On Monday, May 4, 2009, I fell sick. The first process of the sickness I felt high fever, my stomach ache. The next day, I really fell sick. I could not help my parent, just laying in the bed. Beside that, I just moaning in the bed.
In the morning I asked for breakfast to my father, because I couldn't eat rice, so my father told my brother to buy porridge in the market. In the afternoon my stomach became worst . My mother brought me to the nearest paramedic. Arriving in to the paramedic, directly I was examined, because there was no patient at that time. I didn't know yet my illness and the paramedic did not explain about. She only said, "You have only stomachache". Then she gave me the medicine. The next morning, because the medicine did not work properly, my mother brought me to the nearest doctor.
The name of the doctor is Dr. Yakri. Arriving there, I got number 2. The first number has come in, I must wait untill the first pasient came out. When the first pasient came out, I came in directly. I was examined, the doctor said that I got typhoid. The doctor gave me the receipt for me and my mother took the medicine.
Arriving home, my mother asked my brother to buy porridge so that I could drink the medicine from the doctor. On the same day, my friends visited me. Beside there were Ms. Debby and Ms.Chichi, who teach me in the learning house. I was given worm medicine, as Yana’s mother advice when she had typhoid. The worm medicine was made from the worm, which name is Vermint. It can lower the fever and kill the disease. On that day, I drank that medicine, and in the next day, my body and stomach were better and there was no pain and fever anymore.
When my stomach and my body were not sick and no high fever again, I have my appetite better and went down from my bed. A few days later, my body was fit and no pain anymore.
By Kartini