By Christine Jemima
On Monday, July 20, 2009, is the day where we learn about sex education. The workshop began at 10.30 at learning house. We were facilitated by Ms.Debby, Ms.Tina, Ms. Dewi, Ms.Lusi, Andy, Ms.I’ah & Ms.Uju. The workshop is opened by Ms.I’ah as the moderator in introducing the facilitators.
After introduction, we are divided in 2 groups, girls group & boys group. Girls group is Christine, Jessica, Indri, Yulia, Susi, Kartini, Ana, Mala, Yana, & Ester facilitated by Ms.Tina, Ms.Debby, Ms.Dewi, Ms.Lusi, Ms.I’ah, & Ms.Uju. Boys group is Ondo, Jaka, Anton, Ari, Jumari & Sodikin facilitated by Andi.
The workshop of sex education is about introducing our genital, the function & how to take care it. First, we have a sheet of reproduction organ of female. Ms.Tina explained about servix function where fetus develop & mentally preparation for girls who will have menstruation & how to take care our genital, how to avoid fungus & bacteria so they cannot produce odor. After that, we begin with question-answer session. After that, we learned about boys genital, hormone, how to take care ourselves from negative thinking of boys especially in dressing. After that, we had question-answer session about moral value of sex & the purpose.
After the session, we take a rest for a while & taste fried cassava & sweet ice tea. We were so happy eating snacks together.
After that, we divided in 2 groups; big children group & small children group, while in big children, we were divided into 2 groups. First group is Mala, Jaka, Ana, & me while the second group is Jessica, Indri, Ondo, & Yana. We were facilitated by Ms.Lusi & Andi. Small children were facilitated by Ms.Dewi & Ms.Debby. We learn to presentate our discussion in group. It’s about our appreciation to our body & to other.
The workshop almost finish until the small children presentated their discussion. Sodikin & Anton as presenter. They talked about the TV program which appropriate to watch & have purpose also appropriate to follow. Then we gathered together & sang ‘sayonara’ before close the workshop. After that, the facilitator back home & we cleaned learning house.
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