Dear friends,
Happy Tri-Holy Waisak 2556
Wish the spirit of Waisak enlightens our ways and minds to do good deeds and to have willingness to sacrifice for others.
The Children Learning Community activities run well in May.
Alternative Learning Activities
a. Cakung Children Community
Since May, some Cakung teenagers, who just graduated from the vocational school, become the Cakung facilitators. Assisted by some volunteers, they accompanied the children of the 0, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd categories.
We introduced simple and practical methods for the children to learn reading, writing, counting and speaking. We aimed that they have a more enjoyable learning activity.
In this 2nd quarter, the children of the 0 category started learning to spell by reading alphabetic and number 0 – 10. We used simple word cards with interesting pictures for them to learn how to spell. Each child presented the card and read each alphabet in front of peers and then they spelt the word together.
Children of the 1st category are now able to read simple stories with the big letters. After reading, we asked them to re-tell the story. They learn counting by playing snakes and ladders board-games, where they learn how to add and subtract. In this game, each of them was required to write the number they did in a book. We assigned a facilitator of 1st category to assist the children in this game.
Children in the 2nd category have more skills to read longer stories. We also asked them to re-tell the stories after reading. We provided options for them to choose ranging from fiction to the non-fiction. Kuark, a science children magazine has been a good source of information for us and has been in our community library collection. We also ask them to read this magazine as part of the compulsory reference.
The reading activity is introduced not only for learning Bahasa Indonesia but it also covers science and social subjects. Children in 2nd category also learn counting and their focus is on addition and subtraction. They learn counting by doing an imaginary grocery shopping and cooking. We give each child some fake money. Each child is free to choose a dish they like and to cook. To determine the necessity ingredients and materials, they were assisted by a facilitator of the 2nd category.
The children wrote how much the money they had and the ingredients and materials required in a mathematical formula in their book.
For the children of the 3rd category, the reading activity is conducted by reading the children science magazine, Kuark. They were required to summarise the articles and re-told it in front of their friends. They learn English by singing English songs and by playing scrabble, which enriches their vocabularies.
Until to date, we had not learnt making and repairing desks yet due to no skilled people available.
The children character building activities (Living Values Activities) is usually held on every Saturdays. The themes of this 2nd quarter are happiness, collaboration, honesty and humble heart. We usually do this activity by sharing, singing, role playing (such as playing certain roles, taking different role play and telling stories) and ended it by meditation.
After completing the learning activities, we tidy up all the materials in learning tent. The younger children collect garbage around the tent, while the older ones fold the tent canvas. They also tidy up and put all the learning materials into a plastic container and carry it together with the facilitator to a nearby resident’s home to keep it.
b. Muara Baru Community
The learning activity runs every Sunday. We usually study together as well as reading books from our little library collection.
The learning activity at RT 14 is developing well. Although the numbers of participants are the same, there is always new participants join. Their age are ranging from 6 years old to 11 years old. The learning activity held at RT 01 is organised by reading our library books collection and by playing scrabble.
These learning activity are held in the class room which is normally used for play group aged children.
We divide the children into two groups to learn reading, writing, counting and speaking as per the arrangement done for the children of Cakung.
The children in 2nd group are they who already understand multiplication. They learn counting by doing grocery shopping for certain menu. The main focus of this learning process is to learn multiplication, addition and subtraction.
We do monthly evaluation on learning preparation and review of learning material. Facilitators and staff gather to evaluate each task and make a plan based on the curriculum that we have set in the beginning of the year. We meet on every Wednesday at the learning house. Usually we continue it with checking and updating our library records and doing some craft activities.
We thank all the collaborative works between the facilitators, the children and residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Ms. Ari, Ms. Qori’ah, Ms. Mona, Ms. Lisa, Yana, Mala, and Indri.
We open our library on every Wednesdays. Mostly we start it with book registration and numbering and then we put covers on the books.
The library activity started to operate after a long break in April month. The children assist to register and arrange the books in the bookshelves. We made the new bookshelf on the 2nd week of May.
We receive a lot of books from Mrs. Hera on Saturday, 12 May 2012. We have now more collections in the library.
We thank Mrs. Hera for her attention and support to us. We are glad to learn new knowledge from the donated books.
Nutrition Improvement for Children
In May 2012, the nutrition improvement activities run well.
The healthy menu for this month was hard-boiled egg, papaya with agar-agar layer and bread with chocolate jam and cheese slices. We still provide them with milk. Some menu in May was changed as per our mutual agreement.
The healthy menu on the 3rd Saturday was kangkung salad with peanut sauce, but we cancelled it because Intan’s family provided the special menu to celebrate Intan’s birthday. She is 10 years old now. Her family and friends celebrated her birthday at the learning tent. The children were so happy enjoying the birthday cake and turmeric rice with the dishes.
Happy birthday Intan! We wish you a happy and healthy long life and to be a smart and creative child and to obey your parents as well.
We thank the team who organised it and to Soni’s mom who had prepared the menu for May.
After completing the national exam, Indri and Mala, students of the final year of vocational school, volunteered their time to facilitate the children in the learning activity. In the middle of May, they went to a class farewell event. The result of their exams was announced on 26 May 2012 online. They graduated with good marks.
They have been prepared to be local leaders and facilitators for Cakung community. Therefore, we support Indri to pursue her education to university, on behalf of the development of education of the children of Cakung community and particularly on behalf of the Children Learning Community.
Mala prefers to focus in developing her craftsmanship skills through short courses instead of continuing a formal education. She chose to work nearby her home and at the same time she will prioritise the learning activity. It is her gratitude gesture to payback the scholarship to the children community.
We are experiencing an increment on the school expenditures this month, particularly for the students in elementary school. They have to make copies of learning materials, to rent internet access to do homework and to purchase reference books.
There will be school holiday after the national exam. They are then required to pay the school farewell activity in mid May. They had paid some instalments since early April and had to pay it full by mid of April.
While for the children graduated from vocational high school, there are extra expenses on legalising certificate and rapport book, university admission fee, travel fee to the nearby university for survey purpose.
At the end of May, Indri enrolled herself to a private university in Klender, East Jakarta. She chose Faculty of Economics with Accounting as the major.
As her school marks are good, she does not have to sit for an admission test. However, she still had to go through a health check and an interview in mid June 2012.
Due to the increment in tuition fees, we seek more support from our donators. We do hope you would like to support the education development through scholarship program. We are preparing them to be the future leaders and facilitators for learning activities at Children Learning Community.
June 2012 Activity Plan
1. To make and repair several desks as part of craftsmanship skills for children in Category 3.
2. To purchase milk powder as part of Children Nutrition Improvement program.
3. To provide scholarship for an elementary school student who will enrol soon. This child is from the 1st category.
4. To set up a committee for the Sex Education and Leadership activity in July 2012.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who continuously supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without their support, our activities would not be realised.
Thanks for the funds which are used for operating our activities in Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Loos family, Bu Vina, Pak Arend, Michelle Maramis, Ms. Elissa, Sr.Annunciata, OSU, and Ms.Arry Fitriana as well as to Mrs.Hera for donating reading books. Thank you so much to Ms.Anita Linggar for translating this report.
Again, our sincere thank to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well.
May God bless all of us.
Warmest regards
On behalf of Children Learning Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
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