By Anah
On Sunday, 11 July 2010, we – Kak Mala, Mbak Yana, Mbak Indri, Ester, Kartini, Susi, Fanny, Sodikin, Ondo, Zaka, Haris, Ari and I - learned about Sex Education in the Learning House of Kak Debby. We went there by hiring an angkot (a public transport traveling people on certain route).
The ride was quite long and finally we arrived at the destination. We took a rest for awhile before starting the lesson. Kak Uju prepared sweet warm tea for us and Kak Lucy distributed cake for our breakfast.
While we were resting, some of us helped to stick a large and wide paper on a window. It will be the screen for the LCD projector.
There are some guests who will teach us the sex education. They are Kak Paulina, Kak Elisabeth and Kak Evi. We sat on the mat. The lesson was started with introducing each of us.
Then, the audience was divided into two groups, male and female groups. The male group was assisted by Kak Evi and Kak Elisabeth. The female group was assisted by Kak Paulina. There were some Assistants from Cakung Children Community who attended the lesson too. They are Kak Lucy, Kak Debby, Kak Uju, Kak I’ah, Kak Rikah, Kak Uwie. Then, Kak Vera, Kak Lisa and Kak Mona came a bit later.
We learned about reproduction organs in female and male bodies. After that, Kak Evi, Kak Paulina and Kak Elisabeth explained each of the organ’s function and how to take care and respect them. As well, the reason we should not do free-sex. We then watched a short movie titled “Life is a Choice”. The movie tells about a young teen couple who had a sexual intercourse. The young boy left the young girl after finding they’re pregnant. The girl becomes very stressful, feeling guilty and is not prepared to have and raise a child. She then suicide.
In the afternoon, after watching the movie, we had lunch together. Then, we were given an assignment to produce a motto of life as a reflection of what we have learnt in regards to the sex education. We should express it in a form of craft.
We were given some materials such as old magazines, manila carton, origami papers and some tools such as scissors, glue and cutter. We then display our craftworks and they were evaluated and marked.
Whoever got the highest mark was rewarded by a chocolate waffle. The motto I wrote on the carton with letter cut from old magazine was “Life is a Fight”
After the session, we cleaned the Learning House, we gave gifts for Kak Evi, Kak Paulina and Kak Elisabeth. Then we took photo together. We went home by hired angkot at 4pm.
Translated by Anita Linggar