Dearest friends,
In January 2013, the alternative education of Children Learning Community run well, based on the program and curriculum of 2013 which prepared by the facilitators.
In the early 2013, we begin to manage the learning house that we rent for a year, by ourselves. The learning house has 5 rooms including the kitchen and the bathroom. The rooms are for the learning activities and the place to stay the facilitators. There are 5 people stay there; the facilitators and volunteer, also Firman (a kid from the 1st category) and his grandma who almost blind because of diabetes. Three rooms are for learning activities and library, two rooms are for facilitators-volunteer and Firman-his grandma.
As the learning house is for learning activities, secretariat, and for staying the children, we have to provide the households and Ms.Linda and her family support some household stuff.
We were so thankful for Ms.Linda and the family’s support. May God give you peace and blessing.
There were some sad moments during January 2013.
In the early January 2013, we looked on in a donor, Sr. Pauline, OSU, who have medical treatment at St. Carolus Hospital because of heart attack. Few days later, we looked on the father of Aji (a child from the 3rd category & involved in program activities) who become the victim of car accident. He was hit by a car while walked to the market and hospitalized at Persahabatan Hospital, East Jakarta for intensive care. On the same day, we looked on Mrs.Mamiek (the mother of Ms.Uju & Ms.Qori’ah as the facilitators of the 2nd category and of the 3rd category). She was hospitalized because of leukemia.
In the early January 2013, we had Christmas gifts from Ms.Maureen Lintong who was in Christmas Holiday in Indonesia. Every children have Christmas gifts, such as biscuits, milk, and snacks which we share for all of the children from all categories. Some gifts, such as food stuff we share for the children, some we cooked for the healthy menu in the 2nd Saturday of January 2013.
Thank you very much to Ms. Maureen and family for sharing the joy for the children of Cakung. May God give you peace and blessing.
In mid January 2013, we have sad news, finally the father of Aji passed away because of the bad injuries of the car accident.
We give condolence to Aji’s family and pray for his father’s rest in peace and for the family. We pray also for Mrs.Mamiek struggling her illness.
In mid January 2013, there was flood disaster in Jakarta. Some families who live in a farming area near the learning house have to move because of flood disaster. Some people were still in their house, while the other move for few days to their hometown. Some children moved to the learning house for few days.
We are blessed because the learning house could be the shelter for some people and leave their households.
We have some food supports from sanggar akar for the victims of flood disaster in Cakung and we distributed them directly.
At the end of January 2013, we have some donations from friends; Sr. Felicia, OSF, Mrs.Yuli, Mr.Advent, Wanda-Eka Mei family, which we expend food for the victims of flood disaster in Muara Baru. The flood almost covered all their house. We also have donation from Ms. Yosepha and Mrs. Lillian. We distributed the food after flood on Sunday, January 27th, 2013. The pictures attached.
We are so grateful for the donation and support of Sanggar Akar, Ms. Yosepha, Mrs.Lillian, Sr. Felicia OSF, Mrs. Yuli, Mr.Advent, and the family of Wanda – Eka Mei. May peace be with you and be blessed to others.
At the end of January 2013, we had sad news, the grandfather of Yana (the facilitator of the children of the 0 category), Cynthia & Intan (the children of the 3rd category). After the funeral, we went to the house. We give condolence and pray for the grandfather of Yana’s rest in peace.
At the end of January until the early February 2013, as the scheduled, the 26 students of the 2nd grade of De Britto High School in Yogyakarta and their teacher visited us for live-in activity.
They have to do the annual school task to stay at the poor environment for few days, especially for experiencing the struggle of the people of Cakung to make a living. Their teacher as their facilitator stayed at the learning house.
On Tuesday, January 29th, 2013, the coordinator of the school activity and his team with Father Yohanes Nugroho, SJ as the vice principal of De Britto High School visited us in the learning house. They came by to know the situation in Cakung.
The Live-in Exposure activity is an annual program in the school while few years ago located in Jakarta. It learned the students how to experience the survival of the low income family in Cakung for few days.
All of the students stayed in some families in Cakung, while the teacher as their instructor, Mrs.Dewi stayed at the learning house.
This was the first time for us to accept so many students to stay in Cakung for few days. We were so happy and grateful for their trust. We hope our cooperation will continue well. Thank you very much to the students, the teacher, the coordinator of this activity, and Father Yohanes Nugroho, SJ as the vice principal of De Britto High School.
Alternative Learning Activities
The learning activities at the learning house began on the 1st Friday of January 2013. It was just some of the children learning because most of them still in their homeland. On the 1st Saturday of January 2013, more children gathered to learn. The learning activity at Cakung farming area began on the 2nd Tuesday of January 2013.
The schedule of the learning activities 2013 of the Children Learning Community are :
Tuesday : the learning activity at Cakung farming area
Friday & Saturday : the learning activities at the learning house
The 2nd & 4th Sunday every month : the learning activities at Muara Baru
We have new schedule, which last year, we have twice a week at Cakung farming area, now just once a week, while last year we have every week at Muara Baru, now just twice a month.
a. Cakung Children Community
The new management and rules also the agreement are beginning to run.
The saving activity coordinated by Nisa, opens the learning activities. After that, the team of learning house maintenance are cleaning the house, sharpening the pencils, assisting the children for nail clipping and managing the row of the children for washing hand. Every two children have to come to the bathroom, after that, wipe with the cloth in the left alley of the house, so the floor always clean and not wet.
The learning activities ended after the children come home. The team have to clean the house, sharpen the pencils, and fill the ink of markers. All the team of the programs help each other.
While every Tuesday, the facilitators gather to evaluate and prepare the learning materials for Friday and Saturday.
b. The Muara Baru Community
The learning activity started at the 2nd week of January 2013, exactly on Sunday, January 13th, 2013. Just a few children who could follow the learning activity because of the rainy season, so some children choose not to go out from their house. The learning activity facilitated by two facilitators.
On the 4th week of January 2013, exactly on Sunday, January 27th, 2013, we just visited Mrs.Herda’s house and some houses giving some supports after flood disaster. We just only have the information from the local newspapers and we couldn’t go to the flood area which almost 1 meter high.
The learning room was full of flood, also the houses. During the days in the mid January 2013, the electricity and the water were not functioning. Some families who have two-story house, just live and wait until the flood lessened.
While we visited there, some people were cleaning the house. The water began to function since Saturday, January 26th, 2013. The learning activity was off. Some children still busy to help their parents cleaning their house.
Some people talked about the flood disaster. While the rain began at night, the flood slowly increase until about 1 meter high and the electricity was not functioned. The people and their children were thankful for the food support. They were so grateful according to the food price increase after the flood disaster.
We pray for the normal situation and the people could do their daily activities.
We thank all the collaborative works between the facilitators, the volunteers, the children and residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs. Herda at Muara Baru, Indri, Yana, Lisna, Riska, Mrs. Mar’ah, and the children coordinator program.
The library program begin to run on the 2nd Tuesday of January 2013, coordinated by Intan, who lead this a year ago, supported by her team.
The activity of this month was preparing the book on the shelves and covering the registered book.
On this year, the coordinator should type the book registration on the computer and print after that. By the computers support from Laftavi family and Ms.Sari, the children learn to used to do every task with computers.
Finally we are thankful for the attention and the perseverance of the team.
Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
The program began on the 1st Saturday of January 2013 with the menu hard-boiled egg. The life-skill activity for the children of the 3rd category on the 1st Saturday was ginger drink. After eat the healthy menu, the children of the 3rd category started to make ginger drink, added with nuts and dices of bread.
On the year of 2013, the coordinator of this program is Tia. By this year, all the preparations until the cooking are done all by the children of the 3rd category. The facilitators just assist them.
The stove make the children easier to learn directly by preparing and cooking the healthy menu as the schedule. The ingredients are from their farm and the local market, and they learn not to use the harmful additives, such as MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamat).
Every Friday after the learning activities, the children of the 3rd category gather to write the recipe, make a list, sharing the task and discuss about the kitchen dishes that they have to bring.
On the 2nd Saturday of January 2013, the children of the 3rd category cooked the soup of quail egg, on the 3rd Saturday, they cooked jelly into the papaya, while on the 4th Saturday, they cooked tempe (fermented soybean cake) croquettes.
We thank the team who organised the healthy menu and cooked it during January 2013.
Children Scholarship
In this month, the scholarship expenditure to provide the need of learning materials for the elementary and university students, also the internet rental for the university student.
In the early January 2013, after the New Year’s holiday, a scholarship student in the university followed the examination of the 1st semester, from Sunday, 7th – Sunday, 18th January 2013 and few days after it, she followed the campus activity, Accounting Gathering for few days. The 1st semester vacation is for a month, but in the early February 2013, she has to registered for the 2nd semester. The marks of the examination on the 1st semester will informed in the early February 2013.
One of the elementary scholarship student, Firman, just take his report after the Christmas and New Year holiday. The report is not so good. The teacher evaluate him as a child who have less attention at home, especially in learning and in school task doing.
Now Firman live in the learning house with the regular schedule of learning, from morning till night, assisted by the facilitators & volunteer who live in the learning house, too.
Although he live only with his Grandma who almost blind, no care and attention from his parents, we hope that assisted by the facilitators who live in the learning house, he could feel more love and attention from his sisters, so his life and his academic achievement will be much better.
Thank you very much to our friends who would like to support the program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children future.
February 2013 Activity Plans
1. Learning Activities
The saving activity followed by food supply bringing compulsory (which prepared by their parents) for the children on the days of learning activities. The goal is to stop the children’s habit to buy junk food or harm snacks.
The economic generating program for the Cakung teenagers is by making Valentine’s Paper Quilling Cards since the last week of January until the 2nd week of February 2013.
2. The Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
Preparing the healthy menu and providing milk.
3. Library Program
Covering books and organizing the books on the shelves.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.
Thank you very much to Ms. Maureen Lintong & family, Sanggar Akar, Ms. Linda & family, Sr. Felicia, OSF, Mrs. Yuli, Mr.Advent, family of Wanda-Eka Mei, Ms. Yosepha Dua Donna, & Mrs. Lillian for supporting the donations and groceries for children, the operational of the learning house, & for supporting the victims of flood disaster in Cakung and Muara Baru.
Thank you abundantly for the funds which are used for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Ms. Elissa Wiguna, Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend, Michelle Maramis, Ms. Arry Fitriana, Children First! And Gemeente Oostkamp through Mrs.Ann Djudzman and Mrs.Inonk, the family of Mr.Arif – Mrs.Maria, and the family of Vincent – Ivana.
Our monthly progress report could be accessed in our blog :
The production of Cakung teenagers creation could be bought and accessed in our blog :
Again, our sincere thank to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well.
May God bless all of us.
Warmest regards
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594