Children Learning Community is a community based on alternative education for the children in Cakung, East Jakarta and in Sarang Tupai, Ciawi, Bogor. The children are from the poor urban family whom their parents make a living from an empty land for farming. Alternative education become the way to conscious the parents and the children on how to be the independent human being.
Cari Blog Ini
08 Desember, 2014
Progress Report of Children Learning Community in November 2014
Dear friends,
In November 2014, the alternative education of Children Learning Community ran well. The children, the team, and I are so grateful for your prayer and support.
On the 1st week of November 2014, to be exact on Wednesday, November 5th, the Children Learning Community welcomed the 5th semester students and the teacher of Fashion Design Binus International university. They visited us to follow the workshop of recycling creations.
For few hours, we exchange the knowledge and skill together. The students and the teacher explained us how to make the simple pattern for making bag and other creations.
The mothers and the teenagers of Cakung taught step by step how to make a recycling bag from coffee sachets. Begin with sorting, cleaning, and ready to make by folding and weaving to be a hand bag.
The students were very enthusiastic to learn. They learned in some small groups with a teenager of Cakung as their mentor.
After learning, they saw the creation and many of them bought the creations. It’s so helpful, especially for the teenagers and the mother’s saving. We hope it could rise their spirit to be more productive and have some savings for their family need.
We thank so much for the visiting of the students and the teachers, especially to Mrs. Julita Oetojo and Mrs. Indira and other teachers of Fashion Design Binus International University. May our collaboration will continue well.
A day after, on November 6th, 2014, some youth of Magis group, Ms. Melita and Ms. Carla as the committee of live-in program, visited us in the learning house. They met us and explained about their planning to do live-in program in Cakung for the member of Magis. We went to some houses of Cakung residents and introduced them to know the real life in Cakung.
On Thursday morning, November 13th until Saturday afternoon, November 15th, 2014, we welcomed two members of Magis, Ms. Christine and Ms. Anggi. Each of them learned to work and knew the reality of the family in Cakung from morning til afternoon and took a rest in the learning house.
On Saturday afternoon, November 15th, 2014, they followed the learning activity with the children before they back to the group.
Thank you very much for Magis member’s visiting. Hopefully the real experience could give the meaning and enrich their spirituality. Thank you very much for the support and trust of Magis and may our collaboration will continue well.
In early til mid November 2014, we moved all things and renovated some parts of the previous learning house. On Saturday, November 8th, 2014, we moved to another house gradually. Three men of Cakung residents and some facilitators together moved all big furnitures. The activity continued on Sunday, November 9th, 2014 until next week. We put in order the small stuffs into the shelves, while some people were cleaning and renovating the previous house.
On Friday, November 21st, 2014, the children began to learn in the new learning house. It’s just two houses from the previous house. The new house is smaller but we can feel the nuance of arrangement. This second story house is more efficient so we can arrange the learning activities better. The children of the group of 0 category learn in the front room and there is a small computer room behind while the other children learn in the second story.
On Monday, November 24th, 2014, a friend who is a volunteer of health division in Africa, Dr. Frans Senff visited us in the learning house. He met some facilitators, a lady and her grandson who live in and take care the learning house. In 2012, about two years ago, he visited us in Cakung.
We are so thankful for his attention and support. Hopefully, his visit encourage us to do this service better and may our collaboration will continue well.
Alternative Learning Activities
a. Cakung Children Community
In November 2014, the learning activities ran well.
There are 5 children from the nearby environment involved in the activities this month. A child is in the group of category 0, 2 children are in the group of category 1, and the others are in the group of category 2.
For few months, the children of the group of category 3, age 12 above decreased until no one come. The decreasing of numbers of teenagers even increasing the numbers of early aged children and pre-teen. On this year, more early aged children and young mothers involved. The mothers learn skill activities and gather in the income generating program.
Few weeks before the end of November 2014, Sr. Agustina, BKK whose called Ms. Tina, a friend who helped us in doing pioneering works in Cakung, has started again to support us in children learning every Friday.
We are so glad and thankful for her attention and support.
The joy and the innocent of the children who irreplaceable in times lead us through the sweet memories of the children freedom when they learned in the field area to the fullest stage of the real life today.
In the end of November 2014, to be exact on Saturday, November 29th, 2014, we closed the learning activity by holding the 3rd quarterly learning evaluation. More children followed it and some couldn’t.
The evaluation ran well and all the Friday and Saturday facilitators came. We share the task, giving evaluation and accompanying the others learning.
Thank you very much for all the children and the facilitators. Hopefully the year-end spirits bring a better achievement in the coming year.
The life-skill activity for teenagers and mothers in Cakung done together with the arrangement of the things in the new house. On this month, they still focused in producing the creation from the coffee sachettes, paper quilling creation, beads creation, and baking biscuits for Christmas and New Year’s parcel.
We were so thankful for the attention and support of the community of Ursulin Sister in Juanda in collecting the coffee sachettes and the ladies of Cakung residents as well. We hope our collaboration will sustainable well.
We are gladly receiving your plastic garbages for supporting the income generating program for the teenagers and the mothers of Children Learning Community. Together we move the action of reduce, reuse, and recycled the plastic garbages.
b. Muara Baru Community
In this month, the learning activities ran on the week I and V.
The learning activity has done in three groups, the first group (age 5 – 7 years old) is for the children who can’t fluently reading, writing, and counting, accompanied by Ms. Debby, the second group (age 7 – 10 years old) who usually has assignment in counting and writing all the vocabularies sorted alphabetically accompanied by Tino and Ms. Thesa by turn, and the last group from 11 to 13 years old children participants accompanied by Ms. Indri.
We were glad for the children’s enthusiasm and the Muara Baru parents’ support.
We thank all the collaborative works of the facilitators, the volunteer, the children, and the residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs Herda, Ms Thesa, Ms Uju, Ester, Tino, Mohandri, Indri, Ms. Tina, and the children coordinator programs.
The administration of library activities in this month was arranging the library books in the shelves. The team did them for few days helping by all the facilitators and the other team & programs.
Now, the books are classified in annual order in every shelf.
Thank you very much for the perseverance of the coordinator and her team to do the assignment.
Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
In November 2014, the program activities ran well.
Besides drinking milk every Saturday, the healthy menus were hardboiled eggs, watermelon, rice flour porridge with caramel sauce, and fruit salad.
On the first Friday of November 2014, the team prepared watermelon after the children learning. Washing hands requirement has done before eating. The children sang together while the healthy menu distributed.
On the second Saturday of November 2014, the team prepared hardboiled eggs, which the children usually eaten with soyasauce or sprinkle salt.
As usual every Saturday, after drink milk, the learning activity begin and end with eat the healthy menu.
On the third Friday of November 2014, the children enjoyed rice flour porridge with caramel sauce after learning, while on the fourth Saturday of November 2014, after the children learning evaluation, while listening the result and the evaluation of the facilitators, the children enjoyed fruit salad. There were pineapples, watermelon, melon, mangoes, apple, with lemon juice adding with milk custard as substitute for mayonnaise which not all of the children like it. It rised the spirit of the children to eat the rich vitamin menu.
Thank you very much to the team who organised the healthy menus and cooked them in November 2014.
Children Scholarship
In November 2014, the donation used to provide the children’ school need, such as copy learning materials, computer service, monthly swimming fee, monthly class fee, karate clothes with accessories for a child who need support, class assignment fee, and the students weekly accommodation.
To follow the semester examination, the vocational high school students have to pay the school fee until December 2014 so we provide it and the semester examination fee as well for a vocational high school student.
The scholarship students followed the English class every Monday at 6 PM in November 2014. The program is either improving their English and their confidence in speaking English or increasing their responsibility to teach English to the younger children in the 2nd and 3rd categories. In this month, the teacher came to the learning house.
Finally, we are so grateful to our friends who would like to support the program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children’s fullest potential in the future.
December 2014 Activity Plans
1. Learning Activities
a. Early sex education for all the children on Friday, December 19th, 2014 in the learning house in Cakung, supported by the postgraduate students of Psychology faculty of University of Indonesia.
b. Leadership training for all the facilitator on Saturday, December 20th, 2014 in the learning house, lead by Mrs. Alvieni.
c. The evaluation and the schedule of programs and curriculum on December 13th – 18, 2014.
d. The life-skill activities as substitute for the learning activities which ended on Saturday, November 29th, 2014. It is focusing on paper quilling cards, coffee sachettes creations such as handbags, purse, bags for drinking bottle, and coaster for glasses and bowls, bead creation such as rosary, also baking biscuits for Christmas parcels.
2. Children Scholarship
a. Campus Comparative Study on December 7th – 11th, 2014 in Yogyakarta for a student of the 5th semester.
b. Semester examination on December 1st – 8th and 4th – 12th, 2014 for all the scholarship student in high school and vocational high school.
c. Semester examination on December 8th – 13th, 2014 for the students of elementary and junior high schools.
d. English class every Monday afternoon in the learning house and in the teacher’s house until Monday, December 15th, 2014.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.
Thank you for all the donors who truly care others above their interest, respect us and appreciate for what we have done.
Thank you very much to Jason and Justin for supporting book covers and student books, and Sr. Agustina, BKK for supporting notebooks and stationeries. Thank you for the support of the community of Ursulin Sister in Juanda in collecting the coffee sachettes for life-skill activities in Cakung.
Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthy for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Ms. Jenny, Ms. Sofia Erlinda Indra, Ms. Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Mrs. Djiauw Swie Tjing, Mrs. Hanaria Putri, Mr. Arif Budi Subekti – Mrs. Maria, Dr. Frans Senff, Ms. Meltari Daruningtyas, Magis Group, and Ms. Arry Fitriana.
Again, our sincere thanks to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well. We are chosen to share and serve others.
Our monthly progress report could be accessed on our blog :
The production of Cakung teenagers creation could be accessed on our blog :
Warmest regards,
On behalf of Children Learning Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
Laporan Kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar pada November 2014
Salam jumpa teman-teman,
Sepanjang November 2014 ini, kegiatan belajar Komunitas Anak Belajar dapat berjalan dengan baik.
Kami bersyukur dan berterimakasih atas bantuan dan doa teman-teman.
Pada Minggu I November 2014, tepatnya pada Rabu siang, 5 November 2014, Komunitas Anak Belajar menerima kunjungan mahasiswa Fashion Design Binus International semester V bersama para dosennya.
Selama beberapa jam kami bertukar pengetahuan, dengan pola-pola sederhana yang bisa kami terapkan untuk menghasilkan kreasi jahitan dari sisa-sisa kain perca maupun pakaian bekas.
Para ibu dan remaja serta anak-anak mengajarkan pada para mahasiswa, tahap membuat tas dari bungkus kopi, mulai dari pengumpulan, pencucian sampai siap digunakan dan dilipat, dijalin menjadi tas tangan.
Para mahasiswa antusias belajar dan dibagi dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil.
Usai belajar, mereka melihat-lihat hasil karya para Ibu dan remaja Cakung yang bergabung dalam kegiatan Usaha Mandiri. Banyak karya yang dibeli mereka. Hal ini sangat membantu kami, khususnya warga Cakung untuk tetap semangat berproduksi dan memiliki penghasilan lebih untuk mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga.
Terimakasih atas kunjungan belajar para mahasiswa dan Ibu Julita Oetojo, Ibu Indira dan para dosen Fashion Design Binus International. Semoga kerjasama yang telah dijalin dengan baik ini dapat terus berlanjut.
Esok harinya, Kamis, 6 November 2014, beberapa anak muda dari kelompok Magis, Kak Melita dan Kak Carla sebagai panitia kegiatan live-in, berkunjung ke rumah belajar Cakung, menemui kami untuk menjelaskan rencana kegiatan beberapa anggota Magis di Cakung. Kami berbincang-bincang dan mengajak mereka berkunjung ke rumah warga agar dapat sungguh mengenal realitas disana.
Pada Kamis pagi, 13 November hingga Sabtu sore, 15 November 2014, kami menerima kehadiran dua orang anggota Magis, Kak Christine dan Kak Anggi. Masing-masing dari mereka belajar beraktifitas dan merasakan realitas kehidupan keluarga Cakung dari pagi hingga sore hari dan beristirahat di rumah belajar.
Pada Sabtu siang, 15 November 2014, sebelum waktu pulang, mereka ikut membantu kegiatan belajar anak-anak hingga sore hari.
Terimakasih atas kehadiran Kakak-kakak dari kelompok Magis. Semoga pengalaman nyata ini bisa memberi makna dan memperkaya spiritualitas Kakak-kakak. Terimakasih atas dukungan dan kepercayaan dari kelompok Magis. Semoga kerjasama yang telah dijalin dengan baik ini dapat terus berlanjut.
Selama awal hingga pertengahan November 2014, kami mengemas barang-barang dan memperbaiki rumah lama yang bagian-bagiannya perlu mendapat perawatan. Pada Sabtu, 8 November 2014, kami memulai pindah rumah secara bertahap. Seluruh perabot besar kami pindahkan dibantu oleh tiga warga Cakung dan para fasilitator. Kegiatan berlanjut pada Minggu, 9 November 2014 hingga minggu depan, saat membereskan seluruh barang-barang untuk ditempatkan dalam lemari-lemari, sedangkan rumah belajar lama, kami bersihkan dan perbaiki.
Sejak Jumat, 21 November 2014, anak-anak mulai belajar di rumah belajar baru, yang hanya selisih dua rumah dari rumah belajar lama. Walau rumah belajar baru lebih kecil dari rumah belajar sebelumnya, suasana keteraturan dapat langsung kami rasakan. Rumah bertingkat dan ruangan yang cukup efisien memungkinkan kami mengatur kegiatan belajar dengan lebih baik.
Anak-anak kategori 0 belajar di ruang depan sementara anak-anak kategori lainnya belajar di ruang atas.
Pada Senin, 24 November 2014, seorang sahabat kami, relawan kesehatan di Afrika, Dr. Frans Senff yang dua tahun lalu pernah berkunjung ke Cakung, datang bersama kami dan bertemu, berbincang-bincang dengan beberapa fasilitator, Nenek dan cucu yang menetap di rumah belajar.
Kami amat sangat berterimakasih atas perhatian dan dukungan Dr. Frans Senff. Kiranya kehadirannya memberi semangat baru dalam karya pelayanan ini dan semoga kerjasama yang telah dijalin dengan baik ini dapat terus berlanjut.
Kegiatan Belajar Alternatif
Komunitas Anak Cakung
Sepanjang November 2014 ini, kegiatan belajar alternatif dapat berjalan dengan baik.
Ada 5 anak baru dari lingkungan sekitar yang mulai terlibat pada bulan ini. Seorang anak masuk dalam kelompok kategori 0, dua anak masuk dalam kelompok kategori 1, dan dua lainnya masuk dalam kelompok kategori 2.
Sejak beberapa bulan ini, anak-anak kelompok kategori 3, usia 12 tahun ke atas mulai berkurang hingga tidak ada yang bisa hadir. Berkurangnya jumlah anak usia remaja justru meningkatkan jumlah anak-anak balita dan pra remaja. Dalam lingkungan baru yang kami tempati selama setahun ini, lebih banyak anak-anak kecil yang terlibat dan menarik para ibu muda untuk belajar ketrampilan dan terlibat dalam kegiatan Usaha Mandiri.
Sejak beberapa minggu sebelum berakhirnya bulan November 2014, kami didukung dalam kegiatan belajar setiap Jumat oleh Sr. Agustina, BKK yang kami panggil sebagai Kak Tina, seorang sahabat lama, yang membantu kami pada awal merintis kegiatan belajar di Cakung.
Kami sangat senang dan berterimakasih atas perhatian dan dukungan Kak Tina.
Keceriaan dan kepolosan anak-anak yang tak tergantikan sepanjang masa menuntun kami melalui kenangan manis kemerdekaan anak-anak belajar di wilayah perkebunan dulu hingga tahap penghayatan realitas saat ini.
Pada akhir November 2014, tepatnya Sabtu, 29 November 2014, menutup hari terakhir kegiatan belajar, anak-anak mengikuti evaluasi belajar kurikulum caturwulan III. Cukup banyak anak hadir walaupun beberapa dari mereka belum bisa mengikuti evaluasi.
Kegiatan evaluasi belajar dapat berlangsung dengan baik, dihadiri oleh seluruh fasilitator yang bertugas pada hari Jumat dan Sabtu. Kami berbagi tugas, menemani anak-anak peserta evaluasi dan anak-anak yang datang belajar.
Terimakasih atas kehadiran anak-anak peserta evaluasi belajar dan seluruh fasilitator Semoga semangat akhir tahun membawa kemajuan yang lebih baik lagi dalam menyongsong tahun baru.
Kegiatan Usaha Mandiri sepanjang bulan ini dilakukan bersamaan dengan beres-beres rumah belajar. Saat ini kegiatan berfokus pada kreasi dari bungkus kopi yang didaur ulang, kreasi kartu ucapan dari paper quilling, kreasi manik-manik, dan pembuatan biscuit menjelang hari Natal dan Tahun Baru.
Kami sangat berterimakasih pada komunitas biara St. Maria, Juanda atas perhatian dan dukungannya, yang dengan setia mengumpulkan bahan-bahan bungkus kopi serta para Ibu, warga Cakung yang mendukung kegiatan ketrampilan daur ulang ini. Semoga kerjasama yang telah dijalin dengan baik ini dapat terus berlanjut.
Kami dengan senang hati menerima sumbangan bahan-bahan daur ulang dari teman-teman yang berkenan untuk mendukung kegiatan ketrampilan yang dilakukan oleh para remaja dan ibu Cakung. Mari bersama kita dukung gerakan pengurangan, penggunaan kembali, dan daur ulang sampah plastik di sekitar kita.
Komunitas Muara Baru
Selama bulan ini, kegiatan belajar dilakukan pada hari Minggu I dan V.
Kegiatan belajar kami bagi dalam tiga kelompok, yaitu bagi anak-anak yang masih mengenal abjad dan baru menulis kata dan huruf masuk dalam kelompok I (usia 5 – 7 tahun) yang dibimbing oleh Kak Debby, sedangkan anak-anak yang sudah bisa membaca, tulis, dan berhitung, (usia 7 – 10 tahun) didampingi oleh Tino bergantian dengan Kak Thesa, yang biasanya kami beri tugas untuk menulis perbendaharaan kata berdasarkan abjad dan berhitung. Sedangkan kelompok terakhir, yang berusia 11 hingga 13 tahun didampingi oleh Kak Indri.
Kami senang dengan antusiasme anak-anak dan dukungan orang tua warga Muara Baru.
Kami ucapkan terimakasih banyak atas kerjasama para fasilitator, volunteer, anak-anak, warga Cakung dan Muara Baru, terutama pada Mohandri, Indri, Kak Uju, Ester, Tino, Kak Thesa, Kak Tina, dan anak-anak pengurus program, serta Bu Herda di Muara Baru.
Kegiatan administrasi perpustakaan sepanjang bulan ini diisi dengan pengaturan buku-buku perpustakaan ke dalam lemari perpustakaan yang dipindahkan dari rumah belajar lama ke rumah belajar baru.
Kegiatan penataan buku dilakukan selama beberapa hari oleh tim perpustakaan dibantu oleh seluruh pengurus program dan fasilitator.
Kini buku-buku perpustakaan sudah berada dalam lemari yang disusun berderet di ruang belajar anak kategori 0. Buku-buku disusun tidak hanya berdasarkan klasifikasinya tapi juga disimpan dalam tiap-tiap lemari yang dibagi per tahun.
Kami ucapkan terimakasih banyak atas ketekunan tim program perpustakaan, yang telah menyelesaikan tugasnya.
Kegiatan Peningkatan Gizi Anak
Selama November 2014 ini, kegiatan peningkatan gizi anak berlangsung dengan baik.
Selain minum susu rutin, menu sehat bulan ini adalah telur rebus, semangka, bubur sumsum, dan salad buah.
Pada Jumat I November 2014, tim program peningkatan gizi anak menyiapkan semangka untuk anak-anak selesai belajar. Kegiatan cuci tangan wajib dilakukan sebelum makan. Anak-anak menyanyi bersama saat pembagian menu sehat.
Pada Sabtu II November 2014, tim program peningkatan gizi anak menyiapkan telur rebus bersama kecap dan garam merica. Seperti biasa setiap Sabtu, selesai minum susu, kegiatan belajar dimulai, dan diakhiri dengan makan menu sehat.
Pada Jumat III November 2014, anak-anak menikmati bubur sumsum dengan kuah gula merah selesai belajar, sedangkan pada Sabtu IV November 2014, selesai evaluasi belajar, sambil mendengarkan penjelasan hasil evaluasi dan penilaian para fasilitator, anak-anak menikmati salad buah. Ada nenas, semangka, melon, mangga, dan apel dengan perasan lemon ditambah vla sebagai pengganti mayonnaise menambah semangat anak untuk menyantap menu bervitamin tinggi ini.
Kegiatan peningkatan gizi anak ditutup dengan kegiatan koperasi untuk para Ibu.
Kami berterimakasih pada tim pengurus program, para Ibu, dan para fasilitator yang telah membantu mempersiapkan menu sehat dengan baik selama bulan ini.
Selama November 2014 ini, pengeluaran dana digunakan untuk melengkapi kebutuhan sekolah anak, seperti fotokopi, perawatan komputer, biaya renang, iuran kas kelas, pembelian baju karate dan emblem dari seorang anak yang membutuhkan bantuan, biaya tugas kelompok, dan biaya transport sekolah anak.
Untuk mengikuti ujian akhir semester, setiap penerima beasiswa wajib melunasi biaya sekolah dari November hingga Desember 2014. Untuk itu, seluruh penerima beasiswa yang bersekolah di sekolah swasta harus melunasinya, termasuk biaya ujian akhir semester yang dikenakan pada seorang pelajar STM.
Para penerima beasiswa mengikuti pelajaran bahasa Inggris setiap Senin yang dimulai pada pukul 6 sore di rumah belajar sepanjang bulan ini. Kegiatan ini selain menambah kemampuan anak berbahasa Inggris, juga menjadi tanggung jawab peserta untuk mengajarkan bahasa Inggris pada adik-adiknya, terutama anak-anak kategori II dan III.
Terimakasih kami pada teman-teman yang setia membantu penyelenggaraan program beasiswa ini. Kami berharap kerjasama yang telah dijalin dengan baik ini dapat terus berlanjut dan menjadi bekal yang berguna bagi masa depan anak-anak.
Rencana kegiatan di bulan Desember 2014 ini adalah :
1. Kegiatan Belajar
Early sex education bagi seluruh anak Komunitas Anak Belajar di rumah belajar Cakung pada Jumat, 19 Desember 2014 di rumah belajar Cakung, bekerjasama dengan mahasiswa pasca sarjana fakultas Psikologi Anak UI.
Latihan kepemimpinan bagi seluruh fasilitator Komunitas Anak Belajar di rumah belajar Cakung pada Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014 dibimbing oleh Kak Alvieni.
Evaluasi dan perencanaan program dan kurikulum pada 13 – 18 Desember 2014.
Kegiatan ketrampilan menggantikan kegiatan belajar anak yang berakhir pada Sabtu, 29 November 2014. Kegiatan ketrampilan sepanjang Desember 2014 berfokus pada kreasi kartu ucapan paper quilling, kreasi bungkus kopi, berupa tas, tempat minum, tatakan gelas dan mangkuk, kreasi manik-manik berupa Rosario serta pembuatan biscuit untuk parcel hari raya.
2. Beasiswa
Campus Comparative Study pada 7 – 11 Desember 2014 di Yogyakarta oleh 1 mahasiswa semester V penerima beasiswa.
Ujian akhir semester pada 1 – 8 dan 4 - 12 Desember 2014 bagi seluruh pelajar SMU dan STM penerima beasiswa.
Ujian akhir semester pada 8 – 13 Desember 2014 bagi seluruh pelajar SD dan SMP penerima beasiswa.
Kursus bahasa Inggris setiap Senin sore di rumah belajar atau rumah pengajar hingga Senin, 15 Desember 2014.
3. Lain-lain
1. Kunjungan mahasiswa Universitas Sinar Mas pada Senin, 15 Desember 2014.
Akhirnya, kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih pada teman-teman yang telah banyak mendukung dalam doa dan dana, tenaga, maupun material untuk terwujudnya program kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar sepanjang bulan ini.
Kami berterimakasih pada para donator yang sungguh-sungguh mau peduli pada kepentingan orang lain di atas kepentingan pribadi dan sungguh-sungguh menghormati dan menghargai kami dan apa yang sudah kami lakukan.
Terimakasih banyak atas bantuan kebutuhan belajar dari Jason dan Justin serta Sr. Agustina, BKK. Terimakasih kami atas ketekunan dan dukungan dari komunitas Suster Ursulin, Juanda yang membantu dalam pengumpulan bungkus kopi untuk kegiatan ketrampilan remaja dan para Ibu.
Terimakasih banyak atas bantuan dana yang amat sangat mendukung terselenggaranya operasional program Komunitas Anak Belajar. Terimakasih kami untuk Mbak Jenny, Kak Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Kak Sofia Erlinda Indra, Ibu Djiauw Swie Tjing, Kak Hanaria Putri, keluarga Pak Arif Budi Subekti – Ibu Maria, Dr. Frans Senff, Kak Meltari Daruningtyas, kelompok Magis, dan Kak Arry Fitriana.
Terimakasih banyak atas semua kebaikan teman-teman. Kiranya Tuhan berkenan memberi kesehatan prima dan berkat limpah, dan semoga kerjasama kita yang telah dijalin selama ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik. Kita diutus untuk berbagi dan melayani.
Tuhan memberkati kita semua.
Laporan kegiatan bulanan dapat diakses dalam blog kami di :
Produksi ketrampilan remaja dan ibu Cakung dapat dipesan dan diakses dalam blog kami di :
Salam hangat,
Atas nama anak-anak Komunitas Anak Belajar
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
12 November, 2014
Progress Report of Children Learning Community in October 2014
Dear friends,
In October 2014, the learning activities ran well. The children, the team and I are so grateful for your prayer and support.
On the 1st week of October 2014, to be exact on Wednesday, October 1st, the Children Learning Community welcomed Laftavi and Tontey families.
The children gathered in the learning house with the facilitators. Most of them are the new children participants. They introduced themselves to the guests. Laftavi and Tontey families’ visit was the third time after their last visit on 2012.
The children sang and so glad to welcome them. They are on behalf of Dr. Sarah Laftavi’s Charity came to visit and bring some presents for all of the children and to know more the scholarship students in Cakung.
We thank so much for all of the attention and support. On behalf of the children of Children Learning Community, we are so grateful for the donation of the house’s rent for two years ahead. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well.
On the 3rd week of October 2014, to be exact on Friday, October 17th, 2014, we came to the wedding celebration of Ms. Qori’ah and her husband at her house. Qori’ah is one of the facilitators in Cakung since 2009. We came in the afternoon with the mothers and the children, and the facilitators as well.
We wish you a happy life forever as a new family.
On the 4th week of October 2014, to be exact on Friday, October 24th, 2014, Ms. Angguni and Ms. Melita from MaGis group visited us and intend to hold again the live-in exposure activity in Cakung after the last activity on 2012.
Thank you very much for your support and trust. May our collaboration will continue well.
Alternative Learning Activities
a. Cakung Children Community
In October 2014, the learning activities ran well.
There is 1 child from the nearby environment involved in the activities this month and has joined in the 0 category.
In mid October 2014, we had a new facilitator for accompany the children of the 0 category’s learning. Welcome to Ms. Thesa and wish you always faithful in serving others.
The life-skill activity for teenagers and mothers in Cakung during this month was still focus in producing the creation from the coffee sachettes. On Sunday, October 26th, 2014, the sewing workshop facilitated by Mr.Nanang, taught us how to measure dan made the pattern of the inside of the bag and how to sew it. We need to practice it due to kinds of measure and variety of the bags. We also learn how to make the children’s pants that we recycle from the children clothes’ support that we received few months ago.
We were so thankful for the attention and support of Mr. Nanang and thank you for Sr. Marceline, OSU’s support in collecting the coffee sachettes and the ladies of Cakung residents as well. We hope our collaboration will sustainable well.
It would be nice receiving your plastic garbages for supporting the income generating program for the teenagers and the mothers of Children Learning Community. Together we move the action of reduce, reuse, and recycled the plastic garbages.
b. Muara Baru Community
In this month, the learning activities ran on the week II and III.
The learning activity has done in three groups, the first group (age 5 – 7 years old) is for the children who can’t fluently reading, writing, and counting, accompanied by Ms. Debby, the second group (age 7 – 10 years old) who usually has assignment in counting and writing all the vocabularies sorted alphabetically accompanied by Nia, and the last group from 11 to 13 years old children participants accompanied by Ms. Indri.
We were glad for the children’s enthusiasm and the Muara Baru parents’ support.
We thank all the collaborative works of the facilitators, the volunteer, the children, and the residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs Herda, Ms Thesa, Ms Uju, Ester, Tino, Mohandri, Indri, and the children coordinator programs.
The library activities in this month have not done yet except for packaging the books preparing for moving to the new learning house.
Thank you very much for the perseverance of the coordinator and her team to do the assignment.
Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
In October 2014, the program activities ran well.
Besides drinking milk every Saturday, the healthy menus were hardboiled eggs, mangoes, mungbean porridge, liver and tofu semur (soyasauce soup), and bread with chocolate jam.
On the first Saturday of October 2014, the team prepared hardboiled eggs, which the children usually eaten with soyasauce or sprinkle salt.
On the second Friday of October 2014, the team prepared mangoes which cut in blocks and every child have a plate of mango blocks. Although the mangoes are sweet, not all the children could eat up. Some children prefer to keep in their lunch box to eat at home.
On the third Saturday of October 2014, the children enjoy the mungbean porridge with the slices of banana. Not all children like it, they just like to sip the porridge. Some children just like to eat the slices of banana. We poured it in the bowl sufficiently so not much wasted. Some children who couldn’t eat up the porridge gave it to their Mom.
Before eat the healthy menu, the children especially the new children participants learned to wash their hands, taught by others who are longer involved in the learning activities. After stand in line washing hands, they dried their hands with the clean towel.
On the fourth Friday of October 2014, the children enjoy semur hati rempela tahu (liver tofu soyasauce soup) with rice. The team prepared many liver and tofu and cooked by the facilitators and some mothers. After the learning activity and the children washed their hands, they enjoy the healthy menu.
On the fifth Saturday of October 2014, before the learning activity began, all of the children drank milk with chocolate jam bread.
Thank you very much to the team, the mothers, and the facilitators who organised the healthy menus and cooked them in October 2014.
Children Scholarship
In October 2014, the donation used to provide the children’ school need, such as student books, copy learning materials, ink printers, computer service, internet pulse credit for the computer modem and the students weekly accommodation.
The need of computer is high so we decided to purchase the secondhand computer and laptop for two students at their home. It could make them easier to do their assignments independently while the sheets and printer could use only in the learning house.
Since the end of October 2014, to be exact on Monday, October 27th, 2014, the children who receive scholarship begin to do the new program. They have to follow the English class which hold every Monday at 6 PM. The program is either to improve their English and their confidence in speaking English or to increase their responsibility to teach English to the younger children in the 2nd and 3rd categories.
We are so grateful to our friends who would like to support the program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children’s fullest potential in the future.
November 2014 Activity Plans
1. Learning Activities
a. The learning activities in Cakung run every Friday and Saturday and in Muara Baru every Sunday on week II and IV of the month from 12 PM til 3.30 PM.
b. The fashion design students of Binus International field trip to Cakung on Wednesday, November 5th, 2014. They will follow the workshop of coffee sachettes creations in the learning house.
c. Live-in exposure MaGis group on November 13th to 15th, 2014 in Cakung.
d. The 3rd quarterly Cakung children Learning Evaluation on Saturday, November 29th, 2014.
e. The life-skill activities, focusing on paper quilling cards, coffee sachettes creations such as handbags, purse, bags for drinking bottle, and coaster for glasses and bowls, also baking biscuits for making Christmas parcels.
2. The Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
a. Providing the healthy menu and organizing all the kitchenware after moving to the new learning house.
3. Bibliotheque
a. Organizing the library books in the bookshelves after moving to the new learning house in mid November 2014.
4. Children Scholarship
a. Paying the monthly fee of the two vocational high school students and providing the school needs of the children of the scholarship recipients.
b. English class every Monday afternoon in the learning house and in the teacher’s house.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.
Thank you for all the donors who truly care others above their interest, respect us and appreciate for what we have done.
Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthy for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Ms. Jenny, Mrs. Susana Maria Santy, Ms. Sofia Erlinda Indra, Mrs Vina – Mr. Arend – Michelle Maramis, Mrs. Rina Anwar, Ms. Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Mrs. Djiauw Swie Tjing, Sr. Annunciata, OSU, Mrs. Melva Sumiati, Mr. Arif Budi Subekti – Mrs. Maria, and Laftavi and Tontey families.
Again, our sincere thanks to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well. We are chosen to share and serve others.
Our monthly progress report could be accessed on our blog :
The production of Cakung teenagers creation could be accessed on our blog :
Warmest regards,
On behalf of Children Learning Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
In October 2014, the learning activities ran well. The children, the team and I are so grateful for your prayer and support.
On the 1st week of October 2014, to be exact on Wednesday, October 1st, the Children Learning Community welcomed Laftavi and Tontey families.
The children gathered in the learning house with the facilitators. Most of them are the new children participants. They introduced themselves to the guests. Laftavi and Tontey families’ visit was the third time after their last visit on 2012.
The children sang and so glad to welcome them. They are on behalf of Dr. Sarah Laftavi’s Charity came to visit and bring some presents for all of the children and to know more the scholarship students in Cakung.
We thank so much for all of the attention and support. On behalf of the children of Children Learning Community, we are so grateful for the donation of the house’s rent for two years ahead. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well.
On the 3rd week of October 2014, to be exact on Friday, October 17th, 2014, we came to the wedding celebration of Ms. Qori’ah and her husband at her house. Qori’ah is one of the facilitators in Cakung since 2009. We came in the afternoon with the mothers and the children, and the facilitators as well.
We wish you a happy life forever as a new family.
On the 4th week of October 2014, to be exact on Friday, October 24th, 2014, Ms. Angguni and Ms. Melita from MaGis group visited us and intend to hold again the live-in exposure activity in Cakung after the last activity on 2012.
Thank you very much for your support and trust. May our collaboration will continue well.
Alternative Learning Activities
a. Cakung Children Community
In October 2014, the learning activities ran well.
There is 1 child from the nearby environment involved in the activities this month and has joined in the 0 category.
In mid October 2014, we had a new facilitator for accompany the children of the 0 category’s learning. Welcome to Ms. Thesa and wish you always faithful in serving others.
The life-skill activity for teenagers and mothers in Cakung during this month was still focus in producing the creation from the coffee sachettes. On Sunday, October 26th, 2014, the sewing workshop facilitated by Mr.Nanang, taught us how to measure dan made the pattern of the inside of the bag and how to sew it. We need to practice it due to kinds of measure and variety of the bags. We also learn how to make the children’s pants that we recycle from the children clothes’ support that we received few months ago.
We were so thankful for the attention and support of Mr. Nanang and thank you for Sr. Marceline, OSU’s support in collecting the coffee sachettes and the ladies of Cakung residents as well. We hope our collaboration will sustainable well.
It would be nice receiving your plastic garbages for supporting the income generating program for the teenagers and the mothers of Children Learning Community. Together we move the action of reduce, reuse, and recycled the plastic garbages.
b. Muara Baru Community
In this month, the learning activities ran on the week II and III.
The learning activity has done in three groups, the first group (age 5 – 7 years old) is for the children who can’t fluently reading, writing, and counting, accompanied by Ms. Debby, the second group (age 7 – 10 years old) who usually has assignment in counting and writing all the vocabularies sorted alphabetically accompanied by Nia, and the last group from 11 to 13 years old children participants accompanied by Ms. Indri.
We were glad for the children’s enthusiasm and the Muara Baru parents’ support.
We thank all the collaborative works of the facilitators, the volunteer, the children, and the residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs Herda, Ms Thesa, Ms Uju, Ester, Tino, Mohandri, Indri, and the children coordinator programs.
The library activities in this month have not done yet except for packaging the books preparing for moving to the new learning house.
Thank you very much for the perseverance of the coordinator and her team to do the assignment.
Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
In October 2014, the program activities ran well.
Besides drinking milk every Saturday, the healthy menus were hardboiled eggs, mangoes, mungbean porridge, liver and tofu semur (soyasauce soup), and bread with chocolate jam.
On the first Saturday of October 2014, the team prepared hardboiled eggs, which the children usually eaten with soyasauce or sprinkle salt.
On the second Friday of October 2014, the team prepared mangoes which cut in blocks and every child have a plate of mango blocks. Although the mangoes are sweet, not all the children could eat up. Some children prefer to keep in their lunch box to eat at home.
On the third Saturday of October 2014, the children enjoy the mungbean porridge with the slices of banana. Not all children like it, they just like to sip the porridge. Some children just like to eat the slices of banana. We poured it in the bowl sufficiently so not much wasted. Some children who couldn’t eat up the porridge gave it to their Mom.
Before eat the healthy menu, the children especially the new children participants learned to wash their hands, taught by others who are longer involved in the learning activities. After stand in line washing hands, they dried their hands with the clean towel.
On the fourth Friday of October 2014, the children enjoy semur hati rempela tahu (liver tofu soyasauce soup) with rice. The team prepared many liver and tofu and cooked by the facilitators and some mothers. After the learning activity and the children washed their hands, they enjoy the healthy menu.
On the fifth Saturday of October 2014, before the learning activity began, all of the children drank milk with chocolate jam bread.
Thank you very much to the team, the mothers, and the facilitators who organised the healthy menus and cooked them in October 2014.
Children Scholarship
In October 2014, the donation used to provide the children’ school need, such as student books, copy learning materials, ink printers, computer service, internet pulse credit for the computer modem and the students weekly accommodation.
The need of computer is high so we decided to purchase the secondhand computer and laptop for two students at their home. It could make them easier to do their assignments independently while the sheets and printer could use only in the learning house.
Since the end of October 2014, to be exact on Monday, October 27th, 2014, the children who receive scholarship begin to do the new program. They have to follow the English class which hold every Monday at 6 PM. The program is either to improve their English and their confidence in speaking English or to increase their responsibility to teach English to the younger children in the 2nd and 3rd categories.
We are so grateful to our friends who would like to support the program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children’s fullest potential in the future.
November 2014 Activity Plans
1. Learning Activities
a. The learning activities in Cakung run every Friday and Saturday and in Muara Baru every Sunday on week II and IV of the month from 12 PM til 3.30 PM.
b. The fashion design students of Binus International field trip to Cakung on Wednesday, November 5th, 2014. They will follow the workshop of coffee sachettes creations in the learning house.
c. Live-in exposure MaGis group on November 13th to 15th, 2014 in Cakung.
d. The 3rd quarterly Cakung children Learning Evaluation on Saturday, November 29th, 2014.
e. The life-skill activities, focusing on paper quilling cards, coffee sachettes creations such as handbags, purse, bags for drinking bottle, and coaster for glasses and bowls, also baking biscuits for making Christmas parcels.
2. The Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
a. Providing the healthy menu and organizing all the kitchenware after moving to the new learning house.
3. Bibliotheque
a. Organizing the library books in the bookshelves after moving to the new learning house in mid November 2014.
4. Children Scholarship
a. Paying the monthly fee of the two vocational high school students and providing the school needs of the children of the scholarship recipients.
b. English class every Monday afternoon in the learning house and in the teacher’s house.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.
Thank you for all the donors who truly care others above their interest, respect us and appreciate for what we have done.
Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthy for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Ms. Jenny, Mrs. Susana Maria Santy, Ms. Sofia Erlinda Indra, Mrs Vina – Mr. Arend – Michelle Maramis, Mrs. Rina Anwar, Ms. Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Mrs. Djiauw Swie Tjing, Sr. Annunciata, OSU, Mrs. Melva Sumiati, Mr. Arif Budi Subekti – Mrs. Maria, and Laftavi and Tontey families.
Again, our sincere thanks to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well. We are chosen to share and serve others.
Our monthly progress report could be accessed on our blog :
The production of Cakung teenagers creation could be accessed on our blog :
Warmest regards,
On behalf of Children Learning Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
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