Dearest friends,
In February 2013, the alternative education of Children Learning Community could run well, thanks to your prayer and support.
In mid February 2013, on Saturday, February 16th, 2013 to be exact, we have visited by Ms. Eka and Mr.Wanda. Ms. Eka is the friend of the coordinator of The Children Learning Community, who since 1997 accompanied the Cakung children at the early area (near Philips factory, Cakung-Cilincing highway).
Few times, Ms. Eka visited the children in Cakung field area and now she visited us again accompanied by Mr.Wanda. This was the first time for them to visit the learning house.
In the evening, Ms.Eka and Mr.Wanda back home. We are so thankful for their visiting, especially the children were so grateful for learning a new song with the funny dance.
In the early March of 2013, on Friday, March 1st, 2013 to be exact, we have visitors, Mrs. Tiny, who since 2011 accompanied the children of the 1st category learning at Cakung field area, and Ms.Lisa, who since 2008 accompanied the children of the 0 category learning. Some children whom accompanied by Mrs. Tiny & Ms. Lisa are now in the 1st and 2nd categories.
Mrs. Tiny came with her child, Raka, who just celebrate his 1st years old birthday. We held a simple party after the children learning. The children sang together and introduce themselves. After that, we prayed and have lunch together. We prayed for Raka to be a healty and good boy, and always grateful for the life of God’s blessing. In the evening, after the activity, Mrs. Tiny and Ms. Lisa back home.
We were so happy and thankful for Mrs. Tiny and her children, also Ms. Lisa visiting.
Alternative Learning Activities
a. Cakung Children Community
The learning activities in Cakung were hold at the learning house and the field area every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday.
Since the early February 2013, we have a new volunteer; Ms. Henni, who would like to assist the children of the 3rd category in learning English every even Saturday at the learning house. The children love to learn with Ms. Henni.
There are 6 new children participants from the 0 and 1st category. They live not just in the area, but in Rorotan area, the border of East Cakung, East Jakarta and North Jakarta.
In Saturday, February 16th, 2013, Ms. Eka & Mr. Wanda visited the children at the learning house. They visited the learning house for the first time and introduced themselves. After that, Ms. Eka taught a new children song.
The children were so happy for Ms. Eka & Mr. Wanda visiting, moreover Ms. Eka taught the children song ‘Potong Bebek Angsa’ in her version. As the children could sing together, some of them try to sing and dance in duet or trio.
Every Tuesday, after the learning activity in Cakung field area, the facilitators gather to evaluate and prepare the learning materials for Friday and Saturday. On the same day, the team do the administration of the library activity, also the economic generating activity for the teenagers. In this month, they produce the Easter paper quilling cards.
b. The Muara Baru Community
The learning activity started at the 2nd week of February 2013, on Sunday, February 9th, 2013 and on the 4th week of February 2013, on Sunday, February 23rd, 2013 to be exact. Some children followed the learning activity at the hall of the neighborhood association (RT). The learning activity facilitated by two facilitators.
The flood disaster on the mid January caused some long wooden table washed away. Now, we just have 2 for learning, but it never lessened the children spirit to gather at the hall.
We thank all the collaborative works between the facilitators, the volunteers, the children and residents of Cakung and Muara Baru, especially to Mrs. Herda at Muara Baru, Ms. Henni, Ms. Qori’ah, Indri, Yana, Lisna, Riska, Mrs. Mar’ah, and the children coordinator program.
The activity of this month was preparing the book on the shelves and covering the registered book.
The activity was held every Tuesday, after the learning activity in Cakung field area. The activity was coordinated by Cynthia and done together in the team.
Finally we are thankful for the attention and the perseverance of the team.
Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
The program began on the 1st Saturday of February 2013 with the menu hard-boiled egg. On the 2nd Saturday of February, the children cooked capcay kuah (Chinese seafood and mixed vegetable soup), while on the 3rd Saturday, the menu was oranges, and the end of Saturday of the month, the children cooked pepes tahu (steamed tofu wrapped into banana leaves).
On the year of 2013, the coordinator of this program is Tia. By this year, all the preparations until the cooking are done all by the children of the 3rd category. The facilitators just assist them.
Every Friday after the learning activities, the children of the 3rd category gather to write the recipe, make a list, sharing the task and discuss about the kitchen dishes that they have to bring.
The coordinator have to type the recipes of the month in the computer every Tuesday at the computer room in the learning house.
We thank the team who organised the healthy menu and cooked it during February 2013.
Children Scholarship
Since early February 2013, Cynthia, the scholarship student in the 4th grade of elementary school dropped out because of the parents’ problem. We try to help her to cope it by keeping ask her to learn. Now, she stays at the learning house.
The schedule of daily activities at the learning house, beside tidy up the house and regular activity in house, also filled with independent learning activity, a kind of home schooling for her and at the end of the week, we hold learning evaluation.
Every Wednesday morning, Cynthia and Yana (the girl who dropped out in the 2nd grade of vocational high school since 2011 because of her parents’ problem) learn computer with Ms. Sari at her house. The activity accompanied by the coordinator of the Children Learning Community and started since mid February 2013.
The computer lesson focused on making newsletter or wall magazine. The children can type and operating computer, so now they learn using Microsoft Word 2007 and Corel Draw X3. Every week, they have homework to do at the learning house. Now, they have responsibility to transfer their knowledge to the other children every Monday or Thursday.
In this month, the scholarship expenditure were to provide the need of learning materials for the elementary and university students, also the internet rental for the university student. We just bought USB modem at the end of February 2013, so during this month, the students still did their homework at the internet rental.
In mid February 2013, we paid the school registration fee for the college student. She has average marks in the 1st semester. The school activity of the 2nd semester hold at the end of February 2013. In this semester, she takes 15 credits of semester, after taking 21 credits on the 1st semester, so she still have more time to assist the younger children learning at the learning house.
Thank you very much to Ms. Sari Pelengkahu and our friends who would like to support the program regularly. We hope the collaboration will continue well and become the worth provide for the children future.
March 2013 Activity Plans
1. Learning Activities
Gardening activity at the corridor in the left side of learning house for the children from the 1st category to the 3rd category.
From the end of February 2013 til now, the economic generating activity for teenagers is making the Easter paper quilling cards.
2. The Nutrition Improvement Program for Children
Preparing the healthy menu and providing milk.
3. Library Program
Covering books and organizing the books on the shelves.
4. Children Scholarship
Computer workshop and sewing workshop for the children who dropped out from their school every Wednesday and Thursday.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all friends who sustainably supporting us in their prayers, donations, materials and time. Without your support, our activities would not be realized.
Thank you very much to the boards of St. Maria Convent, Juanda and Mrs. Erni for supporting the kitchen stuffs. Thank you very much to Ms. Farimi for supporting the children secondhand clothes.
Thank you abundantly for the funds which are worthly for operating our activities of the Children Learning Community. Special thanks to Ms. Elissa Wiguna and her parents; Mrs.Susan & Mr.Andy, Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend, Michelle Maramis, Ms. Arry Fitriana, Mrs.Hanaria Putri, Ms. Jenny, Ms. Toetoet, Sr. Annunciata, OSU, and Dr. Frans Senff.
Our monthly progress report could be accessed in our blog :
The production of Cakung teenagers creation could be bought and accessed in our blog :
Again, our sincere thank to all of you. May God bless all of you abundantly and may our collaboration will continue well.
May God bless all of us.
Warmest regards
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
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