On Tuesday, May 12, 2009, I went to the netstall to write and make email. Before going to netstall, I went to St. Carolus' public health service with Jemima, Jessica, Yulianingsih, Yulianingsih’s mom, Andrew's mam, Andrew, and Pedro with his mam for tooth examination. We went at 6 am, and arrived at 8.30 am.
We wait one by one our name was called and the last call went to Andrew to take the medicine, after taking the medicine, Jemima, Ms. Debby and I accompanied Jessica, Yulianingsih, Yulianingsih’s mom, Pedro's mam, Andrew's mam, Pedro, and Andrew went home to the Carolus halte.
Jemima, Ms. Debby, and I were going to the nearest warnet around St. Carolus' Balkesmas by foot and finally found the stall. In the warnet, we took a seat and directly typing our writings. First we typed Cynthia's writing, Kartini, and the others to be inserted to the blog as our compulsary activities in the Indonesian learning program, especially writing.
After that we were told how to make email by Ms. Debby to preserve the writings which we typed to our email and Ms. Debby checked again and sent to the blog.
After finishing the typing, we went out and looking for our lunch, then we went home. We were separated because Ms. Debby has another appointment, so we went home just in two with Jemima.
By Indri
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