By Susi
On Friday, 10 September 2010, my family and I celebrated Lebaran in our village, Indramayu. Mom and I went for shalat at the mosque, and then we paid respects to our deceased family in the cemetery. Leaving cemetery, my friends and I went for meatballs lunch.
When I arrived home, mom asked me to go shopping for clothes. I loved it because mom bought me a new clothes.
On Saturday, 11th September 2010, my family went for holiday in the beach. When we arrived at the beach, my cousins and I went for swimming in the sea and had fresh young coconut drink. We had to go back home soon even though I still wished to be able to swim. My cousin foot was hurt by a jellyfish. On Sunday, 12th September 2010, we went back to Jakarta. We waited for the bus for so long.
I could not wait any more longer to return to Jakarta. I missed my bestfriend, Kartini. When I arrived home, Kartini told me that Kak Debby was at the hospital and had a surgery. I was so shock. I was so sad. I really wanted to visit her but Kak Debby sent a message that she would be better and would come on Friday, when the study program started. So, I did not go to her home.
Translated by Anita Linggar