Dear friends,
Happy Vesak Day 2559
Happy Ramadan for those who honor this fasting month
The Children Learning Community is very grateful for your supports and prayers. All activities ran smoothly throughout the month.
On 2 June, 2015, we had visitors from the alumni of SPG St. Maria, teaching vocational school, in Juanda Road, Central Jakarta. They were coming to get acquaintance with the children and facilitators.
We got to know each other and sang songs together. The alumni also distributed gifts to the children. After that, the guests drove to Tambun Rengas to visit the community residence. They also distributed gifts to the kids and parents. The parents received instant noodles, tooth pastes, soaps and clothing.
We thank the guests for their support and gifts. We received treats for the children, stationaries, writing tablets, white board, tooth pastes, soaps and instant noodles. We hope that our relationship will go further in the future. We pray for your health. We also pray for your financial blessing and spiritual strength to care and assist others.
With the upcoming Idul Fitri, the Islam’s festive season, we accept any donation such as basic staple food parcels for the adult and festive treats for the children at three facilities, Cakung, Muara Baru and Sarang Tupai.
On Saturday, 27 June 2015, we received the invitation with fifteen tickets for a musical recital of Sanggar Akar at Taman Ismail Marzuki theatre. The children of Sarang Tupai, Cakung and a few facilitators were attending this recital.
Before attending the recital we took the children around town with city tour bus. The children also visited the national museum and learned new things such as our ancestors’ way of life, many tribes in Indonesia, traditional houses, sculptures and stone inscription from the pre historic Hindu and Buddhist era.
The musical recital started at 15.30 and end around the time of breaking the fast. The children enjoyed snack and dinner which provided by our friend, big brother Anton’s family and Rm Benny SJ.
At the end, the children and facilitators went home with an exciting train ride. For Sarang Tupai children, this is their first experience riding the train. They enjoyed the train ride coming to Jakarta and going away from Jakarta.
The Alternate Learning Activity
a. Cakung Children Community
Throughout June 2015, all activities ran smoothly.
Entering the Ramadan, the fasting month, in the middle of June, the number of attendance decreased. Fasting is not the only reason for this decrease of attendance. Other reason is because of the school holiday, some children prefer to enjoy their holiday at home.
Since the middle of June, entering the fasting month, we reset the learning time from the usual starting time of 12 am to 1.00 pm and end at 3.30 pm.
On every Tuesday, we hold craft activity which is focused on making greeting cards from quilling paper and making useful goods out of recycling coffee packs.
We are grateful to Sr. Gertrudis, OSU for their donation of beads and tools to make product with beads. We are also grateful to Sr. Marceline, OSU, to facilitators and the community of Cempaka Street, Cakung for their continuous attention and support in collecting the recycling packs which are essential for this activity.
We gladly accept any recycle materials. In fact, we encourage our friends to donate as much as possible their recycle materials to us. With recycle materials available, the community mothers and young girls can learn and create many useful items. Let us all also support the global movement to reduce, reuse and recycle any plastic waste around us.
b. Muara Baru Children Community
Throughout this month we hold learning activity in Muara Baru on the first Sunday of the month, 7 June 2015 and on the fourth week of the month, 28 June 2015.
We divide the participants into two groups. Big sister Indri, Yana and Ester accompany them. Due to the ongoing construction of the building and learning hall, we still use Ms. Herda’s house to do these activities.
The activity ran smoothly. Just in the beginning of the month, we had lesser attendance than at the end of the month. In fact, the fasting month did not really affect the number of attendance,
c. Sarang Tupai Children Community
In Sarang Tupai, we carried out the activity on Monday and Thursday afternoon.
Throughout June, all the learning activities ran well.
Entering the fasting month, the number of attendance dramatically decreases. Some children chose to spend their holiday playing at their own home.
To fill up the fasting time, we alternate some learning time to craft activities such as origami, beads’ production, making wrist bands and necklaces. We also had to adjust the learning period from the usual starting of 12 am to 1 pm, and end at 3 pm.
We held the fast breaking activity on Monday, 22 June 2015, with religious lecture for children and young adult. The lecture was given separately by big sister Iyoh and Anam. We ended the lecture by break fasting together with some traditional light snacks.
We are grateful to facilitators, volunteers, the children of Cakung, Muara Baru and Sarang Tupai for their dedication to this program. We thank big sister Yana, Indri, Ester, Tino, Jaka and the program coordinators. We thank big sister Ivonne, Novi, Cantik and Pagi in Sarang Tupai. And also we thank Ms. Herda who continuously supports us by lending her house for Muara Baru’s children to learn.
We carried out this activity every Tuesday afternoon at the same time as craft activity. The library staff arranged the scatter books and put them back on their shelf. The library staff in Cakung, Muara Baru and Sarang Tupai also prepared the mandatory reading materials for the children.
Throughout May and June 2015, we selected the collection of 2011 as their mandatory books.
The library program team also pulled out school text books form their inventory for the students who need them and would like to take them home.
We gladly accept any donation of children magazines and text books from kindergarten to high school.
Finally, we gladly thank our library program team for their tenacity in doing their duty,
Child Nutrition Improvement Activity
We conducted this activity in Cakung and Sarang Tupai.
In Sarang Tupai, we improvised the menu with different type of fruits which can be found at Ciawi market and at fruit kiosks on the road side toward Ciawi toll booth. In the middle of June, entering the fasting month, we stopped the program. We alternated this program with meal for break fasting which was served after religious lecture.
On the first Monday of June, the children of Sarang Tupai prepared chicken soup which served with rice, shrimp crackers and chili sauce. We served this dish before learning activity. Children ate them well and after that they played soccer shortly before entering the learning hall to study.
On the first Saturday of June, the Cakung’s children enjoyed ice cucumber. The cucumber was cut into line thin pieces. They mixed with rice jelly and top it off with squeezed lime and ice. This drink was prepared by the Nutritional Team.
On the second Friday of June, we prepared hard boiled eggs with sweet soy sauce and salt. We made a habit to serve hard boiled eggs monthly and to serve milk weekly. Most of the children enjoyed their eggs and milk. Only some of the bigger children did not enjoy these menus.
On the third Saturday of June, the Cakung’s children enjoyed melon ice. The melon was cut into pieces. They mixed with rice jelly, syrup and topped it off with condense milk. The children enjoyed this drink very much. Some of the children, who were fasting, took this drink home for their break fasting treat.
On Monday, 22 June 2015, for breakfasting, we prepared green bean soup with sticky black rice. The dish was served separately with coconut milk and liquid brown sugar. The children ate this healthy dish with slice of bread. We started our learning program at 3.30 pm and ended just in time for break fasting. As usual, we had religious lecture before break fasting.
On the fourth Friday of June, before studying time in Cakung, we served milk to the children.
We thank the Cakung’s Nutritional Team and Coordinator, Indri and her colleagues. We also thank the youngsters and facilitators of Sarang Tupai who helped to prepare the healthy menu this month.
In June 2015, the scholarship recipients received their report card. The Elementary students received the report card in the beginning of June and then followed by Middle School, High School and Vocational School students. All the students were successfully moved up to their next grade. For report card results, some of them get exceptional results and some of them just get average results.
The June expenditures covered the sport test fee such as swimming and athletic for Vocational School students, the report card and the break fasting gathering fee for High School and Vocational School students, the photocopy, transportation, English tutor, School reregistering fee which were include July tuition, the yearly activity fee and text books for all the recipients.
We thank all our donors who dedicated their monetary support for this program, especially to the Laftavis and the Tonteys who have already supported us and continue their monetary support for the academic year 2015-2016. The children are blessed to have you. Your support brings tremendous benefit in their educational life and brings them further into brighter future. Once again, we thank for your continuous cooperation and dedication into this program.
The July Activity Plan:
1. Learning Activity
a. For Sarang Tupai, we still need to equip them with carpet and learning desks.
b. The Craft activity of “Karya Usaha Mandiri” will focus on making greeting cards out of quiling paper.
c. On Monday, 22 July 2015, we will have the religious lecture with big sister Iyoh. We will end the lecture with break fasting gathering.
d. On Saturday, 25 July 2015, we will have Sexual Education and motivational session for Cakung and Sarang Tupai’s teenagers. The activity will be held in Sarang Tupai, Ciawi.
e. All learning participants in the three facilities will have their holiday on the third and fourth week of July.
2. Library Activity
a. We continue to reregister all the 2010 collection and prepare the mandatory book which will be taken out of the 2011 collection.
b. To register all these books, we need to have materials and stationaries.
c. On the third and the fourth Sunday of July, all the library coordinators will have their festive holiday.
3. Child Nutrition Improvement Activity
a. Because we are going to have holiday in the third and fourth Sunday of the month, we also will have holiday for this activity.
b. We expect to have guests coming for the festive season and also birthday. Therefore, on Tuesday, 21 July 2015, we will prepare special menu for this occasion.
4. Scholarship
a. We need to finish up the registration payment for all students. We also need to finish up purchasing their school needs.
Finally, we thank all of our friends who throughout this month relentlessly supported the children learning community with their presence, finance and prayer.
We are deeply touched to our donors who give priority to others over their own. We truly respect your trust in our effort.
We thank the alumni of teaching school, SPG St. Maria Juanda, Central Jakarta for the gifts, the package of five basic staple foods and clothing. We thank also Sr. Agustina, BKK for the donation of instant noodles, clothing, stationaries and adult diapers.
We thank Mrs.Erta for her donation of clothing and stationery. We thank Sr. Ingrid, OSU for the donation of five basic staple foods. We were happy to receive beads and craft equipment from Sr. Gertrudis, OSU and also recycle coffee packs from Sr. Marceline, OSU.
We are grateful for your financial support on this children community program. We thank Mrs. MA Nani Tirtajaya, Ms. Jenny, Mrs Djiauw Swie Tjing, big sister Elissa Meiliana Wiguna, big sister Hanaria Putri, big sister Eleonora Bergita, Ms. Susana Maria Santy, and big sister Sofia Erlinda Indra. We are also deeply grateful to the Laftavis and the Tonteys for their financial and scholarship support. Thank you very much for translating this monthly report to Mr.David.
To all our friends, we are grateful for your kindness. We pray that the Lord grants you with good health and many blessings. We pray that our relationship and cooperative effort will contoniou for further blessing to others. We are called to bring peace and welfare to the world.
God bless us.
For the monthly report and our children’s craft product, please kindly visit:
For the order of our young girls and mothers product, please kindly access us at:
Warm regards,
On behalf of the learning community children.
To place your donation through the bank.
Account holder: Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
Bank : BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Account no. : 342-2792161
Swift code : cenaidja
Feel free also to contact me at +628129685594 for any supporting documents and materials.
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