Cari Blog Ini

22 Juni, 2023

Merry Christmas 2022, Children Learning Community Report November 2022


Dear friends,




The love of Father, creator, manifested in the birth of Jesus.

May love live in throne of our heart.  

To our dear christian friends, Merry Christmas 2022.




We thank our loyal friends for keeping the children learning community run until today. Thank you for all your prayers and kind attention to the children.


The children were also grateful to facilitators who have helped them with many activities this month.    


Below are pictures of Cakung’s and Ciawi’s children activities, including pictures of the children enjoying nutritious meal. Meals were prepared by facilitators and parents.



We are grateful to all donors. Your scholarship donation enable us to continue fulfilling children’s education needs.


The children thank donors who are dedicated to assist them achieve their goals in school. 


With your financial assistance, children will have brighter future ahead. 


We ask our loyal friends to keep the children and community monthly’s needs.


Your generous kindness and supports have helped us. They boosted our morale and spirit to serve.


December 2022 Plan :


  1. Cakung’s and Ciawi’s learning activity.
    1. Cakung’s and Ciawi’s children had their learning activity up to the third week of December. They had their Christmas and New Year Holidays until the first week of January 2023.


  1. Scholarship
    1. Monthly school fee and other school related needs will be paid to several recipients’ schools.


  1. Staple Food Cooperative Effort 

        Cakung and Ciawi’s cooperative members will do their purchasing activity and year end meeting.  


  1. Office and Administration

     Despite short of fund, we found a way to run the children’s activity. Since June, we are working with a Credit Union in North Jakarta to support us with some loan.

Every month, we paid monthly instalment and include it in our monthly financial report. As per November 2022, the sum of money owed  is 14.400.000 IDR



We thank our loyal friends for keeping the children learning community run this month. We are grateful for your thoughtful prayer, physical present, financial and material support.


We are truly grateful to all donors who commit to share this social responsibility. You have given opportunity for these children to be smart and prosper in their own community and country. Together, we have taken part in the nation’s effort for social justice. For that, we kindly ask to all donors to keep remember the children and their community in your routine contribution throughout the year.


We thank our donors for their financial dedication which is valuable for maintaining the operation of Children Learning Community.


Even the smallest help has great impact to this future generation.


Thank you very much to Mr. David for your kindness in translating this report. 


We thank our dear friends and donors for their faith and trust in us.


Finally we pray for your health and financial blessings. We wish to keep our tie with you.


We are called to bring peace and welfare to the world.


God bless us, all.


For monthly activity report, please visit us at

To order teenagers’ and mothers’ craft, please kindly look us at


Warm regards,

On behalf of Children Learning Community






To place your donation through the bank.

Account holder : Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
Bank                 : BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Account no.       : 342-2792161

Swift code         : cenaidja

Feel free also to contact me at +628129685594, WhatsAp +6288210537251 or for any supporting documents and materials.


Selamat Hari Natal, Laporan Kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar pada November 2022


Salam jumpa teman-teman,



Kami mengucapkan 

Selamat Hari Natal bagi teman-teman yang merayakannya.




Syukur dan terimakasih kami atas perhatian, dukungan, doa dan bantuan teman-teman sehingga kegiatan belajar anak-anak Komunitas Anak Belajar tetap bisa berlangsung hingga saat ini.


Terimakasih kami pada para fasilitator yang sudah banyak membantu kami demi kelangsungan kegiatan belajar selama bulan ini.



Berikut kami lampirkan foto-foto kegiatan belajar anak-anak di Cakung dan Ciawi serta menu sehat yang disiapkan warga dan tim fasilitator untuk anak-anak.


Syukur terimakasih kami pada donatur setia sehingga kami masih bisa melanjutkan tanggung jawab bersama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sekolah anak-anak dalam penyelenggaraan program beasiswa.


Terimakasih kami yang sebesar-besarnya pada donatur yang telah membantu kami mendukung niat anak-anak untuk bersekolah.


Kiranya bantuan ini dapat sungguh menjadi bekal yang berguna bagi masa depan anak-anak.


Kami mengajak teman-teman semua untuk tetap setia berpartisipasi dan mendukung kegiatan kami dengan harapan bisa memberikan bantuan dana rutin per bulan.


Perhatian dan dukungan teman-teman memberi kekuatan bagi kami untuk tetap setia menjalankan karya dan pelayanan ini.


Rencana kegiatan di bulan Desember 2022 ini adalah :


  1. Kegiatan Belajar di Cakung dan Ciawi.
    1. Kegiatan belajar di Cakung dan Ciawi hingga minggu III Desember. Libur hari raya Natal dan Tahun Baru hingga minggu I Januari 2023.


  1. Beasiswa
    1. Pembayaran SPP dan biaya sekolah beberapa anak penerima beasiswa.


  1. Koperasi Sembako

Pembelian sembako dan pertemuan bagi anggota koperasi di Koperasi komunitas Ciawi.


  1. Administrasi dan Sekretariat

      Kegiatan belajar anak-anak tetap terus berjalan, sementara dana operasional yang ada tidak sebanding dengan kebutuhan untuk kegiatan belajar anak-anak. Sejak bulan Juni, kami memutuskan untuk meminjam dari koperasi kredit di wilayah Jakarta Utara.

Setiap bulan kami melakukan pembayaran cicilan pinjaman dan kami laporkan dalam  Laporan Keuangan per bulan.  Per November 2022, jumlah pinjaman menjadi Rp. 14.400.000,-.


Kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih pada teman-teman yang telah banyak mendukung dalam doa dan dana, tenaga, maupun material untuk terwujudnya program kegiatan Komunitas Anak Belajar sepanjang bulan ini.


Adalah tanggung jawab kita bersama untuk ambil bagian dalam karya sosial ini demi mencerdaskan anak-anak bangsa dan demi kesejahteraan masyarakat yang kami dampingi khususnya serta demi tegaknya keadilan sosial bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Kami harapkan partisipasi teman-teman untuk donasi rutin selama tahun ini.


Terimakasih kami pada para donatur atas bantuan dana rutin yang amat sangat mendukung terselenggaranya operasional program Komunitas Anak Belajar.

Sekecil apapun sangat berguna demi kelangsungan kegiatan belajar anak-anak dan kemajuan generasi penerus bangsa.


Terimakasih banyak atas kesetiaan, kepercayaan, dan semua kebaikan teman-teman.


Kiranya Tuhan berkenan memberi kesehatan prima dan berkat limpah, dan semoga kerjasama kita yang telah dijalin selama ini dapat terus berlanjut dengan baik.


Kita diutus untuk membawa damai sejahtera di dunia ini.


Tuhan memberkati kita semua.


Laporan kegiatan bulanan dapat diakses dalam blog kami di :

Produksi ketrampilan remaja dan ibu Cakung dan Ciawi dapat dipesan dan diakses dalam blog kami di :




Salam hangat,

Atas nama anak-anak Komunitas Anak Belajar





To place your donation through the bank.

Account holder : Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
Bank                 : BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Account no.       : 342-2792161

Swift code         : cenaidja

Feel free also to contact me at +628129685594, WhatsAp +6288210537251 or for any supporting documents and materials.


Save the earth. Bring your own cutleries. Children Learning Community October 2022 Report


Dear friends,



We thank our loyal friends for keeping the children learning community run until today. Thank you for all your prayers and kind attention to the children.


The children were also grateful to facilitators who have helped them with many activities this month. 


Below are pictures of Cakung’s and Ciawi’s children activities, including pictures of the children enjoying nutritious meal. Meals were prepared by facilitators and parents.



We are grateful to all donors. Your scholarship donation enable us to continue fulfilling children’s education needs.


The children thank donors who are dedicated to assist them achieve their goals in school. 


With your financial assistance, children will have brighter future ahead. 


We ask our loyal friends to keep the children and community monthly’s needs.


Your generous kindness and supports have helped us. They boosted our morale and spirit to serve.


November 2022 Plan :


  1. Cakung’s and Ciawi’s learning activity.
    1. In Cakung, learning activity will be held on Thursday and in Ciawi, learning will be held on Wednesday and Friday. 


  1. Scholarship
    1. Monthly school fee and other school related needs will be paid to several recipients’ schools.


  1. Staple Food Cooperative Effort 

        Cakung and Ciawi’s cooperative members will do their purchasing activity and meeting.  


  1. Collective Activity (Gardening to help community’s food need)

a.       Purchase plant seeds and distribute them to community’s and learning facility’s yard. 


  1. Office and Administration

     Despite short of fund, we found a way to run the children’s activity. Since June, we are working with a Credit Union in North Jakarta to support us with some loan.

Every month, we paid monthly instalment and include it in our monthly financial report. As per October 2022, the sum of money owed  is 15.400.000 IDR



We thank our loyal friends for keeping the children learning community run this month. We are grateful for your thoughtful prayer, physical present, financial and material support.


We are truly grateful to all donors who commit to share this social responsibility. You have given opportunity for these children to be smart and prosper in their own community and country. Together, we have taken part in the nation’s effort for social justice. For that, we kindly ask to all donors to keep remember the children and their community in your routine contribution throughout this year.


We thank our donors for their financial dedication which is valuable for maintaining the operation of Children Learning Community.

Even the smallest help has great impact to this future generation.


Thank you very much to Mr. David for your kindness in translating this report. 


We thank our dear friends and donors for their faith and trust in us.


Finally we pray for your health and financial blessings. We wish to keep our tie with you.


We are called to bring peace and welfare to the world.


God bless us, all.


 For monthly activity report, please visit us at

To order teenagers’ and mothers’ craft, please kindly look us at


Warm regards,

On behalf of Children Learning Community





To place your donation through the bank.

Account holder : Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
Bank                 : BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Account no.       : 342-2792161

Swift code         : cenaidja

Feel free also to contact me at +628129685594, WhatsAp +6288210537251 or for any supporting documents and materials