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15 Juni, 2010

Planting Bok Choy

By Cynthia

Kak Qori assisted us to learn gardening. We were supplied by plastic bottles served as pots. We took some soils and fertilizer. We mixed them and put into the plastic bottles. After that, we sowed Bok Choy seeds and we labeled our name on each bottle. We then water the seeds.

According to Kak Qori’ah, the plants need to be watered every morning and late afternoon. My plant and Umi’s grew healthily. Every Sunday, we brought our plants to the Learning House to be examined.

The next Sunday, we brought our plants again. Apparently, Intan’s plant has died.

Translated by Anita Linggar

2 komentar:

  1. Hi, ga sengaja nemu video kmu di youtube! Baru2 ini aku juga berkunjung ke komunitas anak Cakung ini dan membuat video tentang mereka.. ini linknya semoga berkenan, dan mari terus beri support :)
