For the fourth times, my friends and I went for teeth examination on Tuesday, May 12, 2009. We were I, Indri, Yulianingsih, Pedro, Andrew, Jessica, Andrew’s mom, Pedro's mam, and Yulianingsih’s mam.
We went from our home at 6 am, by KWK 21 minibus to Pulo Gadung. From Pulo Gadung, we went to the busway station to bought tickets which the destination to Dukuh Atas destination to Dukuh Atas and we wait the bus. Finally the bus came. We went in and find the seats. Then we transfered at the Matraman halte, went by foot through the busway's bridge to Salemba. The trip was very short and then we arrived safely.
At 8 am, we arrived in St. Carolus' public health service. We got the number 18 to 22. Before we were called for the examination, for a while we went to minishop buying bread, because all of us haven't take breakfast.
The first call went to Yulianingsih accompanied by her mother. In the examination room she was examined and her tooth was filled, after that Jessica came in and was examined to be filled too. Andrew and Pedro went after, both their teeth were filled and then Andrew got receipt to buy medicine and after that we went out. The last was me. In the room, I was examined, the doctor said that my tooth must be pulled out but I refused, even other tooth had pulled out previously. So the doctor did nothing, but writing the payment and I went out.
After all have been examined, we still wait for Ms. Debby's coming. At 9.30 am the person we wait was coming, that was Ms. Debby. She brought some bread and drink for all of us. She took the payment and the receipt for Andrew and paid for the medicine. After that, we all went out of the St. Carolus' public health service around 11 am because of waiting so long for Andrew’s receipt.
On the way back of St. Carolus' gate, we must separated, because I, Indri, and Ms. Debby have to write back our wallpaper magazine for the blog at the near internet rental.
By Christine Jemima
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