Dear friends,
On April 2013, the alternative education of Children Learning Community could run well, thanks so much for your prayer and support.
On the week 3rd of April 2013, to be exact on Friday, April 19th, 2013 and Saturday, April 20th, 2013, the facilitators of sewing & computer workshop, Mrs. July and Ms. Sari would like to spend their time to teach the children.
On Friday morning, April 19th, 2013, the workshop was being hold until midday before the learning activity for the children from all categories begin.
On Saturday morning, April 20th, the workshops were being hold together at the learning house. The sewing workshop with Mrs. July is followed by a facilitator and a mother, while the children of the 3rd category followed the computer workshop with Mrs. Sari.
The children were so happy welcoming the facilitators. We are thankful for Mrs. July Dharmasoeka and Ms. Sari Pelengkahu’s supporting. We hope the collaboration will sustain.
On Saturday night, April 27th, 2013, we had a sad news about our friend, Ms. Sarah Laftavi’s passing on Thursday night, April 25th, 2013.
We could feel the deep sorrow of loosing the lovely daughter and the pride of the parents, Mr. Mehdi and Mrs. Margareth Laftavi. We pray for her. May she rest in peace in God’s Kingdom. We pray for the strengthen of the parents accepting the reality of life and still have faith that the greatest love of Sarah always be in their heart.
On Saturday, April 27th, 2013, we held the children learning evaluation of the 1st quarter. The participant of the evaluation is based on the attendance and the ability to absorb the curriculum.
The evaluation at the learning house could run well for few hours.
Alternative Learning Activities
a. Cakung Children Community
On April 2013, the learning activities could run well. Since the early April 2013, the learning activity at Cakung field area had been closed. The children follow the learning activities at the learning house.
Sewing and computer workshop are held at the learning house. The sewing workshop is held on Saturday morning, April 20th, 2013. The participant learned kinds of stitches. We hope the participants could have advantage of their skill and would like to teach others.
The computer workshop is held on Friday morning, April 19th, 2013 and Saturday morning, April 20th, 2013. The children of the 3rd category learned to draw in CorelDraw. After drawing, they wrote the story of their drawn.
On Saturday, April 27th, 2013, we held the learning evaluation for the children from all categories. Most of them could do their evaluation well.
They who could not follow the evaluation, were colouring, especially for the children of the 0 category and drawing for the children of the 1st and 2nd category.
After the learning evaluation, we took a rest and celebrated Ms. Henni’s birthday by singing together and praying for having good health and success.
All participant of the learning evaluation had some gifts as the reward for being diligent and having spirit of learning. The gifts were stationeries, pencil case, colouring book, drawing book, and notebook.
We gave some notes to their parents about the behavior that need attention, so we could correct together. We hope this learning evaluation could be a model, especially for the children who do not follow the evaluation yet, to be more encouraged.
b. The Muara Baru Community
On this month, the learning activities are held twice, on the 1st and the 3rd week.
The learning activity could run well although the facilitators come late.
We learn in two groups, the first for the preschool until second grade who still learning reading, writing, and counting with Ms. Indri, while the last for the third until six grade with Ms. Debby. The activity begin in the afternoon until evening.
We are so glad of the children’ spirit of learning. We hope their will and spirit could develop well.
We thank all the collaborative works between the facilitators, the volunteers, the children and residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs. Herda at Muara Baru, Ms. Lisa, Ms. Henni, Ms. Qori’ah, Indri, Riska, Lisna, and the children coordinator program.
Thank you so much for Mrs. July Dharmasoeka and Ms. Sari Pelengkahu’s attention and kindness to spend their time. We hope this knowledge could give advantage for the children’s future.
The activities of this month were registering, labeling, and covering the books donation.
Many books donation a month ago makes the coordinator and her team should work hard to finish. Until April 2013, the library books of 2013 are 296.
Finally we are thankful for the attention and the perseverance of the team.
Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
On April 2013, the program could run well.
Besides drinking milk, the healthy menu in this month were hard-boiled egg, mungbean porridge, and rujak (mixed fruit with sprinkle nut and spicy palm sugar sauce).
On the 1st Saturday of April 2013, the menu was hard-boiled egg. The children and some facilitators decorated the egg with some origami paper, wol yarn, etc. Their look were unusual. This is the part of Easter tradition that we celebrate it.
This activity is the part of the children learning tolerance with other religion in Indonesia, while the government often have no attitude and ignore the discrimination happened against other religions, especially minority.
The children were so happy and enthusiastic decorating, accompanied by Ms. Qori’ah, Ms. Lisna, and Ms. Debby. The children were glad to have the new knowledge, as some of them have tradition in making ketupat every Idul Fitri.
On the 2nd Saturday of April 2013, the healthy menu was mungbean porridge, replace from steamed cassava with coconut slices & sugar sprinkle.
Due to groceries support from Mrs. Sylvia Hardjadinata, such as mungbean, sugar, vegetable oil, soap, dishwasher, carbolic acid, handbody lotion, and children toothpaste. The healthy menu this time changed to mungbean porridge.
We are so grateful to Mrs. Sylvia Hardjadinata’s kindness through Mrs. July Dharmasoeka. We hope you and the family always in good shape and full of blessing to help others who need it. May our collaboration will sustain.
The children enjoy eating mungbean porridge together that seldom being prepared by the children of the 3rd category.
On the 3rd Saturday of April 2013, the schedule of healthy menu is apple, but the coordinator & the team change it into rujak (mixed fruits). The rainy season on April makes rose-apples reaping. The children asked permission to climb up the neighbor’s rose-apple tree. They took some rose-apple. The coordinator and her team bought cucumber and bengkoang also palm sugar, tamarind, nut, chilly as the ingredients of the sauce.
All of the children enjoy this healty menu.
On the 4th Saturday of April 2013, the schedule is kangkong with beansproud, but because of Kak Henni’s birthday celebration, we cancel it. The children were happy to enjoy milk and pizza.
We are so grateful for Ms. Henni and her sister’s attention and support. Her sister visit us to accompany the children in drawing and colouring.
We thank the team who organised the healthy menu and cooked it during April 2013, also Ms. Qoriah and Ms. Lisna.
Children Scholarship
The computer lesson is held on Wednesday, April 24th, 2013 at Kak Sari’s house. Three children of the 1st and the 3rd categories could come according to school holiday for the student who didn’t follow junior high national examination.
Although not all children have permission to go from their parents and it takes hours to go to Kak Sari’s house, the children were so excited to go together and learn computer in another place. The children learned to draw tress and grass as the scenery background. After drawing, they wrote the story about their drawn.
On this month, the scholarship expenditure in providing the elementary and university students learning materials, including copy, accommodation, and contribution for the group schooltask.
Thank you very much to Ms. Sari Pelengkahu who is faithfully assisted the children learning at her house. Thank you so much to the facilitators and our friends who would like to support the program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children future.
May 2013 Activity Plans
1. Learning Activities
a. Computer lesson will be hold at Ms. Sari’s house for few times.
b. Sewing lesson will be hold at the learning house with Mrs. July Dharmasoeka and her staffs.
c. The economic generating activity for teenagers and mothers will focus on sewing. The sewing equipments will be purchased on mid May 2013.
2. The Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
a. Preparing the healthy menu and providing milk.
3. Bibliotheque
a. Registration, labeling, covering books and organizing the books on the shelves.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.
Thank you very much to Laftavi family for supporting bench and table set, and Mrs. Sylvia Hardjadinata and family for supporting groceries and sanitizers.
Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthly for operating our activities of the Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Mrs. Nani Tirtajaya, Ms. Lillian and Ms. Elissa Meiliana, Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend, Michelle Maramis, Ms. Jenny, Sr. Annunciata, OSU, Mrs. Danik, and Ms. Arry Fitriana.
Our monthly progress report and children’s writing and drawing could be accessed in our blog :
The production of Cakung teenagers creation could be bought and accessed in our blog :
Again, our sincere thank to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well.
May God bless all of us.
Warmest regards,
On behalf of Children Learning Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594