Dear friends,
Learning activity started in 2nd week after the holiday during the 1st week in June.
In Friday morning, July 8th, 2011, two facilitators went to Parungpanjang to pick up the children who attend farming entrepreneur workshop for almost a month.
In Saturday morning, July 9 th, 2011, we had been visited by guests, Ms.Mulyani & friends from Choice. Children were exciting to welcome our guests. They gathered at learning house, introduced themselves & performed recorder playing & songs. After the entertainment, the children invited their guests to see around their farming area.
Before leaving the farm, Ms.Mulyani & friends distribute some stationery gifts, lunch boxes of fried rice to the children, and also donation to support Lini & Fajar’s hospital fee. Our deep appreciation to Ms.Mulyani & friends from Choice for their attention & support to Cakung Children Community.
At the same day in the afternoon, while we were still studying, Mrs.Novita & family came to visit. They used their holiday time to go home to Belgium and spent it by visiting us for few days. Mrs.Novita came with her husband, her daughter, Shafira, her father & cousin.
We had the opportunity to chat with Shafira who joined the study activity of children in 1st category. When we took a rest, children were playing & taking pictures together. Mrs.Novita brought writing books & boxes of milk powder for children and donation from Samenleven Organization. Our thanks to Mrs.Novita-family’s & Samenleven Organization’s attention & support.
In the 3rd week of July, we received a sad news, Ms.Ari’s Mother passed away. On the 7th day mourn, we visited Ms.Ari’s house, the facilitator of 1st category children.
Her Mom funeral was held in her hometown, Purworejo. Ari and her family stayed there until the 3rd day mourn. We, on behalf of Cakung Children Community give deep condolence. Our prayer for Ms.Ari’s Mother may she rest in peace in God’s hand.
In Saturday afternoon, July 16th, 2011, while children were learning special skills, Mr.Arif & Mrs.Maria visited us. They brought bringing some secondhand clothes, student books & toys. Their visit was short, but the children were so excited welcoming them, more because of the toys. We sold some of the toys in cheap price to support the operational program of Cakung Children Community. We keep some toys for our assets. We appreciate the donation from Mr.Arif – Mrs.Maria & the people of St.Andreas area, Harapan Indah Real estate, Bekasi.
Since early July, Lina-Lini’s shack was wrecked & un- proper. It was then be renovated to have enough ventilation and light. The plan had been delayed because Lini was sick. The renovation then carried on by the community on the 4th week of July. We did participate in providing the refreshment and contribute some amount of donation.
On Friday morning, July 22nd, 2011, we had received a visit from Sr.Annunciata, OSU, whom always support knitting yarn & donation. That day was the first time for Sister Annunciata visiting us. Although she is more than 85 years old, she has big intention to visit & introduce Cakung children. She brought 2 boxes secondhand clothes & learning tools from St.Mary Playground. After she left, we distributed the clothes to the children and learning tools for children of 1st category.
On Sunday night, July 24th, 2011, we received another sad news, Ms.Lestari’s Father passed away. Ms.Lestari is one of the volunteers of Cakung Children Community, who usually facilitating children in gardening.
We attended the funeral at Menteng Pulo public cemetery on Monday morning. Escorted by her Mother & family, and friends of Sanggar Ciliwung, with whom Ms.Lestari work, her Father was buried. We, on behalf of Cakung Children Community give deep condolence. We pray that her Father is rest in peace in God’s hand.
The Alternative Learning Activity
Since the 3rd week of July, many new kids came & asked permission to join the learning activity at Cakung Children Community. On the 3rd week, 4 new kids joined us, while on the 4th week, 6 new kids came. On the 5th week, we welcomed 10 new kids. Their home are near by Cakung farming area. Children from first & second attendance live in Pesantren & Bingung alleys, while children from third attendance live in Beringin alley. They came because they recognize the good rank of achievement of students at Komunitas Anak Cakung. We are proud of perseverance & attention of the team of facilitator, with whom children have good achievement.
Thank you very much for the support & attention of Ms.Ari, Mrs.Uwie, Ms.Tiny, Ms.Uju, Ms.Qori’ah, & Ms.Rikah.
Although we were busy enough with so many children & makes the learning house full and packed, new enrolment were still welcomed. To make it easy, we organize them, establishing cooperation & responsibility. Children over 11 years of age have to perform group tasks. Their tasks are from preparing the learning house & small children until finishing off learning materials after learning activity.
On the 2nd & 4th Saturday, children learnt farming. The knowledge that was applied was from experiences of some children of 4th category who had just completed the workshop in Parungpanjang. They taught the small children. With seeds which they have & soil & fertilizers, polybags which they bought, we started to learn farming in polybag.
The seeds we planted are few kinds of corn, tomato, & chilly. Each child brought home their polybag planted with seeds. Within study time, children reported the progress of the polybag plant. Now, there are children with 20cm height corn plants.
On Thursday afternoon, July 28th, 2011, we held a meditation workshop, lead by Mrs.Alvieni. The workshop took place at the hall of Sang Timur Playground, Modernland with the permission of Sr.Margriet, PIJ.
From the last monthly evaluation report regarding the children’s learning motivation & their lack of concentration, in the middle of July, Mrs.Alvieni & I made a plan to have an activity for maintaining their learning motivation. In relation with that, we held a meditation workshop to build their concentration & consciousness.
The workshop was provided for the children of 3rd & 4th category. Attended by 25 children & 1 facilitator, accompanied by Mrs. Alvie, we had workshop for about 2 hours. We made this activity as compulsory before they start the learning activity every Friday & Saturday with the meditation leader from children of 4th category.
Thank you very much for Mrs. Alvieni’s support & sincere attention in handling Cakung children’s problem.
The Children Healthcare Development Programme
The children dental care activity was cancelled because the Ciliwung Merdeka dental clinic’s operation hours coincided with school holiday. Moreover, inappropriate children group scheduling time and the absence of facilitator to take the children to the clinic are also contributed to the cancellation. In addition, Majority of the children of 4th category who used to take the smaller children to the clinic were away for the farming workshop within end of June and mid July in Parungpanjang.
In early July, measles epidemy spreaded in Cakung farming area. Four children were infected by the disease. It started from Gio, Lina-Lini’s brother, to Fajarwati, his cousin, & finally affected Lini, Adit, & Nur. Fajar condition, 2, was so bad, with lung infection, so she had to be rushed to Persahabatan Public Hospital, by the recommendation from public clinic in East Jakarta. A day after Fajar had been hospitalized, Lini, 7, also needed medical attention for the fever, red spots on her skin, ulcers in her mouth, & loss of appetite.
Medicines had to be bought before the doctor could handle the patients, hospital care deposits, parent’s limited funds, & lengthy administration time taken to obtain poor people privileges statement from the authority, made us have to take action to pay all the hospital costs in advance. A week later, the children were dismissed by the hospital and they could went back home. The statement letter of poor people privileges became insignificant, because since the admission until day 3, we had already paid for the medicines. Parents promised to pay half of the hospital cost in installment.
The Scholarship
On the 2nd week of July, the children started to school. For the children who were granted scholarships, since the 1st week, they bought school needs & pay the school registration.
Most of the children started the school activity on Monday, July 11th, 2011, but for those who had to attend orientation program in their new school they had to come on Friday, July 9th, 2011.
The Bibliotheque Programme
Library activity by the librarians was conducted every Wednesday afternoon. It is still running regularly, especially the registration of new books received and also wrapping the cover of books, labeling and numbering the books.
The reappearance of Desmon, 15, who was an active participant in the learning activity, revived the children learning activity, especially the category IV children. Desmon replaced Yana to be one of the librarians with the help of Ester & other category IV children.
The Children Nutrition Improvement Programme
In July, the healthy menu was varied enough for the children, other than drinking milk regularly before learning began.
Because the 1st week of July was holiday, while on the 2nd Saturday, after drinking milk, children had fried rice from Ms.Mulyani & friends of Choice, the healthy menu started on the 3rd Saturday. Children drank milk & ate bread. The healthy menu on the 4th Saturday beside drank milk, children ate boiled eggs after recess and on the 5th Saturday, they ate watermelon.
Thank you very much to Mrs Vina - Mr. Arend-Michelle for providing the milk powder, Ms.Mulyani & friends of Choice, also Samenleven Organization & Mrs.Novita.
August schedules are:
1. Schedule of library registration activity will be changed from Wednesday to Tuesday on 2 PM to 5 PM.
2. Teenagers of Cakung Children Community economics endeavour will be started on early August following Idul Fitri celebration. Their productions are paperquilling cards, creations from beads, knit works & plastic bags.
3. The children learning evaluation that was originally scheduled on end of August will be delayed until 2nd week of September due to Idul Fitri celebration.
4. Idul Fitri celebration holiday on the 4th week of August until 1st week of September.
Thank you for the financial support we have received. The money was well spent in ensuring the smooth operational program of the Cakung Children Community. Thank you for Ms. Arry Fitriana, Mrs.Rina Anwar, Mrs.Hanaria Putri, Ms.Mulyani & friends of Choice, Samenleven Organization & Mrs.Novita, also Ms.Jeanny.
Thank you very much for material support from Ms.Mulyani & friends of Choice, Samenleven Organization & Mrs.Novita & family, Mr.Arif-Mrs.Maria & the people of St. Andreas area, Harapan Indah Real Estate, St. Mary Playground & a friend of Mrs. Alvie.
May God bless us all.
Warm regards,
On behalf of Cakung Children Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594