Dear friends,
Happy Ied Mobarak 1 Syawal 1432 H for all friends. Please forgive our fault.
In August, our learning activities only ran until the 3rd week. The Ied Mobarak holiday was from the 4th week of August until the 2nd week of September.
On the 1st week of fasting month, we received veiled, moslem women’s clothing for prayer, & moslem men’s shirts from Ms.Eka. We gave the gifts to the children on the 3rd week before holiday. Thank you very much to Ms.Eka for her support & attention.
On Friday morning, August 18th, 2011, we had visitors; Ms.Arry Fitriana and some friends. Few years ago, Ms.Arry facilitated children in the learning activity in few occasions. She & her friends came & brought the meal for breaking the fast, fried chicken & the sauce, also some souvenir in goody bags.
In the afternoon, children who coordinate the program along with other younger children together distributed the task of delivering the meal to the children’s households. We are so thankful for Kak Arry’s & friends’ support & attention. Once the children received the meal, one by one came to the learning house. They were so glad to have a special meal, which they seldom eat at home, moreover on the fasting month. Usually they only have such a special meal on special celebrations.
On Sunday morning, August 21st, 2011, we had visitors, Mr. Andrew as a coordinator of Canisius Alumna with his school friends & some from St. Ursula Alumna. After conducting a survey at the learning house of Cakung Children Community a month ago & a meeting at his school, they plan to support Cakung Children Community. On that day, Mr. Andrew & his friends visited Cakung & introduced themselves. Children performed some songs after introduction. After that, they asked the guests to go sightseeing around the farming area. Mr. Andrew & friends support groceries; rice, sugar, cooking oils, mungbean, washing powder, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, & some secondhand clothes & notebooks.
We are grateful for Canisius Alumna’s support & attention. We hope the cooperation will continue.
At the same time, a few ladies and gentlemen from Paguyuban Adhi Yuswa visited us & met the person in charge of Cakung Children Community. They accidentally came to the learning house, accompanied by one of the children of Cakung garbage dump area, Asih. They asked many questions & just discovered such a positive initative in our place. They gave donation in Ied Mobarak. We are thankful for their donation & attention.
On Saturday morning, August 27th, 2011, we received presents; milk, biscuit, & jelly from Mrs.Ivana & family. After a few delayed visits, finally Mrs.Ivana & family could deliver their support, although without their presence. Because the learning activity had finished in the last week of August, some children coordinators directly delivered the presents at the Cakung children’s home. Thank you very much to Mrs.Ivana & family’s support & attention. We hope someday Mrs.Ivana & family could visit & meet the children of Cakung community.
On the holiday, August 30th, 2011, Ms.Lisa, Ms.Qori’ah, Ms.Uju, Ms.Vera, Mrs.Margareth, & I visited the children & parents at the learning house to celebrate Ied Mobarak, particularly with some children & parents who didn’t go back to their hometowns. Mrs.Margareth brought milk & cakes. After introduction & children singing, the presents were delivered and then Ms.Vera & Mrs.Margareth went back home. We continued our visit to the community houses accompanied by Ms.Lisa, Ms.Qori’ah, & Ms.Uju. Thank you very much for Mrs.Margareth & Ms.Vera’s support & attention.
The Alternative Learning Activity
During this month, the learning schedule has not changed, except that it ended on the 3rd Saturday to celebrate Ied Mobarak. The total of active participants is less during the fasting month from 61 to 55 children. In spite of this, these active children still did their routine tasks, such as filling the absence list, helping children clip the nails & clean their hands, and leading singing before the learning activity start. We hope after holiday, the total of active participants will stabilise.
In practical skill activities, children learned to play recorder with a new song facilitated by children of the 4th category. They also learn to plait to make a ketupat (rice cake on Ied Mobarak celebration) facilitated by Yana’s grandmother. All the children have to follow the practical skill activities because they will become the subject of the 2nd quarterly learning evaluation on the 3rd Saturday of September.
Gardening activities at their home were still being reported by the children every Saturday. The corn planted by Intan in a polybag has started to reap. At the moment the average of corn planting is about 1 m.
Meditation activity has been done every time at the start of learning activities. This activity has been done by children of the 3rd and 4th category, leading by one or two children from the 4th category.
Thank you very much for Ms.Ari, Ms.Uwie, Ms.Tiny, Ms.Uju, Ms.Qori’ah, & Ms.Rikah’s support & attention as facilitators.
The Children Scholarship
Children with scholarships are beginning to be busy with school activities since the school year curriculum started on the 2nd week in July 2011. Because of the busy schedule in August, the school fees for several children have not been paid. And as the 4th week of August was holiday, we will pay on the 2nd week in September.
The Bibliotheque Program
The library activity is always done by the children coordinators every Tuesday afternoon. The activities are run regularly, such as registering new books, book-covering, -labeling, & -numbering.
During this month, the activities ended in the 4th Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011. We received some English reading books from Jessica, Jason, & Justin on Monday, August 15th, 2011.
Thank you very much for support & attention for the intellectual development of Cakung children.
The Children Nutrition Improvement Program
During the fasting month, there was enough variety in the healthy menu, and there was regular milk consumption before learning. For children of the 3rd & 4th category who were fasting, the healthy menu could be brought home.
On the 1st Saturday, the healthy menu was boiled egg, while on the 2nd Saturday, children ate papaya slices with lemon squeeze & sprinkled sugar. On the 3rd Saturday, children ate turmeric rice supported by Ms.Qori’ah and drank black jelly ice from cincau leaves. The healty menu on the 3rd Saturday was special because it was eaten on the breaking of fasting & marked the end of the learning activity this month.
On Sunday, August 21st, 2011, we held a food bazaar, after the visit of friends of Canisius Alumna who brought a large amount of food. Every food package per family was based on the total number of people in the family, each priced at Rp.10.000,-. There were about 75 families from Cakung farming area & the neighbourhood.
On the 4th Thursday of August, which was on August 25th, 2011, we had 3 crates of eggs from JRK (Humanity Voluntary Network) & on the Saturday, August 27th, 2011, we had a package of food from Sr.Annunciata, OSU. We held another bazaar with the price Rp.10.000,- for triple of the total people in the family.
Thank you very much for Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend, Michelle for milk powder, Ms.Qori’ah for turmeric rice, and friends of Canisius Alumna, also Father Sandyawan & the staff of JRK, and Sr.Annunciata, OSU.
Thank you so much for Mothers from Cakung farming area for their participation in executing the bazaar at the learning house.
September schedules are :
1. The alternative education will re-commence on Friday, September 9th, 2011.
2. The 2nd quarterly learning evaluation for all children category will be done on Saturday, September 17th, 2011.
3. Workshop of dental healthcare will be done at the end of September as a substitute of the dental healthcare program that was cancelled on June – July 2011.
Thank you very much for the donation for the operational programmes of Cakung Children Community. Thank you so much for Mrs.Rina Anwar, Ms.Jeanny, Ms.Arry Fitriana, Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend – Michelle, and ladies & man from Paguyuban Adhi Yuswa.
Thank you so much for the material support from Ms.Eka & friends.
We hope our cooperation will sustain & may God bless all of us.
Warm regards,
On behalf of Children of Cakung Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594