Children Learning Community is a community based on alternative education for the children in Cakung, East Jakarta and in Sarang Tupai, Ciawi, Bogor. The children are from the poor urban family whom their parents make a living from an empty land for farming. Alternative education become the way to conscious the parents and the children on how to be the independent human being.
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09 Desember, 2013
Progress Report of Children Learning Community on November 2013
Dear friends,
On November 2013, the learning activities could run well. The children, the team and I are so grateful for your prayer and support.
On Friday, November 29th, 2013, we had some visitors, a team of social program of PT Fastfood Indonesia in the coming of Christmas 2013. Ms. Arry Fitriana with her friends visited the children and played together. The activity ran before the learning activity begin. The children were glad to welcome them. After playing together, we took some pictures and antar them to the field and ask them to come to the children’s house.
Thank you for your visiting and serving the children with joy. May God bless you.
Since the middle of November 2013, we were busy finding the new house for the learning activity. The learning house that we rent was sold by the owner. For two days, we searched and found it. After had the deal with the owner, we began to move the things step by step, from library books until the cupboards and some heavy equipments.
On Friday, September 29th, 2013, after learning activity, we brought the heavy and big equipments and on Saturday, September 30th, 2013, after the children learning evaluation on third quarterly, we brought the rest by a four wheel gerobak. Supported by the children and their parents, we brought them together.
The new learning house is quietly far from the old one. We hope the children still have big spirit to follow the learning activity. On Saturday, November 30th, 2013 was the last day of the learning activity, ended by the children learning evaluation on the 3rd quarterly of 2013. There will be long holiday for the children of the smaller category and will start again on the 1st week of January 2014.
Alternative Learning Activities
a. Cakung Children Community
On the 1st week of November 2013, the life-skill activity was doing on midday of Tuesday, November 5th, 2013 during holiday. The activity focused on the creation of the recycled materials, such as coffee, chocolate, and tea sachettes, powder of dishwasher sachettes. The cooking workshop was held on that day without the cooking facilitator who cannot come. We practiced them based on the recipes. The children love to taste them because so delicious.
We had some sachettes from our friends, Mrs. Tina Gayatri and Sr. Marcelinne, OSU. Thank you very much for your support. We hope the collaboration will sustainable to move the action of reduce, reuse, and recycled the plastic garbages.
We are gladly receiving your plastic garbages for supporting the life-skill activity of the teenagers and the mothers of Children Learning Community.
The sewing workshops for this month were making book-covers from sachettes on the week III and IV of November 2013.
Thank you very much to Mr. Nanang as the sewing instructor. We hope these activities could keep run well.
On November 2013, the life-skill activity was focusing more on the production of recycled materials, such as paperquilling cards and book covers, also the Christmas parcel. You could see in our blog and order through our email :
On Saturday, November 30th, 2013, the children followed the learning evaluation on the 3rd quarterly of 2013. The participants were 17 children. There were some children who couldn’t be able to follow it. They just drawing and coloring in the drawing book.
b. The Muara Baru Community
On this month, the learning activities were held on the 1st and the 3rd Sunday of November 2013 in the learning hall. The participants were in static number, about 15 children. The learning activities were divided in two groups, for the early learning children and the children who have difficulties in learning Math and English lesson.
We thank all the collaborative works of the facilitators, the volunteers, the children, and the residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs. Herda at Muara Baru, Ms. Lisa, Ms. Henni, Ms. Qori’ah, Ms. Uju, Mrs. Mar’ah, Indri, Riska, Yana, and the children coordinator programs.
The library activity on the 4th Wednesday was packing the books into the cardboards for preparing to move to the new learning house. The team was packing the books based on their classification to make them easier to manage into the library bookshelves.
We thank for the attention and the perseverance of the team, especially during holidays.
Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
On November 2013, the program could run well.
Besides drinking milk, the healthy menus on this month were hard-boiled egg, steamed peanuts, chicken macaroni soup, and mangos, as the perfect time harvest in this rainy season.
The healthy menu on the first Saturday of November 2013 was hard-boiled egg, which usually eaten with soyasauce or sprinkle salt and the healthy menu on the second Saturday of November 2013 was steamed peanuts.
On the third Saturday of November 2013, the team prepared the chicken macaroni soup, while on the fourth Saturday of November 2013, the children ate corn fritters. On the last Saturday of November 2013, the team prepared the mangos in each plates which brought by every children. They were enjoy these healthy menu.
We thank the team who organised the healthy menu and cooked it during November 2013 and special thanks to the facilitators who lend a hand during preparation.
Children Scholarship
On this month, the scholarship student in elementary needed some student books and sport equipment, that we bought directly.
There’s a junior high school student who need fund for purchasing the school uniform. We supported through her mother who meet us asking for permition.
On the 3rd week of November 2013, the scholarship student in university followed the 3rd semester midtest. The needs on November 2013 were providing the elementary and university students learning materials, some student books, stationery, school uniforms, sport equipment, and copy learning materials, also the accommodation.
We are so grateful to our friends who would like to provide the need of this program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children’s future.
Our monthly progress report could be accessed in our blog :
The production of the Cakung teenagers and mothers’ creation on Christmas 2013 could be bought and accessed in our blog :
December 2013 Activity Plans
a. Cleaning and managing the things and equipments in the new learning house.
b. Sex Education workshop for the teenagers on Saturday, Desember 7th, 2013 by the team of doctors in Perdhaki.
c. The evaluation and preparation of the curriculum of 2014 by all facilitators and volunteer on Sunday, December 8th, 2014.
d. The annual reflection and leadership workshop for the teenagers on Saturday, December 14th, 2013 by Ms. Alvieni.
e. The evaluation and preparation of the programs of 2014 by the team and facilitators on Sunday, December 15th, 2014.
f. The production of Christmas parcel on the program of income generating for the children and the mothers on the week III and IV of December 2013.
g. The holiday of the learning, children nutrition improvement and library activities during December until January 9th, 2014.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.
Thank you very much to Mrs. Tina Gayatri, Sr. Marcelinne, OSU and Mrs. Danik for supporting us some recycled materials and beads for making rosary. Thank you very much also to the team of the social program on the coming of Christmas 2013 of PT Fastfood Indonesia for providing lunch and goodie bags for the children.
Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthy for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Mrs. MA Nani Tirtajaya, Ms. Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend, Michelle Maramis, Ms. Jenny, Ms. Arry Fitriana, Mrs. Sofia Erlinda Indra, Ms. Eleonora Bergita, Mrs. Tina Gayatri, and PT Fastfood Indonesia.
Again, our sincere thanks to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well. Happy holiday.
Warmest regards,
On behalf of Children Learning Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
Laporan Kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar pada November 2013
Salam jumpa teman-teman yang baik,
Pada bulan November 2013 ini, kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar dapat berjalan dengan baik. Kami bersyukur dan terimakasih atas bantuan dan doa teman-teman.
Pada Jumat, 29 November 2013, kami kedatangan tamu, panitia bakti social PT Fastfood Indonesia dalam menyambut hari Natal 2013. Kak Arry Fitriana didampingi teman-teman datang berkenalan dengan anak-anak Cakung dan bermain bersama. Kegiatan berlangsung sebelum dimulainya kegiatan belajar. Anak-anak senang menerima kehadiran mereka. Setelah bermain, anak-anak berfoto bersama dan mengajak kakak-kakak tamu untuk ke kebun, tempat tinggal mereka.
Terimakasih banyak atas kehadiran teman-teman panitia bakti social PT Fastfood Indonesia yang sudah hadir dan melayani anak-anak.
Sejak pertengahan November 2013, kami sibuk mencari tempat baru untuk kegiatan belajar karena rumah belajar yang kami kontrak sudah dijual. Selama dua hari kami mencari tempat dan setelah mencapai kesepakatan dengan pemilik rumah, kami mulai pindahkan barang-barang secara bertahap, dimulai dari buku-buku perpustakaan hingga lemari dan barang-barang besar dan berat lainnya. Pada Jumat, 29 November 2013 setelah selesai belajar, kami mulai angkut barang-barang besar dan berat, dilanjutkan pada Sabtu, 30 November 2013 selesai evaluasi belajar caturwulan III, kami mulai mengangkut barang-barang yang tersisa menggunakan gerobak. Dibantu anak-anak dan orang tua dari anak peserta kegiatan belajar, kami mengangkut barang-barang bersama-sama.
Rumah belajar yang baru agak jauh dari rumah belajar lama, namun kami berharap anak-anak tetap bersedia untuk datang belajar di tempat yang baru. Hari Sabtu, 30 November 2013 adalah hari terakhir kegiatan belajar, yang ditutup dengan evaluasi belajar anak. Sepanjang Desember nanti, kegiatan diarahkan pada pelatihan bagi para remaja Cakung. Kegiatan belajar bagi anak-anak seluruh kategori akan dimulai kembali pada minggu I Januari 2014.
Kegiatan Belajar Alternatif
Komunitas Anak Cakung
Pada minggu I November 2013, kegiatan ketrampilan dilakukan pada siang hari Selasa, 5 November 2013, saat libur. Kegiatan berfokus pada kreasi dari bahan-bahan yang dapat didaur ulang, seperti bungkus kopi, sabun cuci piring atau cuci pakaian. Pelatihan memasak dilakukan pada hari itu juga tanpa didampingi pelatih, yang berhalangan hadir.
Sumbangan bungkus kopi, makanan, sabun cuci, dan pembersih lainnya kami peroleh dari teman-teman kami, Ibu Tina Gayatri dan Sr. Marcelinne, OSU. Terimakasih banyak atas dukungannya. Semoga kerjasama yang telah dijalin ini dapat terus berjalan dengan baik. Sampah plastic bisa semakin berkurang dan dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik.
Kami dengan senang hati menerima sumbangan bahan-bahan daur ulang dari teman-teman yang berkenan untuk mendukung kegiatan ketrampilan yang dilakukan oleh para remaja dan ibu Cakung.
Pelatihan menjahit selama bulan ini, setelah membuat tutup computer, TV, dan CPU, kini membuat tutup atau cover buku. Pelatihan dilakukan pada hari Minggu III dan IV November 2013.
Terimakasih banyak kami ucapkan pada Pak Nanang sebagai instruktur pelatihan menjahit. Kami berharap kegiatan pelatihan ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik pada bulan-bulan berikutnya.
Sepanjang November 2013 ini, kegiatan ketrampilan lebih diarahkan pada produksi kreasi para ibu dan remaja Cakung dari bahan-bahan daur ulang, seperti kartu ucapan dan cover buku serta biscuit yang dipasarkan dalam bentuk parcel Natal. Silakan teman-teman memesan atau membeli hasil karya kami, yang kami muat dalam blog kami.
Komunitas Muara Baru
Selama bulan ini, kegiatan belajar dilakukan pada hari Minggu I dan III November 2013.
Kegiatan belajar dilakukan di aula tempat belajar. Peserta belajar mulai stabil, sekitar 15 anak, demikian pula pada minggu III. Kegiatan belajar dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu bagi anak-anak yang baru mulai belajar membaca, mengeja, dan menulis, dan kelompok lainnya bagi anak-anak yang mengalami kesulitan belajar terutama pelajaran Matematika dan Bahasa Inggris.
Kami ucapkan terimakasih banyak atas kerjasama para fasilitator, volunteer, anak-anak, warga Cakung dan Muara Baru, baik pada Kak Lisa, Kak Henni, Kak Qori’ah, Kak Uju, Bu Mar’ah, Riska, Yana, Indri, dan anak-anak pengurus program, serta Bu Herda di Muara Baru.
Kegiatan perpustakaan dilakukan pada Minggu IV, sehubungan dengan persiapan pindah rumah belajar, maka buku-buku dipak dan dimasukkan dalam kardus-kardus dan dipilah-pilah berdasarkan klasifikasinya.
Kami ucapkan terimakasih banyak atas dukungan, perhatian dan ketekunan koordinator dan tim program perpustakaan, yang masih setia meluangkan waktu untuk menyelesaikan tugas ini.
Kegiatan Peningkatan Gizi Anak
Selama November 2013 ini, kegiatan peningkatan gizi anak berlangsung dengan baik.
Selain minum susu rutin, menu sehat bulan ini adalah telur rebus, kacang tanah rebus, sup ayam macaroni, dan mangga, sesuai dengan musimnya.
Menu sehat pada Sabtu I November 2013 adalah telur rebus, yang biasanya mereka makan dibubuhi kecap atau garam. Menu sehat pada Sabtu II November 2013 adalah kacang tanah kulit rebus.
Pada Sabtu III November 2013, menu sehat yang dihidangkan tim kegiatan peningkatan gizi anak adalah sup ayam macaroni, sedangkan pada Sabtu terakhir November 2013, mangga yang dihidangkan dalam tiap-tiap wadah yang dibawa sendiri oleh anak-anak.
Anak-anak sangat menikmati menu sehat yang murah dan bergizi ini.
Kami berterimakasih pada koordinator dan tim pengurus program serta kakak-kakak fasilitator yang telah mempersiapkan menu sehat dengan baik selama November 2013.
Selama November 2013, penerima beasiswa tingkat SD membutuhkan buku-buku pelajaran dan alat olahraga, yang sudah kami beli saat mulai dibutuhkan. Ada seorang murid SMP yang membutuhkan bantuan biaya untuk pembelian seragam sekolah dan kami bantu melalui orang tuanya, yang bertemu langsung untuk minta ijin pada coordinator Komunitas Anak Belajar. Kami bantu dengan membiayai beberapa buku pelajaran yang dibutuhkan dan pakaian seragam sekolah.
Pada minggu III November 2013, penerima beasiswa tingkat perguruan tinggi mengikuti ujian tengah semester III. Kebutuhan selama bulan ini adalah fotokopi bahan-bahan belajar, buku pelajaran sekolah, alat tulis, seragam sekolah, dan perlengkapan olah raga.
Terimakasih kami pada teman-teman yang berkenan rutin membantu penyelenggaraan program beasiswa ini. Kami berharap kerjasama ini dapat terus berlanjut dan menjadi bekal yang berguna bagi masa depan anak-anak.
Rencana kegiatan di bulan Desember 2013 ini adalah :
Sex Education bagi remaja Cakung pada Sabtu, 7 Desember 2013 bekerjasama dengan Perdhaki.
Evaluasi dan penyusunan kurikulum 2014 bagi seluruh fasilitator dan volunteer pada Minggu, 8 Desember 2014.
Refleksi tahunan dan latihan kepemimpinan bagi seluruh anak kategori III dan remaja Cakung pada Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013 bersama Kak Alvieni.
Evaluasi dan penyusunan program 2014 bagi seluruh pengurus dan fasilitator program pada Minggu, 15 Desember 2014.
Produksi kebutuhan parcel Natal dalam program peningkatan pendapatan remaja dan ibu Cakung pada minggu III & IV Desember 2013.
Libur kegiatan belajar dan perpustakaan sepanjang Desember 2013 hingga 9 Januari 2014.
Pemberesan pengaturan buku-buku dan barang-barang di rumah belajar baru.
Laporan kegiatan bulanan dapat diakses dalam blog kami di :
Produksi parcel Natal 2013 dari remaja dan Ibu Cakung menyambut hari Natal dapat dipesan dan diakses dalam blog kami di :
Akhirnya, kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih pada teman-teman yang telah banyak mendukung dalam doa dan dana, tenaga, maupun material untuk terwujudnya program kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar sepanjang bulan ini.
Terimakasih banyak atas bantuan dana yang amat sangat mendukung terselenggaranya operasional program Komunitas Anak Belajar. Terimakasih kami untuk Bu MA Nani Tirtajaya, Bu Vina – Pak Arend – Michelle Maramis, Mbak Jenny, Kak Elissa Wiguna, Kak Arry Fitriana, Bu Sofia Erlinda Indra, Mbak Eleonora Bergita, Kak Arry Fitriana, Bu Tina Gayatri serta Kak Arry Fitriana dan tim panitia bakti social menyambut Natal PT Fastfood Indonesia, Tbk.
Terimakasih atas bantuan material yang telah kami terima dari Ibu Tina Gayatri, Sr. Marcelinne, OSU, Ibu Danik atas bantuan bahan-bahan daur ulang dan manik-manik Rosario serta konsumsi siang dan bingkisan dari teman-teman panitia bakti social menyambut Natal PT Fastfood Indonesia, Tbk.
Terimakasih banyak atas semua kebaikan teman-teman. Kiranya Tuhan berkenan memberi kesehatan prima dan berkat limpah, dan semoga kerjasama kita yang telah dijalin selama ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik.
Tuhan memberkati kita semua.
Salam hangat,
Atas nama anak-anak Komunitas Anak Belajar
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
15 November, 2013
Progress Report of Children Learning Community on October 2013
Dear friends,
On October 2013, the learning activities could run well. The children, the team and I are so grateful for your prayer and support.
Alternative Learning Activities
a. Cakung Children Community
On the first Sunday of October 2013, the cooking workshop has been hold after the sewing workshop which is held twice a month. The schedule is between the time of Muara Baru children’s learning facilitating.
The sewing workshop for this month has been focused on making pattern of monitors, TV, and CPU’s cover, and then cutting and sewing based on the patterns. Six participants followed the sewing activity, instructed by Mr. Nanang. After sewing workshop, we followed the cooking workshop facilitated by Mrs. Danik. There were ten mothers and all of the children of the 3rd category. The participants are divided in two groups. Each groups have task to bring some ingredients and the equipment, some give fund for contributions. The menus for this month are cream cake (for birthday or any occasion) and ice of the tarik (milk tea ice) – cappuccino cincau (jelly from cincau leaves).
The children came to taste the menus. They brought small plate, spoon, and glass. After baking, we decorate the cakes and give them to the children and the mothers, also for the drinks. We are glad to follow these workshops, especially the mothers and the children of the 3rd category. These are the new experience for them to learn baking cake.
Thank you very much to Mrs. Danik as the instructor, also to Mr. Nanang as the sewing instructor. We hope these activities could keep run well.
Now, the life-skill activities are held every Wednesday and twice a month every Sunday. The life-skill activities for this month until the end of 2013 are making creation from recycled materials. On income generating program for teenagers and mothers, we made rosaries, Christmas paper quilling cards, biscuits, and cakes for the Christmas parcels that we will sell.
We will input the picture of the Christmas parcel in our blog.
b. The Muara Baru Community
The learning activities are held on the 2nd and the 4th Sunday of October 2013 in the learning hall. The benchs, that I have told, lost while big flood in the early 2013, finally back to the hall. Some people keep them to make sure that they couldn’t gone to the sea.
The participants on the 2nd Sunday of October 2013 were 15 children, also in the 4th Sunday. The learning activities were divided in two groups, for the early learning children and the children who have difficulties in learning Math and English lesson.
We thank all the collaborative works of the facilitators, the volunteers, the children, and the residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs. Herda at Muara Baru, Ms. Lisa, Ms. Henni, Ms. Qori’ah, Ms. Gaby, Ms. Uju, Indri, Riska, Yana, and the children coordinator programs.
The library activity could have done on the 3rd and the 4th Wednesday. It’s because the team came late and some children who came on those days, whose actually helping the team, following the life-skill activity.
We have some cupboards and a bookshelf from Provincie Limburg dan Samenleven Vzw. We are so glad to have the new ones to store many library books which have been fully kept in other library bookshelves.
Thank you very much for your attention and willingness to realize our needs. We hope the collaboration will continue and become the worth provide for the children future.
Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
On October 2013, the program could run well.
Besides drinking milk, the healthy menus on this month were hard-boiled egg, mustard greens with chicken liver, melon, and fried rice noodle with spicy peanut sauce.
The healthy menu on the first Saturday of October 2013 was hard-boiled egg, which usually eaten with soyasauce or sprinkle salt. The healthy menu on the second Saturday of October 2013 was mustard greens with chicken liver. To make the children love vegetable, we cut the vegetable into slices so they could easily eaten.
On the third Saturday of October 2013, the team prepared melon, while on the last Saturday of October 2013, the team prepared fried rice noodle and vegetables with spicy peanut sauce. The children likes this menu very much. They ate with rice that they brought from home.
We thank the team who organised the healthy menu and cooked it during October 2013 and special thanks to the facilitators who lend a hand during preparation.
Children Scholarship
On this month, the scholarship expenditure in providing the elementary and university students learning materials, including copy learning materials, purchasing student books, and the weekly accommodation.
Because of the computer problem, for few days, a student have to go to the internet rental to do the schooltasks.
We are so grateful our friends who would like to support the program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children’s future.
November 2013 Activity Plans
1. Learning Activities
a. The learning activity run every Friday and Saturday from 12 PM til 3.30 PM.
b. The life-skill activity run every Wednesday from day til afternoon in the learning house.
c. The children learning evaluation on the 3rd quarterly will be hold on the 5th Saturday of November 2013 for the children of all categories.
d. The life-skill activity will be hold every Wednesday and Sunday after sewing workshop. The Christmas parcel will be marketed through our blog and email.
e. The sewing workshop run twice a month, facilitated by Mr. Nanang.
2. The Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
a. Providing the healthy menu and purchasing milk, also providing the kitchenware.
3. Bibliotheque
a. Labelling, covering the books and manage them into the bookshelf.
4. Administration
a. Fulfilling the house rent for a year ahead will be done in the middle of November 2013.
Our monthly progress report and children’s drawing could be accessed in our blog :
The production of Cakung teenagers creation on Christmas could be bought and accessed in our blog :
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.
Thank you very much to Provincie Limburg and Samenleven Vzw for supporting some bookshelf. Thank you so much to Sr. Marcelinne, OSU for supporting some knitting yarns and some recycled materials.
Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthy for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Mrs. MA Nani Tirtajaya, Ms. Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend, Michelle Maramis, Ms. Jenny, Ms. Arry Fitriana, Mrs. Sofia Erlinda Indra, Ms. Maria Josepha Du’a Donna, Dr. Frans Senff, and Mr. Arif Budi Subekti – Mrs. Maria.
Again, our sincere thanks to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well.
Warmest regards,
On behalf of Children Learning Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
On October 2013, the learning activities could run well. The children, the team and I are so grateful for your prayer and support.
Alternative Learning Activities
a. Cakung Children Community
On the first Sunday of October 2013, the cooking workshop has been hold after the sewing workshop which is held twice a month. The schedule is between the time of Muara Baru children’s learning facilitating.
The sewing workshop for this month has been focused on making pattern of monitors, TV, and CPU’s cover, and then cutting and sewing based on the patterns. Six participants followed the sewing activity, instructed by Mr. Nanang. After sewing workshop, we followed the cooking workshop facilitated by Mrs. Danik. There were ten mothers and all of the children of the 3rd category. The participants are divided in two groups. Each groups have task to bring some ingredients and the equipment, some give fund for contributions. The menus for this month are cream cake (for birthday or any occasion) and ice of the tarik (milk tea ice) – cappuccino cincau (jelly from cincau leaves).
The children came to taste the menus. They brought small plate, spoon, and glass. After baking, we decorate the cakes and give them to the children and the mothers, also for the drinks. We are glad to follow these workshops, especially the mothers and the children of the 3rd category. These are the new experience for them to learn baking cake.
Thank you very much to Mrs. Danik as the instructor, also to Mr. Nanang as the sewing instructor. We hope these activities could keep run well.
Now, the life-skill activities are held every Wednesday and twice a month every Sunday. The life-skill activities for this month until the end of 2013 are making creation from recycled materials. On income generating program for teenagers and mothers, we made rosaries, Christmas paper quilling cards, biscuits, and cakes for the Christmas parcels that we will sell.
We will input the picture of the Christmas parcel in our blog.
b. The Muara Baru Community
The learning activities are held on the 2nd and the 4th Sunday of October 2013 in the learning hall. The benchs, that I have told, lost while big flood in the early 2013, finally back to the hall. Some people keep them to make sure that they couldn’t gone to the sea.
The participants on the 2nd Sunday of October 2013 were 15 children, also in the 4th Sunday. The learning activities were divided in two groups, for the early learning children and the children who have difficulties in learning Math and English lesson.
We thank all the collaborative works of the facilitators, the volunteers, the children, and the residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs. Herda at Muara Baru, Ms. Lisa, Ms. Henni, Ms. Qori’ah, Ms. Gaby, Ms. Uju, Indri, Riska, Yana, and the children coordinator programs.
The library activity could have done on the 3rd and the 4th Wednesday. It’s because the team came late and some children who came on those days, whose actually helping the team, following the life-skill activity.
We have some cupboards and a bookshelf from Provincie Limburg dan Samenleven Vzw. We are so glad to have the new ones to store many library books which have been fully kept in other library bookshelves.
Thank you very much for your attention and willingness to realize our needs. We hope the collaboration will continue and become the worth provide for the children future.
Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
On October 2013, the program could run well.
Besides drinking milk, the healthy menus on this month were hard-boiled egg, mustard greens with chicken liver, melon, and fried rice noodle with spicy peanut sauce.
The healthy menu on the first Saturday of October 2013 was hard-boiled egg, which usually eaten with soyasauce or sprinkle salt. The healthy menu on the second Saturday of October 2013 was mustard greens with chicken liver. To make the children love vegetable, we cut the vegetable into slices so they could easily eaten.
On the third Saturday of October 2013, the team prepared melon, while on the last Saturday of October 2013, the team prepared fried rice noodle and vegetables with spicy peanut sauce. The children likes this menu very much. They ate with rice that they brought from home.
We thank the team who organised the healthy menu and cooked it during October 2013 and special thanks to the facilitators who lend a hand during preparation.
Children Scholarship
On this month, the scholarship expenditure in providing the elementary and university students learning materials, including copy learning materials, purchasing student books, and the weekly accommodation.
Because of the computer problem, for few days, a student have to go to the internet rental to do the schooltasks.
We are so grateful our friends who would like to support the program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children’s future.
November 2013 Activity Plans
1. Learning Activities
a. The learning activity run every Friday and Saturday from 12 PM til 3.30 PM.
b. The life-skill activity run every Wednesday from day til afternoon in the learning house.
c. The children learning evaluation on the 3rd quarterly will be hold on the 5th Saturday of November 2013 for the children of all categories.
d. The life-skill activity will be hold every Wednesday and Sunday after sewing workshop. The Christmas parcel will be marketed through our blog and email.
e. The sewing workshop run twice a month, facilitated by Mr. Nanang.
2. The Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
a. Providing the healthy menu and purchasing milk, also providing the kitchenware.
3. Bibliotheque
a. Labelling, covering the books and manage them into the bookshelf.
4. Administration
a. Fulfilling the house rent for a year ahead will be done in the middle of November 2013.
Our monthly progress report and children’s drawing could be accessed in our blog :
The production of Cakung teenagers creation on Christmas could be bought and accessed in our blog :
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.
Thank you very much to Provincie Limburg and Samenleven Vzw for supporting some bookshelf. Thank you so much to Sr. Marcelinne, OSU for supporting some knitting yarns and some recycled materials.
Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthy for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Mrs. MA Nani Tirtajaya, Ms. Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend, Michelle Maramis, Ms. Jenny, Ms. Arry Fitriana, Mrs. Sofia Erlinda Indra, Ms. Maria Josepha Du’a Donna, Dr. Frans Senff, and Mr. Arif Budi Subekti – Mrs. Maria.
Again, our sincere thanks to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well.
Warmest regards,
On behalf of Children Learning Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
09 November, 2013
Laporan Kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar pada Oktober 2013
Salam jumpa teman-teman yang baik,
Pada bulan October 2013 ini, kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar dapat berjalan dengan baik. Kami bersyukur dan terimakasih atas bantuan dan doa teman-teman.
I. Kegiatan Belajar Alternatif
A. Komunitas Anak Cakung
Pada minggu I Oktober 2013, pelatihan memasak mulai diadakan setelah pelatihan menjahit yang diadakan dua kali dalam sebulan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada hari Minggu, berseling dengan kegiatan pendampingan belajar anak di Muara Baru.
Pelatihan menjahit selama bulan ini, lebih diarahkan pada mengukur dan membuat pola tutup computer, TV, dan CPU, kemudian memotong dan menjahit sesuai pola. Sebanyak enam peserta mengikuti kegiatan menjahit, didampingi oleh Pak Nanang sebagai instrukturnya.
Selesai menjahit, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan memasak yang didampingi oleh Bu Danik. Sebanyak sepuluh ibu dan seluruh anak kategori III mengikuti pelatihan ini. Peserta pelatihan dibagi dalam dua kelompok. Tiap kelompok bertugas membawa bahan-bahan yang diperlukan, sementara peserta yang tidak bisa membawa bahan, menyiapkan dana kontribusi. Menu bulan ini adalah cake dilapisi krim yang biasanya untuk perayaan ulang tahun dan minuman es the tarik dan capucinno cincau.
Anak-anak turut hadir untuk mencicipi masakan yang dibuat. Mereka diwajibkan membawa piring kecil, sendok, dan gelas. Selesai memasak, kue dibagi-bagi pada peserta pelatihan dan seluruh anak yang hadir, demikian juga dengan minuman es the tarik dan capucinno cincau. Kami senang mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan ini, terlebih bagi para ibu dan anak-anak remaja kategori III yang baru pertama kalinya belajar membuat kue.
Terimakasih banyak kami ucapkan pada Bu Danik sebagai instruktur pelatihan memasak, demikian pula pada Pak Nanang selaku instruktur pelatihan menjahit. Kami berharap kegiatan pelatihan ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik.
Kegiatan ketrampilan dilaksanakan selain setiap hari Rabu, juga pada hari Minggu, selesai kegiatan pelatihan menjahit dan memasak. Fokus kegiatan ketrampilan pada kreasi bahan-bahan daur ulang, terutama dari bungkus atau sachet beragam jenis minuman. Selain pembuatan barang-barang kreasi daur ulang, kami membuat Rosario, kartu ucapan dari paper quilling dan membuat biscuit serta cake. Kegiatan produksi ini dilaksanakan untuk para remaja dan kaum ibu yang ingin menambah penghasilan atau uang saku bagi mereka sendiri.
Pertemuan Koperasi pada Sabtu terakhir Oktober 2013.
Selama akhir Oktober 2013 hingga awal Desember 2013, produksi kreasi para ibu dan anak-anak akan dipasarkan dalam bentuk parcel Natal. Silakan teman-teman memesan atau membeli hasil karya kami, yang kami muat dalam blog kami.
B. Komunitas Muara Baru
Selama bulan ini, kegiatan belajar dilakukan pada hari Minggu II dan IV.
Kegiatan belajar dilakukan di aula tempat belajar. Bangku-bangku yang berserakan dan hilang saat banjir, akhirnya kembali ke aula. Beberapa warga menyimpannya untuk menghindari hanyut terbawa air.
Peserta belajar pada Minggu II terhitung ada sekitar 15 anak, demikian pula pada minggu IV. Kegiatan belajar dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu bagi anak-anak yang baru mulai belajar membaca, mengeja, dan menulis, dan kelompok lainnya bagi anak-anak yang mengalami kesulitan belajar terutama pelajaran Matematika dan Bahasa Inggris.
Kami ucapkan terimakasih banyak atas kerjasama para fasilitator, volunteer, anak-anak, warga Cakung dan Muara Baru, baik pada Kak Lisa, Kak Henni, Kak Qori’ah, Kak Gaby, Kak Uju, Riska, Yana, Indri, dan anak-anak pengurus program, serta Bu Herda di Muara Baru.
II. Perpustakaan
Kegiatan perpustakaan sepanjang bulan ini dapat dilakukan pada Rabu III dan IV. Hal ini terjadi karena tim perpustakaan datang terlambat dan dengan demikian mereka yang hadir pada hari Rabu, yang biasanya membantu tim perpustakaan, saat itu mengikuti kegiatan ketrampilan.
Sumbangan lemari perpustakaan, kami peroleh dari Provincie Limburg dan Samenleven Vzw. Kami gembira mendapat lemari baru tempat menyimpan buku-buku perpustakaan yang telah penuh sesak dalam beberapa lemari perpustakaan lain.
Terimakasih banyak atas perhatian dan kesediaannya untuk memahami kebutuhan kami. Kiranya kerjasama yang telah dijalin ini dapat terus dipelihara dan berlanjut dengan baik.
III. Kegiatan Peningkatan Gizi Anak
Selama Oktober 2013 ini, kegiatan peningkatan gizi anak berlangsung dengan baik.
Selain minum susu rutin, menu sehat bulan ini adalah tumis sawi hijau hati ayam, melon, dan bihun goreng bumbu kacang.
Menu sehat pada Sabtu I Oktober 2013 adalah telur rebus, yang biasanya mereka makan dibubuhi kecap atau garam. Menu sehat pada Sabtu II Oktober 2013 adalah tumis sawi hijau hati ayam. Untuk membuat anak-anak mau dan suka makan sayur, sayur sawi kami iris tipis agar mudah dikunyah.
Pada Sabtu III Oktober 2013, menu sehat yang dihidangkan tim kegiatan peningkatan gizi anak adalah buah melon, sedangkan pada Sabtu terakhir Oktober 2013, bihun goreng bumbu kacang dihidangkan untuk seluruh anak. Anak-anak suka dengan hidangan ini. Mereka membawa bekal nasi untuk dimakan bersama lauk, seperti halnya dengan menu pada Sabtu I dan II Oktober 2013.
Kami berterimakasih pada koordinator dan tim pengurus program serta kakak-kakak fasilitator yang telah mempersiapkan menu sehat dengan baik selama Oktober 2013.
Rencana kegiatan di bulan November 2013 ini adalah :
1. Kegiatan Belajar
- Kegiatan belajar bersama dilakukan setiap Jumat dan Sabtu dari pukul 12.00 hingga pukul 15.30.
- Sabtu V November 2013 akan diadakan evaluasi belajar caturwulan III bagi anak-anak dari seluruh kategori. Kegiatan belajar caturwulan III berakhir pada Sabtu, 30 November 2013.
- Kegiatan ketrampilan dilakukan setiap Rabu siang hingga sore hari di rumah belajar dan Minggu siang setelah pelatihan menjahit. Kreasi warga Cakung dalam bentuk parcel akan dipasarkan melalui blog dan dikirim melalui email.
- Pelatihan menjahit dilakukan dua kali dalam sebulan dibimbing oleh Pak Nanang.
- Mulai Desember 2013, kegiatan fokus pada pelatihan kepemimpinan, dengan tema 'Pemimpin yang Melayani' dan pendidikan sex education bagi para remaja dengan tema 'Menjadi Remaja yang Bertanggungjawab'.
2. Kegiatan Peningkatan Gizi Anak
- Persiapan bahan-bahan menu sehat dan pembelian susu serta penyediaan perlengkapan masak yang memadai.
3. Perpustakaan
- Pelabelan, sampul buku, dan penataan buku-buku perpustakaan dalam lemari.
4. Administrasi
- Penyelesaian pembayaran untuk perpanjangan kontrak rumah belajar selama satu tahun ke depan yang akan dilakukan pada akhir November 2013.
Laporan kegiatan bulanan dapat diakses dalam blog kami di :
Produksi ketrampilan remaja Cakung menyambut hari Natal dapat dipesan dan diakses dalam blog kami di :
Akhirnya, kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih pada teman-teman yang telah banyak mendukung dalam doa dan dana, tenaga, maupun material untuk terwujudnya program kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar sepanjang bulan ini.
Terimakasih banyak atas bantuan dana yang amat sangat mendukung terselenggaranya operasional program Komunitas Anak Belajar. Terimakasih kami untuk Bu MA Nani Tirtajaya, Bu Vina – Pak Arend – Michelle Maramis, Mbak Jenny, Dr. Frans Senff, Kak Elissa Wiguna, Kak Arry Fitriana, Bu Sofia Erlinda Indra, Kak Arif Budi Subekti - Mbak Maria, serta Ms. Maria Josepha Du’a Donna.
Terimakasih atas bantuan material yang telah kami terima dari Provincie Limburg dan Samenleven Vzw berupa 1 lemari dan rak buku, terimakasih kami pada Sr. Marcelinne, OSU atas bantuan benang rajut, benang sulam, dan bahan-bahan daur ulang.
Terimakasih banyak atas semua kebaikan teman-teman. Kiranya Tuhan berkenan memberi kesehatan prima dan berkat limpah, dan semoga kerjasama kita yang telah dijalin selama ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik.
Tuhan memberkati kita semua.
Salam hangat,
Atas nama anak-anak Komunitas Anak Belajar
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
Pada bulan October 2013 ini, kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar dapat berjalan dengan baik. Kami bersyukur dan terimakasih atas bantuan dan doa teman-teman.
I. Kegiatan Belajar Alternatif
A. Komunitas Anak Cakung
Pada minggu I Oktober 2013, pelatihan memasak mulai diadakan setelah pelatihan menjahit yang diadakan dua kali dalam sebulan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada hari Minggu, berseling dengan kegiatan pendampingan belajar anak di Muara Baru.
Pelatihan menjahit selama bulan ini, lebih diarahkan pada mengukur dan membuat pola tutup computer, TV, dan CPU, kemudian memotong dan menjahit sesuai pola. Sebanyak enam peserta mengikuti kegiatan menjahit, didampingi oleh Pak Nanang sebagai instrukturnya.
Selesai menjahit, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan memasak yang didampingi oleh Bu Danik. Sebanyak sepuluh ibu dan seluruh anak kategori III mengikuti pelatihan ini. Peserta pelatihan dibagi dalam dua kelompok. Tiap kelompok bertugas membawa bahan-bahan yang diperlukan, sementara peserta yang tidak bisa membawa bahan, menyiapkan dana kontribusi. Menu bulan ini adalah cake dilapisi krim yang biasanya untuk perayaan ulang tahun dan minuman es the tarik dan capucinno cincau.
Anak-anak turut hadir untuk mencicipi masakan yang dibuat. Mereka diwajibkan membawa piring kecil, sendok, dan gelas. Selesai memasak, kue dibagi-bagi pada peserta pelatihan dan seluruh anak yang hadir, demikian juga dengan minuman es the tarik dan capucinno cincau. Kami senang mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan ini, terlebih bagi para ibu dan anak-anak remaja kategori III yang baru pertama kalinya belajar membuat kue.
Terimakasih banyak kami ucapkan pada Bu Danik sebagai instruktur pelatihan memasak, demikian pula pada Pak Nanang selaku instruktur pelatihan menjahit. Kami berharap kegiatan pelatihan ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik.
Kegiatan ketrampilan dilaksanakan selain setiap hari Rabu, juga pada hari Minggu, selesai kegiatan pelatihan menjahit dan memasak. Fokus kegiatan ketrampilan pada kreasi bahan-bahan daur ulang, terutama dari bungkus atau sachet beragam jenis minuman. Selain pembuatan barang-barang kreasi daur ulang, kami membuat Rosario, kartu ucapan dari paper quilling dan membuat biscuit serta cake. Kegiatan produksi ini dilaksanakan untuk para remaja dan kaum ibu yang ingin menambah penghasilan atau uang saku bagi mereka sendiri.
Pertemuan Koperasi pada Sabtu terakhir Oktober 2013.
Selama akhir Oktober 2013 hingga awal Desember 2013, produksi kreasi para ibu dan anak-anak akan dipasarkan dalam bentuk parcel Natal. Silakan teman-teman memesan atau membeli hasil karya kami, yang kami muat dalam blog kami.
B. Komunitas Muara Baru
Selama bulan ini, kegiatan belajar dilakukan pada hari Minggu II dan IV.
Kegiatan belajar dilakukan di aula tempat belajar. Bangku-bangku yang berserakan dan hilang saat banjir, akhirnya kembali ke aula. Beberapa warga menyimpannya untuk menghindari hanyut terbawa air.
Peserta belajar pada Minggu II terhitung ada sekitar 15 anak, demikian pula pada minggu IV. Kegiatan belajar dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu bagi anak-anak yang baru mulai belajar membaca, mengeja, dan menulis, dan kelompok lainnya bagi anak-anak yang mengalami kesulitan belajar terutama pelajaran Matematika dan Bahasa Inggris.
Kami ucapkan terimakasih banyak atas kerjasama para fasilitator, volunteer, anak-anak, warga Cakung dan Muara Baru, baik pada Kak Lisa, Kak Henni, Kak Qori’ah, Kak Gaby, Kak Uju, Riska, Yana, Indri, dan anak-anak pengurus program, serta Bu Herda di Muara Baru.
II. Perpustakaan
Kegiatan perpustakaan sepanjang bulan ini dapat dilakukan pada Rabu III dan IV. Hal ini terjadi karena tim perpustakaan datang terlambat dan dengan demikian mereka yang hadir pada hari Rabu, yang biasanya membantu tim perpustakaan, saat itu mengikuti kegiatan ketrampilan.
Sumbangan lemari perpustakaan, kami peroleh dari Provincie Limburg dan Samenleven Vzw. Kami gembira mendapat lemari baru tempat menyimpan buku-buku perpustakaan yang telah penuh sesak dalam beberapa lemari perpustakaan lain.
Terimakasih banyak atas perhatian dan kesediaannya untuk memahami kebutuhan kami. Kiranya kerjasama yang telah dijalin ini dapat terus dipelihara dan berlanjut dengan baik.
III. Kegiatan Peningkatan Gizi Anak
Selama Oktober 2013 ini, kegiatan peningkatan gizi anak berlangsung dengan baik.
Selain minum susu rutin, menu sehat bulan ini adalah tumis sawi hijau hati ayam, melon, dan bihun goreng bumbu kacang.
Menu sehat pada Sabtu I Oktober 2013 adalah telur rebus, yang biasanya mereka makan dibubuhi kecap atau garam. Menu sehat pada Sabtu II Oktober 2013 adalah tumis sawi hijau hati ayam. Untuk membuat anak-anak mau dan suka makan sayur, sayur sawi kami iris tipis agar mudah dikunyah.
Pada Sabtu III Oktober 2013, menu sehat yang dihidangkan tim kegiatan peningkatan gizi anak adalah buah melon, sedangkan pada Sabtu terakhir Oktober 2013, bihun goreng bumbu kacang dihidangkan untuk seluruh anak. Anak-anak suka dengan hidangan ini. Mereka membawa bekal nasi untuk dimakan bersama lauk, seperti halnya dengan menu pada Sabtu I dan II Oktober 2013.
Kami berterimakasih pada koordinator dan tim pengurus program serta kakak-kakak fasilitator yang telah mempersiapkan menu sehat dengan baik selama Oktober 2013.
Rencana kegiatan di bulan November 2013 ini adalah :
1. Kegiatan Belajar
- Kegiatan belajar bersama dilakukan setiap Jumat dan Sabtu dari pukul 12.00 hingga pukul 15.30.
- Sabtu V November 2013 akan diadakan evaluasi belajar caturwulan III bagi anak-anak dari seluruh kategori. Kegiatan belajar caturwulan III berakhir pada Sabtu, 30 November 2013.
- Kegiatan ketrampilan dilakukan setiap Rabu siang hingga sore hari di rumah belajar dan Minggu siang setelah pelatihan menjahit. Kreasi warga Cakung dalam bentuk parcel akan dipasarkan melalui blog dan dikirim melalui email.
- Pelatihan menjahit dilakukan dua kali dalam sebulan dibimbing oleh Pak Nanang.
- Mulai Desember 2013, kegiatan fokus pada pelatihan kepemimpinan, dengan tema 'Pemimpin yang Melayani' dan pendidikan sex education bagi para remaja dengan tema 'Menjadi Remaja yang Bertanggungjawab'.
2. Kegiatan Peningkatan Gizi Anak
- Persiapan bahan-bahan menu sehat dan pembelian susu serta penyediaan perlengkapan masak yang memadai.
3. Perpustakaan
- Pelabelan, sampul buku, dan penataan buku-buku perpustakaan dalam lemari.
4. Administrasi
- Penyelesaian pembayaran untuk perpanjangan kontrak rumah belajar selama satu tahun ke depan yang akan dilakukan pada akhir November 2013.
Laporan kegiatan bulanan dapat diakses dalam blog kami di :
Produksi ketrampilan remaja Cakung menyambut hari Natal dapat dipesan dan diakses dalam blog kami di :
Akhirnya, kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih pada teman-teman yang telah banyak mendukung dalam doa dan dana, tenaga, maupun material untuk terwujudnya program kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar sepanjang bulan ini.
Terimakasih banyak atas bantuan dana yang amat sangat mendukung terselenggaranya operasional program Komunitas Anak Belajar. Terimakasih kami untuk Bu MA Nani Tirtajaya, Bu Vina – Pak Arend – Michelle Maramis, Mbak Jenny, Dr. Frans Senff, Kak Elissa Wiguna, Kak Arry Fitriana, Bu Sofia Erlinda Indra, Kak Arif Budi Subekti - Mbak Maria, serta Ms. Maria Josepha Du’a Donna.
Terimakasih atas bantuan material yang telah kami terima dari Provincie Limburg dan Samenleven Vzw berupa 1 lemari dan rak buku, terimakasih kami pada Sr. Marcelinne, OSU atas bantuan benang rajut, benang sulam, dan bahan-bahan daur ulang.
Terimakasih banyak atas semua kebaikan teman-teman. Kiranya Tuhan berkenan memberi kesehatan prima dan berkat limpah, dan semoga kerjasama kita yang telah dijalin selama ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik.
Tuhan memberkati kita semua.
Salam hangat,
Atas nama anak-anak Komunitas Anak Belajar
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
13 Oktober, 2013
Progress Report of Children Learning Community on September 2013



Dear friends,
On September 2013, the learning activities could run well. The children, the team and I are so grateful for your prayer and support.
Alternative Learning Activities
a. Cakung Children Community


On the first Saturday of September 2013, as the schedule, the children followed the second quarterly evaluation. Not all children could follow the evaluation. The criteria are based on the children ability to follow the learning activity and their absency. Some children who came at that time who could not follow the evaluation, were reading science magazines and for the children of the lower category, they were drawing and colouring.
There were 22 children following the learning evaluation. A week after evaluation, the children got a reward to swim together in the nearby swimming pool. Their mothers are allowed to accompany their children. We rented the public transportations and went together. The learning activity on the second Friday of September 2013 was off due to the swimming activity. The children were so happy to have a different reward from the reward of the previous learning evaluation.
On the first and second weeks of September 2013, two facilitators followed the handycraft workshop by Sr. Ignatio, OSU in BSD, Tangerang. We had the recycled handycraft workshop before. To excelarate the skill, we learned it and have some practical knowledge in beads creation.

The sewing workshop for the mothers and the teenagers of Cakung is held on the first and the second week of September 2013. We are so grateful for Mrs. July and her assistant, Mr. Nanang who provide this workshop. We hope this activity could continue.
On the fourth week of September 2013, we opened the Cakung children creation’s corner due to the celebration of the reunion of the alumnae of St. Ursula High School. The children’s creation and production are exhibited and sold. On that day, some alumnae support some materials for the recycled creation. Thank you very much for your attention and appreciation.
Some English learning DVDs are given by Laftavi family for the excelerating of the children ability. We have some beads and the tool, also the book reference from Ms. Linda and Mrs. Widya. We are so thankful for your attention and support. We hope that the cooperation will continue well.
b. The Muara Baru Community

The learning activities on the 1st and the 3rd Sunday of September 2013 are held in Mrs.Herda’s house because the hall is still used for the community and islam religion activity, but on the 5th Sunday of September 2013, we could use it for learning. I’m glad because the children could learn comfortly in the wider space.
We thank all the collaborative works of the facilitators, the volunteers, the children, and the residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs. Herda at Muara Baru, Ms. Lisa, Ms. Henni, Ms. Qori’ah, Ms. Gaby, Indri, Riska, Yana, and the children coordinator programs.

The activity is a little bit dismissed because of the children’s activity in preparing the handycrafts for the Children Learning Community’s corner on the event of high school reunion.
We have some cupboards and a bookshelf from Provincie Limburg dan Samenleven Vzw. We are so glad to have the new ones to store many library books which have been fully kept in other library bookshelves.
Thank you very much for your attention and willingness to realize our needs. We hope the collaboration will continue and become the worth provide for the children future.
Nutrition Improvement Program for Children


On September 2013, the program could run well.
Besides drinking milk, the healthy menus on this month were mungbean porridge, papaya orange juice, and kangkung with rujak sauce.
The healthy menu on the first Saturday of September 2013 was hard-boiled egg, which usually eaten with soyasauce or sprinkle salt. The healthy menu on the second Saturday of September 2013 was mungbean porridge. This long time not served menu is still liked by the children.
On the third Saturday of September 2013, the team prepared the papaya orange juice. The fresh drink in this summer become the children’s favorite one.
On the last Saturday of September 2013, the team prepared kangkung with rujak sauce. We steamed kangkung and prepared the rujak sauce. It become the children’s favorite one, too, especially for them who ever live for years in the farm area.
At the end of September 2013, we have been supported biscuits from Sr. Paulo, OSU, rice and some dishes from Mr. Andy – Mrs. July, also snacks from the alumnae of St. Ursula high school. Thank you very much for your kindness.
We thank the team who organised the healthy menu and cooked it during September 2013 and special thanks to the facilitators who lend a hand during preparation.
Children Scholarship
At the end of September 2013, the college student of the third semester’s activity began. Few days before, we went to campus for paying re-registration. The elementary students’ school activity run as usual, so did the sewing course student’s activity.
We are so grateful for the Laftavi family via Tontey family, also to our friends who would like to support the program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children’s future.
October 2013 Activity Plans
1. Learning Activities
a. The learning activity run every Friday and Saturday from 12 PM til 3.30 PM.
b. The life-skill activity run every Wednesday from day til afternoon in the learning house.
c. The sewing workshop run twice a month, facilitated by Mr. Nanang.
d. The cooking workshop run every month for the mothers and teenagers. In October 2013, the cooking workshop will be held on Sunday, October 6th, 2013, facilitated by Mrs. Danik in the learning house.
2. The Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
a. Providing the healthy menu and purchasing milk, also providing the kitchenware.
3. Bibliotheque
a. Registering the books supported last month, covering books, and manage the library books into the bookshelf.
Our monthly progress report and children’s drawing could be accessed in our blog :
The production of Cakung teenagers creation could be bought and accessed in our blog :
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.
Thank you very much to Provincie Limburg and Samenleven Vzw for supporting a camera and a handycam with all equipments for documenting the activities of Children Learning Community. Thank you so much to Ms. Joy for supporting second-hand clothes.
Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthy for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Mrs. MA Nani Tirtajaya, Ms. Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend, Michelle Maramis, Ms. Jenny, Ms. Arry Fitriana, Mrs. Sofia Erlinda Indra, and Laftavi family via Tontey family.
Again, our sincere thanks to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well.
Warmest regards,
On behalf of Children Learning Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
Postingan (Atom)