Hello again our good friends,
During the month of November 2011, our study activity were stagnant, due to the eviction notice which was given to the Cakung's residents early November, the site would have to be clear by the end of November.
During November, before the study activity start, all the children would be singing. Every time during the preparation prior to the class started, there will always be children telling stories about their friend's house being demolish and the family had to move out to another place. One by one any residence who was worried if the owner will use violence to force them out, at the end demolished their own house. They brought along any building material from the demolition which were still usable and sold some of them for their necessary expenses.
We had donated some fund, to lighten the financial burden of those family who had to start from the beginning again after losing the land that they normally farm.
The children study's evaluation plan for the third semester which was supposed to be done on Saturday, the 26th of November, was cancelled due to some families had move since the third week of November and their children cannot come to the class.
The eviction events can be read from Pray for Cakung's attachment.
Some of the children's stories about their heartbreak and disappointment can be read on Cakung's children community blog :
Due to this event, since November the plan to open the school at Muara Baru was proceeding earlier than plan. The opening was supposed to be early January 2012, but it is brought forward so it can be used for some of the activities for the Cakung's school.
Early Wednesday morning, November 23rd 2011, with the help of the residence and sister Lestari and her friends, we packed all the things which was stored on the Cakung school's cupboard.
By afternoon, a few things that had been separated to be stored at Muara Baru's school were being transport with the rental car by the residence. The removalist process was done quickly. There were mix feeling, happiness but also sadness. The early opening of Muara Baru's school which was occur at the same time that the Cakung's school was demolished.
Eventhough our building was demolished but our spirit will never be dampen.
Some of the school's things and the cupboard as well as the chalkboard were temporarily kept at one of the residence's house that was located on the border of the eviction zone.
On Friday, November 26th 2011, sister Steffi and Ivonne from Unika psychology faculty Atma Jaya came for a visit to our place. They had inform us of their visit a few days beforehand. Eventhough the schools' development was still in progress, it did not dampen the children's spirit to study. Even though there was only few left, some of them who lived quite far away still come, accompanied by their mother.
After study, the facilitator team together with some of the mothers who were still waiting for their children playing and few of the category IV children, attend the final presentation of their academic program from their couple of visit to the Cakung's school. The outreach training was given by sister Steffi and Ivonne about the principle of children's outreach and class' organization.
The activity finished when the evening prayer's ended. We are glad to receive a new knowledge that was so enlightening. Our thanks to the sister and brothers from psychology Unika Atmajaya faculty, who had willingly donate their time to explain to us the real meaning of 'outreach'.
Alternative Learning Activities
The learning activities were conducted as usual every Friday and Saturday until the end of November 2011. The focus of these activities were preparing the Cakung Student for term 3 school examination.
Recently, the children from category 1 have been learning spelling of simple words. In the first week, they learned about the type of animal. In the second week they review their knowledge about animal by explaining the animal characteristics in an interactive way. In the third week, they started writing about different types of vegetables. They discussed about their characteristic and how they can be presented in the menu. In the last week, the children reviewed the spelling of the vegetables as replacement of the cancelled exam.
While the children from category 2 learning how to write in full sentences and to count, the chidren from category 3 & 4 learned Mathematics and Indonesian Language. Their wrote about their experience leaving their current home because of the forced evacuation.
In the second week of November, the children from category 3 & 4 learned how to make Chococrunch cookies with chocolate. The reward of finishing this session was to sample few pieces of the cookies.
From this training, some children are eligible to take the Economic Enhancement Programme of Cakung Teenagers in preparation for Christmas.
The participants of this enhancement programme are consist of the Cakung teenagers and a team of facilitators who are planning to make Christmas hampers from their handicraft and homemade cookies.
This activity is to encourage the children’s entrepreneurship where they can make use of their craft to save up for their future and accumulating capital to start a business. You can take a look of their products in Cakung’sFacebook called Ubrumahbelajar.
We hope that you will be able to help them and their causes by buying their Christmas hampers
Finally, thank you very much for support and care from all the facilitators. Grateful thanks for Kak Ari, Kak Uwie, Kak Vera, Kak Tiny, Kak Uju and Kak Qori’ah. May your commitment and cooperation between the teams will stay strong for the moral and intellectual development of the children.
Health Improvement for Children Program
On Sunday, 13 November 2011, we conducted Mantoux Test at Learning House - Cakung and at some of the residents' houses. The event was supported by Canisius College alumni who established MenforOthers. The program was initiated as the result of 'Fight Against Tuberculosis' held on Saturday, 22 October 2011 at Learning House - Cakung.
The Mantoux Test was held in the morning. The Medical Team arrived together with the Canisius Colleage alumni.
Three doctors provided consultation for the families at the Learning House, while the other two doctors conducted injections in one of the Cakung residents' houses. Each family was required to pay Rp. 5000 and the collected fund would be used for any residents who require further health check.
Once the family consultations were completed, we prepared the children - especially the young children - to get injections by providing them with chocolate waffle biscuits. We hoped it would ease their fear and curiosity towards the injections. We snapshot their expressions and you may find them in the attached files.
Three days after the Mantoux Test, dr. Bimo visited the families and checked the result of the tests. There were 6 TBC suspected children who needed further check at the nearest Community Health Service (Puskesmas).
We negotiated the access to obtain further health check and medical supplies with the local council and government wards through dr. Bimo's assistance. We explained the necessity of the residents to get further health assistance was accepted and the test result was actually helped the Community Health Service. The Cakung Timur Councillor even happy to provide reference letter to help the process of TBC treatment.
During the last week of November, the children who suspected having TBC were xrayed at Tanjung Priok Community Health Service. This health service has more comprehensive facilities and faster service. The cost of X-ray was covered by the collected money from all the families. We collected Rp. 110.000 in total.
The Nutrition Enhancement Program for the Children
All throughout November, the diet provided to the children was wide-ranging and adequately nutritious, on top of the usual milk given before the start of each study session. The must-have items on the monthly healthy menu are boiled egg and fruit.
On the first Saturday of November 2011, the menu was bread and milk. On the second Saturday of the month, the menu was boiled egg, while on the third Saturday, the children had orange, each child was given 3 oranges. On the fourth Saturday, which was the last of the month and mark the end of the study period of 2011, the healthy menu provided was a special one, which consisted of rice and fried chicken. The meal was prepared by some of the children from category IV.
Two days before the health check-up and mantoux test (Tuberculosis screening) were held, on Friday 11 November 2011, donation in the form of milk was given by PT Soho Industri Farmasi (a local pharmaceutical company). This milk then distributed to the children after they have been given the injection at the health check-up and mantoux test session on Sunday 13 November 2011.
Our highest gratitude to HusinRaharja from PT Soho Industri Farmasi and the family of Mrs. VinaMaramis for the milk and nutrition donation.
We are also deeply grateful for the help we received from the local community, especially from the mothers and children of category IV who made our Nutrition Enhancement Program for the Children of Cakung possible.
In the beginning of November, there were many purchases of stationery and books made as one of the preparation to face the final exam. Some of the scholarship recipients, together with their parents and the scholarship supervisor, went shopping for these necessities. Also, during this month, the students of the final year of SMK (third grade of Trade Middle School) were required to attend additional study program at their school, which in turn reduced their availability to attend the study sessions at Cakung Children Community.
In December, there will be various upcoming needs for the children. Students of third grade SMK will be required to pay the fee for additional study program, fee for final exam, school fee and library borrowing fee. Everything need to be paid in full in the beginning of the month due to the commencement of the Semester I final exam at this time.
Activities plan for December:
1. The last children learning activities for year 2011. Learning activities on Fridays and Saturdays are now focusing on children in Category III and IV. They will do preparation for developing economy activities such as making Christmas hamper package as well as evaltuating Cakung Children Community programs.
2. Cleaning up Learning House for Cakung Children Community which is located on Bingung (Confused) Lane, RT 07 RW 06, Cakung Timur. We rent this house for a year and will use it as library and to keep cupboards owned by Cakung Children Community. Up to the date when the report was written, we were still allowed to use the land around the old Learning House in Cakung Sawah. With limited facilities, we still managed to organise learning activities for the children. We only use canvas as our floor and roof. We still have study desk and blackboard, which we thankful for having them. We still run our learning activities for children in Category III and IV.
3. On Saturday, 3 December 2011, in relation to the opening of learning activities in Muara Baru community, we will organise health examination especially the Tuberculosis for residents in this area. We collaborate with JRMK (Network for the Poor Community in City) and with assistance of Medical Team from Atmajaya Hospital and MenforOthers group.
4. Sunday, 4 December 2011, we will organise evaluation on education curriculum for Facilitator Team at Kak Tiny’s house in Sumur Batu, Jakarta Pusat.
5. We will do evaluation on Programs held in 2011 and make plan for 2012 programs together with the Facilitators of children category IV on 2nd and 3rd weekends of December 2011. The review and plan will be held simultaneously in Learning House Cakung Sawah and Activities House Cakung Children Community.
6. We will start the learning programs for all children on 2nd week of January 2012.
We highly appreciate all the support, prayers and financial support from each and all of friends throughout November 2011.
We thank Kak Arry Fitriana, Loos family, Kak Hanaria, Kak Alvieni, Bu Rina Anwar, Bu Margaretha and Mbak Jenny. Special thankyou for Kak Ari who has provided us with huge material supports.
We also thank Ms.Anita Linggar, Ms.Devy Suleiman, Ms.Ivonne Edenton, Ms. Maya Moa (Maya Soeryanto) for supporting the English translation’s monthly report.
The unexpected costs occurred in November urges us to ask for more help and support from all friends.
We do hope we can still continue in the collaboration to help the children to get the education and life they deserve.
May God bless all of us.
With warmest regards
Cakung Children Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
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