Cari Blog Ini

28 Desember, 2015

Progress Report of Children Learning Community in November 2015

Dear friends,

The Children Learning Community is very grateful for your support and prayer. Throughout the month of November, the activity ran smoothly.

In the beginning of the month, as usual, we announce the perfect attendance students and the active money savers. The winner will get a set of school stationary. The purpose of giving this price is to motivate other students to do the same thing. This month, a Cakung’s children won the price for money saving. And for attendance, there are four Cakung’s children and five Sarang Tupai’s children who won the price. The Sarang Tupai’s children have not yet developed their enthusiasm to save. We still looked for ways to develop their saving habit.

The activity ran well. The number of participants in category zero and one increased. The active participants grew from 40 to 50 children now. With 50 children participated in this learning activity, the house felt smaller.

The Sarang Tupai’s children prefer to learn about crafting out of recycle coffee packs. The children can turn recycle coffee packs into water bottle holder and tote bags for books.

Just as we entered the month of November, we came to a rainy season. With rain, the green scenery started to emerge. The community is happy because they have water now. But they still have to wait for the ground water to be cleared in a few weeks ahead.

We thank all of our friends who relentlessly support us with their time, effort, financial support and place for learning.

Thank you to the facilitators, volunteers, the program coordinators, the community of Cakung especialy Jaka, Ms. Sutini, Ester, big sister Vera, Bosco, Frances, and the community of Sarang Tupai, especially big sister Ivonne, Novi, Cantik and Pagi.

We thank the Juanda’s Ursulin Sisterhood, big sister Lucy and the community of Cempaka Street, East Cakung, East Jakarta for routinely collecting the left out coffee packs. With this recycle materials in hand; the Cakung’s young girls and mothers can continue their handicraft project.

Let us all support the movement to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic garbage in our surrounding.

Throughout the month, the child’s nutrition improvement activity ran well.

Because of a long dry season, the children used wet napkin to clean their hands. Now, they are able to clean their hands with water. We did the nail cutting activity and cleaned the children’s hand with water in the fourth week of November. And the community gradually can enjoy clean ground water in the third and fourth week of November.

With clean ground water available, the children can enjoy the soupy beef ball noodle, instead of regular fruit and crackers. The Sarang Tupai’s children enjoyed beef ball noodle in the fourth week of November.

We received donation of powder milk in the third week of November from the Sisterhood Community of “Karya Kesehatan” through Sr. Agustina BKK. We thank you for your attention and kindness. We hope to continue this relationship further. The Cakung and Sarang Tupai children enjoyed their milk and crackers.

Every Saturday, in Cakung, besides drinking milk, the children also enjoy watermelon, soybean cake, fried cassava, toasted bread with jam and crackers.

We thank our facilitators, the Cakung’s mothers and the family of big sister Ivonne who help in serving the children with healthy food.

The November’s scholarship expenditure includes purchasing of text books for the Elementary and Middle School students. Other expenses are lesson’s material photocopies, purchasing of craft materials, last payment of school tuition installment and December’s school fee. This tuition and school’s fee need to be paid before their December’s midterm. The expenses also include school transport allowance and English’s tutor fee for Cakung’s recipients.

We thank all our friends who continuously support this scholarship program. Your support bring tremendous blessing to these children. The education that they receive now is their provision for their future. We thank you for your faithful commitment to this program.

December 2015, activity plan:

1. Learning Activity
a. The third quarter learning assessment will be done in the second week of December. Evaluasi belajar caturwulan III pada minggu II Desember 2015.
b. The period of the learning activity’s year-end break is from the second week of December 2015 to the third week of January 2016.
c. We usually open our learning center to visitors who want to come and greet us during Christmas’ season. For this purpose, we will open our center on Wednesday, December 9th and Saturday, December 19th 2015.
d. We plan to question all the children and teenagers in the second week of December. The purpose of this activity is to evaluate the existing program and also the implementation of learning curriculum.
e. The young girls and mothers’ crafting activity will be held throughout December.

2. Library Activity
a. The activity will be off from the second week of December 2015 to the second week of January 2016.

3. The Child Nutrition Improvement Activity
a. The activity will be off from the second week of December 2015 to the second week of January 2016.

4. Scholarship
a. The Elementary students will be having their midterm exam in the second week of December. The Middle School and High School students will be having their exam in the first week of December.
b. Year-end break will be started in the third week of December 2015.

At the end, we thank all of our friends who have relentlessly supported us throughout the month. Your prayer, presence, material and financial donation were truly a blessing for this learning community.

We are deeply touched by many of our donors’ generosity. They prioritized others than themselves. We truly appreciate your trust in our efforts.

We express many thanks to all of our generous donors for your financial commitment in supporting the operation of this learning program. We thank Ms. Jeanny, Mrs Djiauw Swie Tjing, big sister Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Ms. Susana Maria Santy, big sister Sofia Erlinda Indra, Ms.Vina, Mr. Arend-Michelle Maramis and big sister Hanaria Putri.

Thank you very much to Mr.David for translating the report regularly.

To all our friends, we are very grateful to your kindness. We pray that The Lord grants you with good health and many financial blessings. Thank you for your continuous support. We are called to bring peace and welfare to the world.

God bless us, all.

For the monthly report and our children’s craft product, please kindly visit:
For the order of our young girls and mothers product, please kindly access us at:

Warm regards,
On behalf of the children learning community.


To place your donation through the bank.
Account holder : Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
Bank : BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Account no. : 342-2792161
Swift code : cenaidja
Feel free also to contact me at +628129685594 for any supporting documents and materials.

15 Desember, 2015

Laporan Kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar pada November 2015

Salam jumpa teman-teman,

Syukur dan terimakasih atas bantuan dan doa teman-teman sehingga kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar dapat berjalan dengan baik sepanjang bulan November 2015.

Setiap awal bulan biasanya diumumkan peserta kegiatan belajar yang rajin hadir dan rajin menabung selama sebulan lalu. Hadiah alat tulis kami berikan untuk memberi semangat anak dalam belajar. Pada bulan ini, ada satu anak Cakung yang rajin menabung dan empat anak Cakung yang rajin hadir, sedangkan di Sarang Tupai ada lima anak. Semangat menabung anak-anak Sarang Tupai masih belum terbangun dengan baik dan kami masih harus mencari cara yang tepat untuk mendorong anak agar rajin menabung.

Kegiatan belajar di Cakung berjalan dengan baik dan semakin banyak anak baru untuk kelompok kategori 0 dan 1 terlibat dalam kegiatan belajar. Jumlah anak aktif belajar yang beberapa bulan lalu mencapai 40 anak, kini mencapai 50 anak. Rumah belajar menjadi terasa sempit.

Anak-anak Sarang Tupai lebih memilih untuk belajar ketrampilan kreasi bungkus kopi yang mereka buat menjadi tas untuk tempat minum dan untuk tempat buku. Memasuki November, musim hujan mulai terasa disana. Hujan turun dan tanaman mulai menghijau. Warga gembira tidak kekurangan air lagi walau air tanah masih keruh.

Terimakasih banyak pada teman-teman yang berkenan memberikan waktu, tenaga, material, dan tempat untuk mendukung terlaksananya kegiatan belajar Komunitas Anak Belajar.

Terimakasih banyak pada kakak-kakak fasilitator, volunteer, tim program, warga Cakung dan Sarang Tupai, terutama pada Jaka, Bu Sutini, Ester, Kak Vera, Kak Bosco, Kak Frances, di Cakung dan Kak Ivonne, Novi, Cantik, dan Pagi di Sarang Tupai, Megamendung, Ciawi.

Terimakasih atas pengumpulan bungkus kopi yang rutin dilakukan oleh Komunitas Suster Ursulin Juanda, Kak Lucy, dan warga jalan Cempaka, Cakung Timur, Jakarta Timur untuk mendukung kegiatan ketrampilan berbahan dasar barang-barang daur ulang yang dilakukan oleh para remaja dan ibu Cakung.

Mari bersama kita dukung gerakan pengurangan, penggunaan kembali, dan daur ulang sampah plastik di sekitar kita.

Kegiatan peningkatan gizi anak berlangsung dengan baik sepanjang bulan ini.

Setelah memasuki musim hujan, akhirnya pada minggu IV November 2015, setelah menggunting kuku, anak-anak Sarang Tupai bisa mencuci tangan dengan air bersih, tidak lagi menggunakan tisu basah. Memasuki minggu III – IV November 2015, air tanah sudah jernih dan bisa digunakan warga.

Kegiatan peningkatan gizi anak yang selama ini makan buah dan biskuit, sejak minggu IV November 2015, anak-anak Sarang Tupai sudah bisa melakukan kegiatan memasak bersama. Menunya mie bakso.

Sumbangan susu bubuk kami terima pada minggu III November 2015 dari Komunitas Suster Karya Kesehatan melalui Sr. Agustina, BKK. Terimakasih banyak atas kebaikan dan perhatian para Suster pada kami. Semoga kerjasama yang telah dijalin dengan baik ini dapat terus berlanjut.

Anak-anak minum susu dan makan biskuit baik di Cakung maupun di Sarang Tupai.

Di Cakung, selain kegiatan minum susu bersama setiap Sabtu, anak-anak juga menikmati menu sehat lain, seperti semangka, stik tempe dan singkong goreng, roti selai, dan biskuit.

Terimakasih kami pada para fasilitator, para Ibu warga Cakung dan keluarga Kak Ivonne yang membantu menghidangkan menu sehat bagi anak-anak.

Pengeluaran dana bagi anak-anak penerima beasiswa sepanjang November 2015 ini adalah pembelian buku pelajaran baik bagi murid SD dan SMP, fotokopi bahan pelajaran, pembelian bahan ketrampilan, pelunasan SPP bulanan dan SPP bulan Desember mengingat awal Desember 2015, murid-murid memasuki masa ujian akhir semester. Pengeluaran dana juga termasuk transport sekolah dan jasa guru Bahasa Inggris yang difokuskan untuk mengajar anak-anak penerima beasiswa di Cakung.

Terimakasih kami pada teman-teman yang setia membantu penyelenggaraan program beasiswa ini. Kiranya bantuan ini dapat sungguh menjadi bekal yang berguna bagi masa depan anak-anak. Semoga kerjasama yang telah dijalin dengan baik ini dapat terus berlanjut.

Rencana kegiatan di bulan Desember 2015 ini adalah :

1. Kegiatan Belajar
a. Evaluasi belajar caturwulan III pada minggu II Desember 2015.
b. Kegiatan belajar diliburkan pada akhir minggu II Desember 2015 hingga minggu II Januari 2016.
c. Kunjungan tamu dalam rangka hari raya Natal pada Rabu, 9 Desember 2015, dan Sabtu, 19 Desember 2015.
d. Pengorganisasian anak & remaja untuk evaluasi program dan kurikulum pada minggu II Desember 2015.
e. Kegiatan ketrampilan remaja dan Ibu Cakung sepanjang Desember 2015.

2. Kegiatan Perpustakaan
a. Kegiatan perpustakaan diliburkan pada akhir minggu II Desember 2015 hingga minggu II Januari 2016.

3. Kegiatan Peningkatan Gizi Anak
a. Kegiatan Peningkatan Gizi Anak diliburkan pada akhir minggu II Desember 2015 hingga minggu II Januari 2016.

4. Beasiswa
a. Ujian akhir semester bagi siswa SD dilaksanakan pada minggu II Desember 2015, siswa SMP dan SMA pada minggu I Desember 2015.
b. Libur sekolah dimulai pada minggu III Desember 2015.

Akhirnya, kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih pada teman-teman yang telah banyak mendukung dalam doa dan dana, tenaga, maupun material untuk terwujudnya program kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar sepanjang bulan ini.

Kami berterimakasih pada para donator yang sungguh-sungguh mau peduli pada orang lain yang membutuhkan di atas kepentingan pribadi dan sungguh-sungguh menghormati dan menghargai kami dan apa yang telah kami lakukan.

Terimakasih banyak atas bantuan dana yang amat sangat mendukung terselenggaranya operasional program Komunitas Anak Belajar.

Terimakasih kami ucapkan pada Mbak Jeanny, Ibu Djiauw Swie Tjing, Kak Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Ibu Susana Maria Santy, Kak Sofia Erlinda Indra, Ibu Vina-Bapak Arend-Michelle Maramis, dan Kak Hanaria Putri.

Terimakasih banyak atas semua kebaikan teman-teman. Kiranya Tuhan berkenan memberi kesehatan prima dan berkat limpah, dan semoga kerjasama kita yang telah dijalin selama ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik. Kita diutus untuk membawa damai sejahtera di dunia ini.

Tuhan memberkati kita semua.

Laporan kegiatan bulanan dan hasil karya anak dapat diakses dalam blog kami di :
Produksi ketrampilan remaja dan ibu Cakung dapat dipesan dan diakses dalam blog kami di :

Salam hangat,
Atas nama anak-anak Komunitas Anak Belajar


To place your donation through the bank.
Account holder : Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
Bank : BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Account no. : 342-2792161
Swift code : cenaidja

Feel free also to contact me at +628129685594 for any supporting documents and materials.

17 November, 2015

Progress Report of Children Learning Community in October 2015

Dear friends,

The Children Learning Community is very grateful for your support and prayer. Throughout the month of October, all activities ran smoothly.

Every month, in the beginning of that particular month, we announce the perfect attendance students and the active money savers. Each winner will get price which a set of school stationary. The purpose of giving this price is to motivate other students to do the same thing. This month, there are four Cakung’s children and two Sarang Tupai’s children who won the prize.

The activity in Sarang Tupai included the making of wall bulletin which involved all participants. The children were eager to show their work to any visitors on the bulletin wall. The room divider was used for the bulletin wall.

With the help of Ms. Erta Pranoto, we finally were able to purchase folding desks this month. Several folding tables were placed in Cakung’s facility for the third category who occupies smaller learning space. The rest of the folding tables, we place them on the learning terrace of Sarang Tupai’s facility to be used by all the learning participants.

We are in debt to Ms Erta Pranoto for her financial assistance and effort in choosing the quality fold desk at affordable price. We hope that we can continue our relationship further.

We thank all of our friends who relentlessly support us with their time, effort, financial support and place for learning.

Thank you to the facilitators, volunteers, the program coordinators, the community of Cakung especialy Jaka, Mrs. Sutini, Ester, Ondo, big sister Vera, big brother Bosco, Frances, Indri, the community of Sarang Tupai, especially big sister Ivonne, Novi, Cantik, and Pagi.

Thank you to Sr. Marcelline, OSU and the community of Cempaka Street, East Cakung, East Jakarta for routinely collecting the left out coffee packs. With this recycle materials in hand, the Cakung’s young girls and mothers can continue their handicraft project.

Let us all support the movement to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic garbage in our surrounding.

We thank Sr. Paulina, OSU the leader of Pondok Damai orphanage in Kampung Sawah for her donation of writing books, school stationary, children’s drinking cup, dolls, clothing and toiletries.

We hope that we can continue our relationship in the future.

Throughout the month, the library activity was held by the library team. They reregistered the 2012’s collection and prepared 2013’s collection for the children.

During the month, the child’s nutrition improvement activity ran as usual.

In Cakung, the children drink milk together every Saturday. The healthy menu for this month includes fried rice noodle, hardboiled egg, mangoes juice, peanut butter salad, toasted jam.

While drinking milk together, the children watch movie about save our environment which we got them as a bonus of purchasing several boxes of powder milk.

In Sarang Tupai, the activity was filled with eating fruits together. The children consumed various of fruits such as mangoes, oranges, snake fruits. They also consumed cookies and toasted jam which is available in Ciawi’s market.

We emphasize on serving various fruits throughout dry seasons.

The long dry season affected the reserve underground water in Sarang Tupai. Even, some of rivers were dried up. This condition forced us to save water. Children use wet paper tissue to wash their hand before meal and after cutting their nail.

We thank facilitators, the Cakung’s mothers and big sister Ivonne’s family for their effort in preparing this healthy meal to the children.

The October’s scholarship includes paying off the registration installment of a vocational student. We also paid off the school activity installment for a Middle School student. We spent some fund for skirt school uniform, craft’s material, sport’s fee, photocopies, monthly tuition, school transportation and English tutor for all recipients.

The following are pictures of English lesson activity.

All the Elementary to Vocational Students were having their midterm this month. Their report cards should be distributed in the beginning of November.

We thank all our friends who continuously support this scholarship program. Your support bring tremendous blessing to these children. The education that they receive now is their provision for their future. We thank you for your faithful commitment to this program.

The activity plan in November and December 2015:

1. Learning facility and activity

a. Purchase book cases for the children of Sarang Tupai.
b. Third quarter review will take place in the first week of December.
c. Group the children and teenagers for the purpose of program and curriculum review which will be taken place on the second week of December.
d. The Cakung’s young girls and teenagers will continue with their handicraft program throughout the month of December.

2. Library Activity
a. Reregister the 2012’s collection and prepare the 2013’s collection for mandatory reading.

3. The Children Nutritious Improvement Activity
a. Purchase food for nutritious menu plan

4. Scholarship
a. Fulfill the recipient’s school needs.

At the end, we thank all of our friends who have relentlessly supported us throughout the month. Your prayer, presence, material and financial donation were truly a blessing for this learning community.

We are deeply touched by many of our donors’ generosity. They prioritized others than themselves. We truly appreciate your trust in our efforts.

We express many thanks to all of our generous donors for your financial commitment in supporting the operation of this learning program. We thank to Ms. Jeanny, Mrs Djiauw Swie Tjing, big sister Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Mrs. Susana Maria Santy, big sister Sofia Erlinda Indra, Mrs. MA Nani Tirtajaya, Mrs. Hanaria Putri and an anonymous donor.

Thank you very much to Mr.David for translating the report regularly. To all our friends, we are very grateful to your kindness.
We pray that The Lord grants you with good health and many financial blessings. Thank you for your continuous support. We are called to bring peace and welfare to the world.

God bless us, all.

For the monthly report and our children’s craft product, please kindly visit:
For the order of our young girls and mothers product, please kindly access us at:

Warm regards,
On behalf of the children learning community.


To place your donation through the bank.
Account holder : Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
Bank : BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Account no. : 342-2792161
Swift code : cenaidja
Feel free also to contact me at +628129685594 for any supporting documents and materials.