On Monday, May 18, 2009, my friends from Cakung and I went to the dentist in Bukit Duri. My friends are Joel, Andrew, Pedro, Joel's mam, Andrew's mam and Pedro's mam. We went at 7.30 am by KWK 21 minibus to Pulo Gadung terminal. We arrived in Pulo Gadung at 9 am. After buying the busway tickets, the bus came, we went to the bus and looking for the seats.
Then we stop at Matraman halte. After that we went through the busway bridge to Matraman halte I, waiting for the destination to Kampung Melayu, not to Salemba because we want to go to another teeth examination, due too high payment. Ms. Debby came first and waiting for us. After we met, we directly went out of the bridge.
Then we walked away, found the small path and went through to find the place for the teeth examination. Finally we found the house. After arriving, we came into the house. The place was like a learning center with two storey. There were some people learning, because this place is for a learning house too. We were asked to go to the second story while waiting for the doctor. After our turn finished, there were another people who came for. We were waiting for the examination. In the afternoon, at 3 pm we were just finished, and have our lunch, going out and waiting for the Metromini 46, going home through Pulo Gadung. From Pulo Gadung we used KWK 21 minibus, and arrived at 5 pm.
By Jessica
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