Dear friends,
In September, the learning activities started to run on the 2nd week of September. Even some facilitators were still on their holiday until the 3rd week of September.
On early September, we tried to open the new location, at Muara Baru, near fish market, Sunda Kelapa Port area, Kota. In this first stage, we were still in adapting and orienting the location. We visited a family, who ever be one of our children at Cakung.
On the 3rd Saturday of September, exactly on Sept 17th, 2011, we held the 2nd quarterly learning evaluation for children from all categories.
On the same day, Julian, Gratje, and Ivonne, students from Psychology faculty of Atma Jaya University visited the learning house. They surveyed the location, be acquainted with the children, & explained their goal to make a support program as their major in education psychology for our alternative education activities.
On Sunday, Sept 18th, 2011, we attended the wedding of Ms.Tiny & his husband at her house. Most of the facilitators came. Congratulations on the wedding of Ms.Tiny & husband. May they are always happy ever after & live in harmony.
Based on the monthly evaluation program at the end of August, we planned the schedule of dental healthcare workshop on Saturday, Sept 24th, 2011. This activity was followed by the Cakung children & their parents. This could be run by our cooperation with Ciliwung Merdeka clinic, the coordinator; Ms.Yanti. She and her team and Dr.Hendro, lead the workshop. The friends of Canisius College alumna, coordinated by Mr.Andrew, helped us introducing their friend, Dr.Oscar from dentistry faculty of Trisakti University. He helped us in the workshop.
Thank you so much to the team of Ciliwung Merdeka Clinic & Dr.Hendro. Thank you so much to Oscar & Mr.Andrew & the friends of Canisius College alumna. We hope our cooperation will continue.
On Sunday, Sept 25th, 2011, we went at Muara Baru. In the second visited, we started the activity. The early focus is facilitating the mothers in life-skill activity, such as sewing & chrocheting. Some children accompanied their mothers. Unfortunately, we didn’t hold the library activity yet.
Our focus more on life-skill activity for the mothers & the library activity for their children. We were still running the activities once in two weeks & doing at the house of our pioneer, who will be the cadres there.
At the end of this month, we held the monthly program evaluation for the children coordinator of the programs. This is the time to get involved some of the 3rd category children in organizational structure. Cynthia & Intan attended. Cynthia has task to responsible in children absency & in saving activity, while Intan has support in preparing the children before learning, such as clean the learning house, help the young children in nail clipping, hand washing, & pencil sharpening before they started to learn.
On Tuesday, Sept 27th, 2011, we had donation from Canisius College Alumna for parents of Cakung making birth certificate for their children. Since their visitation a few month ago, we had plan to have a worthy activity which have long term effect for the Cakung children.
There were 2 children who have birth ceritificates. Some parents are still arranging it, either at Cakung or at their hometown.
Thank you very much to Mr.Andrew & friends of CC Alumna who has faithfull in supporting the altenative education activities at Cakung children community. We hope our cooperation will sustain.
The Alternative Learning Activity
On the 2nd Friday of September, after holiday, there was not much children attend, none of children of the 1st category. Fortunately, Ms.Uwie & Ms.Debby came accompanying children learn & greet the people.
On Saturday, Sept 17th, 2011, we held the 2nd quarterly learning evaluation for Cakung children of all categories. On that day, almost all facilitators came accompanying children. Evaluation started after the children drinking milk. The participants were the children who followed the learning activity since the early year. That’s why the new children who for few times learn at learning house, didn’t have to come. The theoretical evaluation for children of the 1st category coordinated by Ms.Uwie, for children of the 2nd category by Ms.Uju, while for children of the 3rd & 4th categories coordinated by Ms.Debby & Ms.Rikah. The practical evaluation coordinated by Ms.Uju, Ms.Uwie, & Ms.Debby.
The subject of practical knowledge for children of the 1st & 2nd categories were origami & decorated the origami stick on the drawing paper, while for children of the 3rd & 4th categories were speaking about step by step how to plant corn & the progress of their plant, playing recorder from 8 basic rhythm and a song of some songs that have learned, also plaiting ketupat (leaf cover of Indonesian sticky rice for Ied Mobarak celebration). The judge of the last practical knowledge evaluation was Intan’s grandma.
Generally, children were able to finish their learning evaluation well. While the facilitators were explaining about the evaluation result, children ate the healthy menu. After that, as the support for the children, all of them have each two pencils, while three children who were in the first rank, received canvas bag.
Thank you so much for the facilitators’ support & attention. Thank you so much to Ms.Ari, Ms.Uwie, Ms.Tiny, Ms.Uju, Ms.Qori’ah, Mrs.Rikah, also Aung. Thank you so much for Intan’s grandma who support in learning plaited ketupat & became a jury in the learning evaluation.
Children Scholarship
Some children who received scholarship, particularly children who are in the 3rd grade of vocational high school. They have to follow the addition of school subjects. So they couldn’t more follow the learning activities & the program activities at Cakung community.
From this month, some children of the 3rd category have to involved in monthly meeting & the plan the schedule program next month. Cynthia, one of the children who has scholarship, had task to write the attendance book of children & facilitators, also write in the saving book. Intan & Cynthia who are active in preparing the learning house, have to involved in organizational structure. They are also helping arranging the library program every Tuesday afternoon.
The Bibliotheque Program
The library activity is always done by the children coordinators every Tuesday. The activity are running regularly, such as registering new books, labeling, covering, & numbering.
The coordinator of library activity from this month & so forth have support from Cynthia & Intan, besides Desmond & Mala. Their tasks are covering books & labeling.
Thank you so much to Cynthia & Intan who are ready to involved in accomplishing the administrative program.
The Children Nutrition Improvement Program
On September, there were enough variety in the healthy menu & there were regular milk consumption before learning. On the 2nd Saturday, the healthy menu was mungbean porridge, while on the 3rd Saturday, children ate banana. On the 4th Saturday, boiled egg was changed to sticky rice sprinkled serundeng (crispy coconut) for the workshop of dental healthcare.
On Saturday, Sept 10th, 2011, we had visitor, Mrs.Margareth, who would like to deliver fresh milk by herself.
On Saturday, Sept 17th, 2011, we had biscuit for baby & milk from Ms.Qori’ah. We gave some biscuits to mothers who have baby.
On Saturday, Sept 24th, 2011, while the workshop of dental healthcare was running, our friend, Mrs.Nancy came by bringing 4 boxes of bread for children. Mrs.Nancy followed the workshop for a while until questions session.
Thank you so much for Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend, Michelle for milk support, Mrs.Margareth who deliver the fresh milk by herself, Ms.Qori’ah, & Mrs.Nancy for the bread on the workshop.
Thank you so much for mothers of Cakung farming area for the participation in preparing the workshop.
The Children Health Development Program
On Saturday, Sept 24th, 2011, we held the workshop of dental healthcare. The participants were 42 children, 10 parents, & 4 facilitators. Not all of the children attended the workshop. It’s because of the misunderstanding about dental healthcare & children afraid of being checked by the dentist.
The workshop started in the afternoon, after children drank milk. The workshop lead by the team of RSCM and Mr.Oscar from Dentistry faculty of Trisakti University. The workshop started with introducing the team, after that begin the workshop & question session. Children were enthusiastic following the workshop.
While question session, snacks distributed so after the brushing teeth session, the children have clean teeth. The brushing teeth session lead by the team of RSCM. After that, the children teeth were checked by doctor Hendro & Oscar.
The workshop was closed after final questions by parents, and then interactive dialogs to repeat the subject. Giving presents, taking picture together, & grateful shaking hand from every kids ended the activity.
Thank you so much for the team of RSCM and Mr.Oscar who would like to share the knowledge to Cakung children. We hope the cooperation will sustain.
October schedules are :
1. Cakung bazaar on Saturday, Oct 9th, 2011.
2. The workshop of sanitation & TB screening will hold at the end of October 2011 or in the early November 2011.
Thank you so much for the donation for the operational programmes of Cakung children community. Thank you for our friends, Jahn Schlosser, Mrs.Rina Anwar, Ms.Arry Fitriana, Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend – Michelle, also Laftavi family via Mrs.Esti – Mr.Robert Felix Tontey.
We hope our cooperation will sustain and may God bless all of us.
Warm regards,
On behalf of Cakung Children Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
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