By Anah
On Tuesday, August 25th, 2009, we had visitor, a family from England. Before the visitors come, one of big children clean the learning house. There is a child who mopping, cleaning, & putting books at library in order.
Children come & gather at learning house. We learn together & practice introduction in English. After practicing, children open the fasting together, eat greenpeas porridge mixed with sweet sago palm made into little colored beads for porridge. We sing ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ use stars which made by kids from cardboard coated gold paper. Ms.Qori’ah accompany children in singing.
After practicing, we wait for visitors. Some children play hide & seek, Javanese traditional playing, & reading books. Some were still put library books in order.
After more than an hour, the visitors came with Ms.Debby, brought some cardboard box of snacks & drink. All of us introduced ourselves in English & then the visitors' turn. They introduced themselves by writing their nama on the whiteboard. They are Mehdi Laftavi, Sarah, Margaret, Mrs.Esti, & Mrs.Sinta.
After introduction, children sang 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' with enthusiasm. We welcomed the visitors happily & took pictures with full enthusiastic.
The visitors gave snacks & drink, such as cassava crispy, chocolate wafer, sweets & greenpeas juice. After that, we accompanied them to see around, the houses & our farm.
After look around, I ask them to take pictures for my memory album. Some friends ask for their address, telephone number, email, etc. After that, we went home. My friends & I shaking hands & saying goodbye to them.