuhan berkenan memberi kesehatan prima dan berkat limpah, dan semoga kerjasama kita yang telah dijalin selama ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik. Kita diutus untuk berbagi dan melayani.

Tuhan memberkati kita semua.

Salam hangat,
Atas nama anak-anak Komunitas Anak Belajar

You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594

Progress Report of Children Learning Community on May 2014

Dear friends,

Happy Vesak Day 2558 BE, Happy Isra Mi’raj, and
Happy Ascention Day of Jesus Christ.
We hope the people of all faith and believe in this country still keep in harmony.

In May 2014, the learning activities ran well. The children, the team and I are so grateful for your prayer and support.

On Saturday, May 10th, 2014, we followed a bazaar at the schoolyard of St. Yakobus elementary school in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. A facilitator and two children had assignment in selling and giving information about Children Learning Community. It ran from morning til afternoon. We were glad to meet people and the new friends who have the same interest in recycled material creations.

Thank you very much to Ms Sepha and friends who would like to support us by providing a stand. We hope the cooperation will continue.

Alternative Learning Activities

a. Cakung Children Community

In May 2014, the learning activities ran well. There were two children from the 3rd category who were involved in early May 2014, while a new facilitator; Tino, a 14 years old boy who live nearby, is involved in facilitating the children learning in mid May 2014.

He just finished his junior high school and will continue in vocational high school. He assists Ester in facilitating the children of the 0 category and the 2nd category.

After vacuum for a long time in wall magazine activity, in the end of May 2014, the children of the 3rd category published the first wall magazine on 2014. The more children in the 3rd category give the higher spirit of them in learning and creating.

The life-skill activity were still focused in learning and producing from the coffee sachettes. We bought a purse from coffee sachettes as an example to produce the good ones. Also we bought a handbag in a small village in West Java and have plan to follow the workshop there.

We are gladly receiving your plastic garbages for supporting the income generating program for the teenagers and the mothers of Children Learning Community. Together we move the action of reduce, reuse, and recycled the plastic garbages.

Thank you very much to Sr. Marcelline, OSU and Mrs Tina Gayatri who regularly support the recycled material from her home and the neighbours.

b. Muara Baru Community

In this month, the learning activities ran twice, on the week I and III.

The learning activities ran well and did in two groups, the first group is the children who aren’t fluently reading, writing, and counting, instead of the second group. Begin in May 2014, the learning activities are facilitatated by facilitators assisted by the children of the 3rd category as the regeneration prepared.

On the week I, the learning activity is facilitated by Kak Indri and Kak Mohandri while on the week III by two facilitators and a child of the 3rd category.

We thank all the collaborative works of the facilitators, the volunteers, the children, and the residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs Herda, Ms Qori’ah, Ms Uju, Ester, Tino, Mohandri, Indri, and the children coordinator programs.


The library activities on this month were taking care and keeping the registered books of 2011 and 2012 on the bookshelves.

The administrative works were done by the team. Since March 2014, the work schedule are every Thursday and sometimes every Friday after the learning activity. To make easier, the registered books kept in the separate bookshelf based on year of registration.

We thank for the attention, support, and the perseverance of the coordinator and her team, who faithfully spent the time to do the task.

Nutrition Improvement Program for Children

In May 2014, the program ran well.

Besides drinking milk every Saturday, the healthy menus were slices of tomato with sprinkle sugar, hardboiled eggs, guava juice, steamed corn with milk & scraped coconut, and fruit drink (pineapple, cucumber, bengkoang).

The healthy menu on the first Saturday of May 2014 was tomato slices with sprinkled sugar, while on the second Friday of May 2014 was hardboiled eggs usually eaten with soyasauce or sprinkle salt.

On the third Saturday of May 2014, we drank guava juice which is prepared by some facilitators.

After the learning activities, the children of all categories work together cleaning the house, the learning facilities, wiping and mopping and ended with guava juice to get the energy.

On the fourth Friday of May 2014, the children of the 3rd category prepared the steamed corn with milk and scraped coconut. All the children love this menu, although pretty much different from what they usually buy in the foodstall, without sprinkled cheese.

On the fifth Saturday of May 2014, the children of the 3rd category prepared the fresh drink of lime with dices of bengkoang, cucumber, and pineapple. Although the rain still pour in the dry season, the children love the fresh drink in the hot afternoon.
We thank the team who organised the healthy menu and cooked it during May 2014 and special thanks to the facilitators who lend a hand during preparation.

Children Scholarship

In mid May 2014, a volunteer who register in the vocational high school paid the half of registration fee and fulfill all the school need, such as take the form, provide the medical check up, some photos, and school uniform. He decided to take the formal school.

Instead of the volunteer who register in the pharmacy high school, after take the form and follow the test, she passed the test but decided not to take it because of the high school fee and we think it’s unreasonable. We ask her to survey another vocational high school and finally she decided to take the public high school nearby.

In this month, the scholarship expenditures were in providing the students learning materials, including copy learning materials, monthly swimming fee, student books, and internet credit for modem, also the students weekly accommodation.

We are so grateful to our friends who would like to support the program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children’s future.

June 2014 Activity Plans

1. Learning Activities

a. The learning activities run every Friday and Saturday from 12 PM til 3.30 PM.
b. The life-skill activities run every Wednesday from day until afternoon at the learning house and will focus on recycled material and paper quilling creations.
c. Four facilitators delegate in the Workshop of human rights for interfaith youth by ICRP (Institute of Commission of Religion and Peace) and Wahid Institute on Saturday, June 7th, 2014 at the secretariat of Wahid Institute, Matraman, Central Jakarta.
d. A facilitator delegates in Parenting Class Seminar, Preventing Sexual Abuse to Children on Monday, June 8th, 2014 at the auditorium of Bunda Hospital, Cikini, Central Jakarta.
e. Workshop of making website by Kak Ahmad Baihaki on Tuesday, June 10th, 2014 – Saturday, June 14th, 2014.
f. Selling ice and juice on Islamic fasting month in the income generating program Usaha Mandiri.

2. The Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
a. Providing the healthy menu and purchasing milk, also providing the kitchenware.

3. Bibliotheque
a. Finishing Reregistration the library books of 2012 until 2014 and keeping in the bookshelves.

4. Children Scholarship
a. Preparing semester examination of a schoolchild in University at the end of June 2014.
b. Paying off the vocational high school registration of a schoolchild.

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.

We thank for the friends and the donors who really cares about peoples above theirselves and really respect and appreciate us and what we have done.

Thank you for the recyclced sachettes from Sr. Marceline, OSU and Mrs Tina Gayatri.

Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthy for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Mrs MA Nani Tirtajaya, Ms Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Ms Jenny, Mrs Rina Anwar, Mrs Sofia Erlinda Indra, Ms Arry Fitriana, and Mrs Melva Sumiati.

Our monthly progress report could be accessed in our blog :

The production of Cakung teenagers creation could be accessed in our blog :

Again, our sincere thanks to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well.

Warmest regards,
On behalf of Children Learning Community

You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594