Children Learning Community is a community based on alternative education for the children in Cakung, East Jakarta and in Sarang Tupai, Ciawi, Bogor. The children are from the poor urban family whom their parents make a living from an empty land for farming. Alternative education become the way to conscious the parents and the children on how to be the independent human being.
Cari Blog Ini
11 September, 2013
Progress Report of Children Learning Community on August 2013
Dear friends,
Happy Eid Mobarrak 1434 H to our friends who celebrate it
and let us forgive our fault each other.
On August 2013, the learning activities could run well. Thank you very much for your prayer and support.
On the 1st week of August, 2013, the learning activities ran and the next two weeks, they were off due to Moslem holiday and the Independence day.
During holidays, the facilitators visited Cakung community and for few days, the teenagers with the facilitator did the life-skill and library activities.
Alternative Learning Activities
a. Cakung Children Community
The learning activities were still doing on the 1st week on August 2013, after that on the next two weeks, the activities were off. It began on the 4th week on August 2013, to be exact on Friday, August 23rd, 2013.
On the first day of learning activities, there were just some children coming, and many children come later on Saturday, August 24th, 2013.
On Tuesday, August 27th, 2013, there was the sewing workshop coordinated by Mrs. July Dharmasoeka and her assistant, Mr. Nanang. Some teenagers and mothers followed the workshop. It started from 09.30 AM to 12 AM, before the learning activities beginning. For a month ahead, the workshop will run for the teenagers and the mothers who interested in.
The sewing workshop on Tuesday, August 27th, 2013 begin with the introduction of the parts of sewing machine and the know-how. We started with the hemming machine. On Saturday, August 31st, 2013, we tried to use sewing machine and sew straightly.
We are so grateful to Mrs. July Dharmasoeka and her assistant who would like to spare time giving sewing workshop in the learning house. We hope the skill that we get, become the worth provide for the children’s future.
The teenagers filled the holidays with life-skill activity, making bead accesorries, such as earings, bracelet, and necklace, while the small children came to play scrabble, snake and ladder board game, congklak (traditional Indonesian board game played with shells as tokens), also drawing and reading science magazines, Kuark.
b. The Muara Baru Community
The learning activities are held on the 1st and the 3rd Sunday on August 2013.
The learning activities were doing in Mrs. Herda’s house because the hall has been prepared for moslem activity during fasting month.
On the 1st Sunday of August, 2013, the children decreased because not all children have back from their homeland, and more children followed the learning activity on the 3rd Sunday of August, 2013.
The gas price increased few months ago and it become a trigger of the increasing of the price of groceries and transportation. We adjust the situation by increasing some of the facilitators travel and subsistance for every children learning facilitating activity. We hope it keeps the learning activities continue well.
We thank all the collaborative works between the facilitators, the volunteers, the children, and the residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs. Herda at Muara Baru, Ms. Lisa, Ms. Henni, Ms. Qori’ah, Indri, Riska, Asih, and the children coordinator program.
The activities of this month were still finishing the administration things. As the schedule, on the early August 2013, we finished the reparation of the bookshelves. A Cakung handyman repaired them.
We have 6 boxes reading books and science books from Mrs. July Dharmasoeka. Thank you very much for your supporting on behalf of the knowledge and skill development of the children creativity. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children future.
We thank for the attention and the perseverance of the team, especially during holidays.
Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
On August 2013, the program could run well.
Besides drinking milk, the healthy menus on this month were kolak, ketoprak, and ice of cucumber, jelly, with calamondin.
On the 1st Saturday on August 2013, the children cooked kolak, the drink during Moslem fasting break accompanied by some facilitators. After the learning activities, the children back home and come back in the evening before the fasting break, and enjoy together the special menu.
On the same day, the children help the facilitator in collecting harvest. We cleaned and cooked the red spinach as the menu of fasting break.
We are so grateful, could take the harvest, which we plant for several weeks.
While on the 2nd and 3rd Saturday on August 2013, the menu were off due to Lebaran holiday.
On the 4th Saturday of August 2013, the team prepared ketoprak (steamed beansprout, rice noodle with spicy peanut sauce and rice chips. The preparation was helped by some facilitators, especially in making spicy peanut sauce which take more time. The children like to enjoy this healthy menu.
On the 5th Saturday of August 2013, the team who helped by some facilitators, prepared fruit ice, such as calamondin and cucumber, adding jelly which cooked in the morning. On the midday, the team washed and scraping the cucumber into long slices, also with jelly, adding water, sugar, and calamondin with ice. This summer will be fresh for the children by drinking fruit ice which rich of vitamin C and antioxidant.
We thank the team who organised the healthy menu and cooked it during August 2013 and special thanks to the facilitators, Ms. Henni who lend a hand during preparation.
Children Scholarship
On August 2013, there are two weeks holiday for school children and the school began on Sunday, August 19th, 2013. While for the university student, there were campus long holiday on the 2nd semester and the school will begin at the end of September 2013.
Asih (17 years old) & Amel (16 years old), Two droppedout children participated in learning activities since July 2013. On mid-August 2013, Asih registered the sewing course and started to learn a day after. She took twice a week course at sewing course, Singer. While Amel choose to follow the life-skill activity in the learning house, waiting for the beginning of the computer workshop on October 2013.
Thank you so much to our friends who would like to support the program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children’s future.
September 2013 Activity Plans
1. Learning Activities
a. The children learning evaluation on the 2nd quarterly for the children from all category on Saturday, September 7th, 2013. The children who followed the evaluation have opportunity to swim together on the pool nearby. The schedule is on Friday, September 13th, 2013.
b. The sewing workshop is holding every Saturday morning from 09.30 AM to 12.00 AM. All the people in community have opportunity to follow it.
c. Life-skill activity is holding every day until night as the preparation of the bazaar of St. Ursula High School reunion. The productions are paper quilling cards, creation of the recycled materials, accessories, bags, and salted egg.
2. The Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
a. Providing the healthy menu and purchasing milk, also providing the kitchenware.
3. Bibliotheque
a. Providing a library bookshelf, manage the library books, and purchasing plastic cover.
4. The teenagers income generating activity
a. Participate in a bazaar of the St. Ursula high school reunion at the hall of St. Ursula elementary school on Saturday, September 22nd, 2013.
Our monthly progress report and children’s drawing could be accessed in our blog :
The production of Cakung teenagers creation could be bought and accessed in our blog :
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.
Thank you very much to Mrs. Danik for supporting some cleaning materials and her time to help us on the cleaning day activity on the 2nd week of August, 2013. Thank you so much to Mrs. July Dharmasoeka for supporting reading books and a hemming machine, also to Mr. Mehdi and Mrs. Margareth Laftavi for supporting TV antenna.
Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthly for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Mrs. MA Nani Tirtajaya, Ms. Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend, Michelle Maramis, Ms. Jenny, Ms. Lillian, Ms. Arry Fitriana, Ms. Uwie and the school of BuSO De Lage Kouter, Kortrijk, Belgium via Mrs. Ann Djuzman & Children First!, also Mrs. Marianne and Mr. Wolf-Dieter Loos via Pater Franz Schaaf, SVD.
Again, our sincere thank to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well.
May God bless all of us.
Warmest regards,
On behalf of Children Learning Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
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