Salam jumpa teman-teman yang baik,
Sepanjang Februari 2014 ini, kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar dapat berjalan dengan baik. Kami bersyukur dan berterimakasih atas bantuan dan doa teman-teman.
Pada Senin pagi, 4 Februari 2014, kami melayat seorang bayi perempuan, adik bungsu anak kat. 0, yaitu Nur, yang meninggal dunia pada malam hari di dalam gubuk kecilnya yang dilanda banjir karena semalaman hujan deras turun.
Keluarga dari Nur terpaksa minta ijin tetangga terdekat untuk dijadikan rumah duka selama beberapa jam, sebelum adik Nur dimakamkan pada pukul 10 pagi di areal pemakaman pesantren Al Qudwah.
Kami turut berdukacita bersama keluarga Nur dan kami percaya adik Nur telah berbahagia bermain bersama para malaikat di tempat yang damai dan abadi.
Pada Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014, tim Sari Ayu Martha Tilaar di bawah pimpinan Ibu Wulan menggelar hair cut day sebagai bagian dari CSR Puspita Martha, Martha Tilaar di Cakung, bekerjasama dengan kami, Komunitas Anak Belajar. Tim yang berjumlah 18 orang ini begitu tiba, langsung mempersiapkan peralatannya dan siap menggunting rambut anak-anak dan warga Cakung yang telah mendaftar.
Selesai menggunting rambut anak-anak, masing-masing diberikan bingkisan berupa biscuit dan susu. Mereka yang telah terdaftar ada sekitar 40 orang, sementara kegiatan gunting rambut ini mencapai 60 orang lebih, karena warga sekitar juga turut berpartisipasi. Seminggu sebelumnya obat pembasmi kutu diberikan agar saat kegiatan berlangsung para peserta sudah bersih dari kutu.
Acara berakhir pada siang hari, menjelang dimulainya kegiatan belajar bersama. Kami berfoto bersama dan menerima bingkisan produk kecantikan Sari Ayu, sebelum melepas Ibu Wulan, Kak Alvie, dan tim Puspita Martha. Selesai kegiatan belajar, bagi para peserta kegiatan potong rambut yang telah mendaftar, diberikan angpau.
Terimakasih atas kesempatan dan kepercayaan yang telah diberikan tim Puspita Martha, Martha Tilaar bagi kami, Komunitas Anak Belajar dan warga Cakung. Terimakasih banyak atas bantuan dan hadiah yang diberikan. Kiranya kerjasama ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik.
Kegiatan Belajar Alternatif
a. Komunitas Anak Cakung
Kegiatan belajar sepanjang bulan ini dapat berjalan dengan baik.
Ada beberapa anak baru dari lingkungan sekitar yang masuk dalam kategori 2 dan 3. Pada bulan ini ada 8 anak baru yang masuk dalam kategori 3, 4 anak baru yang masuk dalam kategori 2, dan 2 anak baru yang masuk dalam kategori 0.
Kami senang atas bertambahnya jumlah anak dan kepercayaan warga pada kegiatan kami di rumah belajar Komunitas Anak Cakung.
Semoga semangat belajar anak tetap terus berkobar dan tetap aktif mengikuti kegiatan yang diadakan di rumah belajar.
Kegiatan ketrampilan untuk selanjutnya masih tetap berfokus pada kreasi dari bahan-bahan yang dapat didaur ulang, seperti bungkus kopi, sabun cuci piring atau cuci pakaian serta kreasi kartu paper quilling yang dibuat dompet, tas, tempat tissue, dan tempat pensil. Selain itu, pembuatan telur asin kami lakukan sehubungan dengan adanya pemesanan, demikian juga dengan pembuatan kartu ucapan dari paper quilling.
Kami dengan senang hati menerima sumbangan bahan-bahan daur ulang dari teman-teman yang berkenan untuk mendukung kegiatan ketrampilan yang dilakukan oleh para remaja dan ibu Cakung. Mari bersama kita dukung gerakan pengurangan, penggunaan kembali, dan daur ulang sampah plastik di sekitar kita.
Pada bulan Februari 2014, Yana yang menjadi fasilitator anak kategori 0 mohon ijin untuk beristirahat dari kegiatan pendampingan belajar anak selama masa kehamilan hingga melahirkan. Kini fasilitator anak kategori 0 digantikan oleh Esther dan Mohandri, yang pada 2010 lalu adalah peserta belajar kategori 4.
b. Komunitas Muara Baru
Selama bulan ini, kegiatan belajar dilakukan pada hari Minggu, 2 Februari 2014 dan 16 Februari 2014.
Ada beberapa sumbangan alat tulis saat musibah banjir melanda pada bulan Januari 2014, yang kami bagikan saat selesai belajar pada bulan Februari ini. Anak-anak gembira menerima pembagian buku tulis dan alat tulis.
Semoga diberikannya buku dan alat tulis ini membuat anak-anak semakin semangat belajar dan berkumpul bersama pada hari kegiatan belajar di Muara Baru.
Kami ucapkan terimakasih banyak atas kerjasama para fasilitator, volunteer, anak-anak, warga Cakung dan Muara Baru, baik pada Kak Qori’ah, Kak Uju, Bu Mar’ah, Esther, Mohandri, Indri, Bu Sutini dan anak-anak pengurus program, serta Bu Herda di Muara Baru.
Kegiatan perpustakaan diawali dengan registrasi ulang dari data buku perpustakaan tahun 2009 hingga 2013. Selama dua bulan, agenda kegiatan perpustakaan adalah registrasi ulang.
Kegiatan berlangsung dengan baik dibantu oleh tim perpustakaan yang merelakan waktu selama beberapa hari menginap di rumah belajar, namun karena banyaknya buku dan sebagian besar anak-anak yang terlibat dalam tim masih awam dalam kegiatan administrasi perpustakaan maka para fasilitator juga terjun membantu kegiatan ini.
Pada dua hari terakhir sebelum berakhirnya bulan Februari, kegiatan cek fisik dan data dilakukan.
Kami ucapkan terimakasih banyak atas dukungan, perhatian dan ketekunan koordinator dan tim program perpustakaan, yang tetap setia meluangkan waktu untuk menyelesaikan tugas ini.
Kegiatan Peningkatan Gizi Anak
Selama Februari 2014 ini, kegiatan peningkatan gizi anak berlangsung dengan baik.
Selain minum susu rutin setiap Sabtu, menu sehat bulan ini adalah telur rebus, sekoteng, capcay, dan pepaya melon.
Menu sehat pada Sabtu I Februari 2014 adalah telur rebus, yang biasanya anak-anak makan dibubuhi kecap atau garam. Menu sehat pada Jumat II Februari 2014 adalah sekoteng, yang cocok diminum saat cuaca dingin dan mendung dimana musim hujan masih melanda.
Pada Sabtu III Februari 2014, menu sehat yang dihidangkan tim kegiatan peningkatan gizi anak adalah capcay, sedangkan pada Jumat akhir Februari 2014 adalah potongan pepaya melon.
Kami berterimakasih pada koordinator dan tim pengurus program serta kakak-kakak fasilitator yang telah membantu mempersiapkan menu sehat dengan baik.
Pada awal Februari 2014, penerima beasiswa tingkat perguruan tinggi mengikuti ujian akhir semester III. Selama tiga minggu berikutnya hingga akhir Februari 2014, kegiatan perkuliahan diliburkan. Pada masa libur, diadakan kegiatan fakultas, Accounting gathering di daerah Puncak.
Selama Februari 2014, pengeluaran dana beasiswa mencakup biaya Accounting gathering, pembelian pulsa modem internet, fotokopi bahan pelajaran, cuci foto, pembelian tali, biaya renang seorang anak SMP, dan biaya transport mingguan bagi beberapa penerima dana beasiswa penuh.
Terimakasih kami pada teman-teman yang berkenan rutin membantu penyelenggaraan program beasiswa ini. Kami berharap kerjasama ini dapat terus berlanjut dan menjadi bekal yang berguna bagi masa depan anak-anak.
Rencana kegiatan di bulan Maret 2014 ini adalah :
1. Kegiatan Belajar
a. Kegiatan belajar bersama dilakukan setiap Jumat dan Sabtu dari pukul 12.00 hingga pukul 15.30.
b. Kegiatan ketrampilan dilakukan setiap Rabu siang hingga sore hari di rumah belajar. Kegiatan difokuskan pada kreasi daur ulang bungkus kopi, pembuatan kartu paper quilling, dan kreasi manik-manik.
2. Kegiatan Peningkatan Gizi Anak
a. Persiapan bahan-bahan menu sehat dan pembelian susu serta penyediaan perlengkapan masak yang memadai.
3. Perpustakaan
a. Registrasi buku-buku perpustakaan 2014 dan penyelesaian registrasi ulang buku-buku perpustakaan 2009 hingga 2013.
4. Beasiswa
a. Pembayaran biaya registrasi semester IV seorang mahasiswa penerima beasiswa.
Laporan kegiatan bulanan dapat diakses dalam blog kami di :
Produksi ketrampilan remaja Cakung dapat diakses dalam blog kami di :
Akhirnya, kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih pada teman-teman yang telah banyak mendukung dalam doa dan dana, tenaga, maupun material untuk terwujudnya program kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar sepanjang bulan ini.
Terimakasih banyak atas bantuan material berupa material daur ulang sebanyak 3 kantong plastik penuh dari Sr. Marcelline, OSU dan satu dus produk kecantikan Sari Ayu dari Ibu Wulan.
Terimakasih banyak atas bantuan dana yang amat sangat mendukung terselenggaranya operasional program Komunitas Anak Belajar.
Terimakasih kami untuk Bu MA Nani Tirtajaya, Bu Vina – Pak Arend – Michelle Maramis, Mbak Jenny, Kak Elissa Wiguna, Kak Arry Fitriana, Bu Theresia Airin Terra, Pak Anton – Bu Christina, Ibu Sofia Erlinda Indra, dan Bu Hanaria Putri.
Terimakasih banyak atas semua kebaikan teman-teman. Kiranya Tuhan berkenan memberi kesehatan prima dan berkat limpah, dan semoga kerjasama kita yang telah dijalin selama ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik.
Tuhan memberkati kita semua.
Salam hangat,
Atas nama anak-anak Komunitas Anak Belajar
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
Children Learning Community is a community based on alternative education for the children in Cakung, East Jakarta and in Sarang Tupai, Ciawi, Bogor. The children are from the poor urban family whom their parents make a living from an empty land for farming. Alternative education become the way to conscious the parents and the children on how to be the independent human being.
Cari Blog Ini
18 Maret, 2014
Progress Report of Children Learning Community on February 2014
Dear friends,
On February 2013, the alternative education of Children Learning Community could run well, thanks to your prayer and support.
On Monday morning, February 4th, 2014, we met Nur’s family who’s a baby girl, Nur’s youngest sister has passed away. She left in the small hut which half covered with flood in the rainy night.
Nur’s family has to permit the neighbour as the funeral home for some hours to lay rest the baby, before being buried at 10 AM in Al Qudwah funeral.
We are in deep condolence with Nur’s family. We believe this baby girl has a happy life, playing with angels in Heaven.
On Saturday, February 15th, 2014, Mrs. Wulan and her team of Sari Ayu Martha Tilaar held the hair cut day as the part of Puspita Martha’s CSR in Cakung, cooperate with Children Learning Community. The 18th people of the team directly prepared their properties and after that ready to cut the children and the residents’ hair who have been registered. After cutting the children’s hair, every kid had a goody bag, such as biscuits and milk.
There were about 40 people who registered, while about 60 people participated in this program, the rest were from the nearby. A week ago, the company brought us the bottles of head lice remedy for the residents so their hair free from lice in the hair cut day.
The event finished after midday, in the beginning of the learning activity. We took pictures together and have a goody bag of Sari Ayu’s product, before Mrs. Wulan, Mrs. Alvie, and Puspita Martha’s team leaving. While the learning activity ended, every children who registered in this event got angpau (a small envelope with some money inside).
Thank you for the trust and the opportunity of Puspita Martha’s team to Children Learning Community and Cakung’s residents. Thank you very much for your support. We hope this cooperation will continue well.
Alternative Learning Activities
a. Cakung Children Community
The learning activities could run well. There are some children as the new participants in 2nd and 3rd categories. Eight children join in the 3rd category while 4 children in the 2nd category, and 2 children in 0 category.
We are happy to know more children participating and the trust of the residents of our activities in the learning house of Cakung children community.
We hope the children’s spirit keep burning and always active following the activities in the learning house.
The next life-skill activity is still focused on recycled material creations such as purse, handbag, tissue cover and pencil case from coffee sachettes, dishcleaner powder sachettes, etc, also on paper quilling creations and making salted egg due to some friends’ orders.
We are gladly receiving your plastic garbages for supporting the income generating program for the teenagers and the mothers of Children Learning Community. Together we move the action of reduce, reuse, and recycled the plastic garbages.
On February 2014, a facilitator of 0 category, Yana has to take some rest for maternity leaving. Now the facilitators of 0 category are Esther and Mohandri, who were the children participant in 4th category in 2010.
b. The Muara Baru Community
The learning activity started on Sunday, February 2nd, 2014 and on Sunday, February 16th, 2014 to be exact.
There were some stationeries supported while flood disaster on January 2014 which we distributed while the learning activity ended. The children were so happy and excited to get some notebooks and stationeries.
We hope it could make the children have more spirit of learning and love to gather together in the learning day at Muara Baru.
We thank all the collaborative works among the facilitators, the volunteers, the children and residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs. Herda at Muara Baru, Ms. Qori’ah, Ms. Uju, Indri, Esther, Mohandri, Mrs. Sutini, and Mrs. Mar’ah, and the children coordinator program.
The library activity is begun with the reregistration of the library books of 2009 until 2013. For two months, the library schedule is re-registration the library books.
The library activities were run well supported by the team who would like to spend some nights in the house of learning, but there were many books and some of the team who helped in the administrative work were still new to do.
In the last two days of February, they rechecked all of the books based on their data and keep in order.
Finally we are thankful for the attention and the perseverance of the team.
Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
On February 2014, the program could run well.
Besides drinking milk every Saturday, the healthy menus were hard-boiled egg, sekoteng (Javanese spicy traditional drink), capcay (Chinese mixed vegetables with chicken liver & shrimp), and papaya melon.
The healthy menu on the first Saturday of February 2014 was hard-boiled egg, which usually eaten with soyasauce or sprinkle salt. The healthy menu on the second Friday of February 2014 was sekoteng, which perfect to drink on the rainy and cloudy season.
On the third Saturday of February 2014, the team prepared capcay, while on the last Friday of the month was papaya melon dices.
We thank the team who organised the healthy menu and cooked it during February 2014 and special thanks to the facilitators who lend a hand during preparation.
Children Scholarship
On the early February 2014, a college student followed the examination of semester III. For three weeks ahead until the end of February 2014, there’s no lectures. During holiday, there’s accounting gathering event which located in Puncak, West Java.
On this month, the scholarship expenditures were in providing the elementary and university students learning materials, including the fee of accounting gathering, internet pulse for modem, copy learning materials, develop a film, the fee of school swimming of the junior high school student, and the students weekly accommodation.
We are so grateful to our friends who would like to support the program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children’s future.
March 2013 Activity Plans
1. Learning Activities
a. The learning activity run every Friday and Saturday from 12 PM til 3.30 PM.
b. The life-skill activity run every Wednesday from day til afternoon in the learning house focused on recycled material, paper quilling, and beads creations.
2. The Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
a. Providing the healthy menu and purchasing milk, also providing the kitchenware.
3. Bibliotheque
a. Registering the library books of 2014 and finishing the re-registering the library books of 2009 until 2013.
Our monthly progress report could be accessed in our blog :
The production of Cakung teenagers creation could be accessed in our blog :
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.
Thank you for the recycled materiasl support from Sr. Marcelline, OSU and a box of Sari Ayu products from Mrs. Wulan.
Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthy for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Mrs. MA Nani Tirtajaya, Ms. Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend, Michelle Maramis, Ms. Jenny, Ms. Arry Fitriana, Mrs. Theresia Airin Terra, Mr. Anton – Mrs. Christina, Mrs. Sofia Erlinda Indra, and Mrs.Hanaria Putri.
Again, our sincere thanks to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well.
Warmest regards,
On behalf of Children Learning Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
On February 2013, the alternative education of Children Learning Community could run well, thanks to your prayer and support.
On Monday morning, February 4th, 2014, we met Nur’s family who’s a baby girl, Nur’s youngest sister has passed away. She left in the small hut which half covered with flood in the rainy night.
Nur’s family has to permit the neighbour as the funeral home for some hours to lay rest the baby, before being buried at 10 AM in Al Qudwah funeral.
We are in deep condolence with Nur’s family. We believe this baby girl has a happy life, playing with angels in Heaven.
On Saturday, February 15th, 2014, Mrs. Wulan and her team of Sari Ayu Martha Tilaar held the hair cut day as the part of Puspita Martha’s CSR in Cakung, cooperate with Children Learning Community. The 18th people of the team directly prepared their properties and after that ready to cut the children and the residents’ hair who have been registered. After cutting the children’s hair, every kid had a goody bag, such as biscuits and milk.
There were about 40 people who registered, while about 60 people participated in this program, the rest were from the nearby. A week ago, the company brought us the bottles of head lice remedy for the residents so their hair free from lice in the hair cut day.
The event finished after midday, in the beginning of the learning activity. We took pictures together and have a goody bag of Sari Ayu’s product, before Mrs. Wulan, Mrs. Alvie, and Puspita Martha’s team leaving. While the learning activity ended, every children who registered in this event got angpau (a small envelope with some money inside).
Thank you for the trust and the opportunity of Puspita Martha’s team to Children Learning Community and Cakung’s residents. Thank you very much for your support. We hope this cooperation will continue well.
Alternative Learning Activities
a. Cakung Children Community
The learning activities could run well. There are some children as the new participants in 2nd and 3rd categories. Eight children join in the 3rd category while 4 children in the 2nd category, and 2 children in 0 category.
We are happy to know more children participating and the trust of the residents of our activities in the learning house of Cakung children community.
We hope the children’s spirit keep burning and always active following the activities in the learning house.
The next life-skill activity is still focused on recycled material creations such as purse, handbag, tissue cover and pencil case from coffee sachettes, dishcleaner powder sachettes, etc, also on paper quilling creations and making salted egg due to some friends’ orders.
We are gladly receiving your plastic garbages for supporting the income generating program for the teenagers and the mothers of Children Learning Community. Together we move the action of reduce, reuse, and recycled the plastic garbages.
On February 2014, a facilitator of 0 category, Yana has to take some rest for maternity leaving. Now the facilitators of 0 category are Esther and Mohandri, who were the children participant in 4th category in 2010.
b. The Muara Baru Community
The learning activity started on Sunday, February 2nd, 2014 and on Sunday, February 16th, 2014 to be exact.
There were some stationeries supported while flood disaster on January 2014 which we distributed while the learning activity ended. The children were so happy and excited to get some notebooks and stationeries.
We hope it could make the children have more spirit of learning and love to gather together in the learning day at Muara Baru.
We thank all the collaborative works among the facilitators, the volunteers, the children and residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs. Herda at Muara Baru, Ms. Qori’ah, Ms. Uju, Indri, Esther, Mohandri, Mrs. Sutini, and Mrs. Mar’ah, and the children coordinator program.
The library activity is begun with the reregistration of the library books of 2009 until 2013. For two months, the library schedule is re-registration the library books.
The library activities were run well supported by the team who would like to spend some nights in the house of learning, but there were many books and some of the team who helped in the administrative work were still new to do.
In the last two days of February, they rechecked all of the books based on their data and keep in order.
Finally we are thankful for the attention and the perseverance of the team.
Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
On February 2014, the program could run well.
Besides drinking milk every Saturday, the healthy menus were hard-boiled egg, sekoteng (Javanese spicy traditional drink), capcay (Chinese mixed vegetables with chicken liver & shrimp), and papaya melon.
The healthy menu on the first Saturday of February 2014 was hard-boiled egg, which usually eaten with soyasauce or sprinkle salt. The healthy menu on the second Friday of February 2014 was sekoteng, which perfect to drink on the rainy and cloudy season.
On the third Saturday of February 2014, the team prepared capcay, while on the last Friday of the month was papaya melon dices.
We thank the team who organised the healthy menu and cooked it during February 2014 and special thanks to the facilitators who lend a hand during preparation.
Children Scholarship
On the early February 2014, a college student followed the examination of semester III. For three weeks ahead until the end of February 2014, there’s no lectures. During holiday, there’s accounting gathering event which located in Puncak, West Java.
On this month, the scholarship expenditures were in providing the elementary and university students learning materials, including the fee of accounting gathering, internet pulse for modem, copy learning materials, develop a film, the fee of school swimming of the junior high school student, and the students weekly accommodation.
We are so grateful to our friends who would like to support the program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children’s future.
March 2013 Activity Plans
1. Learning Activities
a. The learning activity run every Friday and Saturday from 12 PM til 3.30 PM.
b. The life-skill activity run every Wednesday from day til afternoon in the learning house focused on recycled material, paper quilling, and beads creations.
2. The Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
a. Providing the healthy menu and purchasing milk, also providing the kitchenware.
3. Bibliotheque
a. Registering the library books of 2014 and finishing the re-registering the library books of 2009 until 2013.
Our monthly progress report could be accessed in our blog :
The production of Cakung teenagers creation could be accessed in our blog :
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.
Thank you for the recycled materiasl support from Sr. Marcelline, OSU and a box of Sari Ayu products from Mrs. Wulan.
Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthy for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Mrs. MA Nani Tirtajaya, Ms. Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend, Michelle Maramis, Ms. Jenny, Ms. Arry Fitriana, Mrs. Theresia Airin Terra, Mr. Anton – Mrs. Christina, Mrs. Sofia Erlinda Indra, and Mrs.Hanaria Putri.
Again, our sincere thanks to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well.
Warmest regards,
On behalf of Children Learning Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
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