Dear friends,
In October, the learning activities started to run as usual, every Friday and Saturday.
Although so late, some children’s writing about their experience on Ied Mobarak Holiday, reported in the different side. A child wrote about her happiness found a mango in a street while she & her family went to her relatives at Bekasi, while another wrote about his experience rode transJakarta bus for the first time.
Children’s writing could be read on Cakung Children Community blog at
The Alternative Learning Activity
On Saturday, October 1st, 2011, we had a guest, a student from Psychology Faculty of Atmajaya University. Her name is Ms.Steffi. She visited us according to her campus task. She helped Ms.Ari in facilitating the children of the 1st category.
On another Saturday, October 8th, 2011, some students from the Psychology Faculty of Atmajaya University visited us again. There were Ms.Gratje, Ms.Ivonne, Mr.Julian, & Ms.Monik. They facilitated the children on the skill activity. The children of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd categories learned some new songs & the dances with Ms.Gratje, Ms.Ivonne, and Ms.Monik, while the children of the 4th category learned to play guitar with Mr.Julian.
The children were so enthusiastic welcoming the students from Psychology Faculty of Atmajaya University. Moreover, they have a knowledge from the students. Thank you so much for Ms.Steffi, Ms.Gratje, Ms.Ivonne, Ms.Monik, and Mr.Julian visitation.
On Sunday, October 9th, 2011, a facilitator from Muara Baru & I crochetted together with some Mothers of the children who become the participants of the library activity. The crocheting program ran in a warm friendship, moreover Ms.Eka & Mr.Wanda (who are the former facilitator at Cakung) visited us.
In the survey activity of the new area, Ms.Eka & Mr.Wanda asked the Mothers & the children to eat barbeque fish, who were bought in the neighbourhood and barbequed by the Mothers. Thank you so much for Ms.Eka & Mr.Wanda for visiting us & creating the warm friendship with the Mothers and the children.
On Tuesday, October 18th, we started the life skill activity & produced the children’s creation for sale. On that day, some children deserved to start produce the crochetting with the yubiami technique. Some children produced the necklace, the rosary, & the tasbeh from beads & wires. The crochetting where the children learned from the team of facilitators and from a teacher of St.Mary Junior High School when the students & her had a school social service, is applicable.
Finally, we would like to thank so much for the support and attention of the team of facilitators. Thank you so much for Ms.Ari, Ms.Uwie, Ms.Vera, Ms.Tiny, Ms.Uju, Ms.Qori’ah, also Ms.Rikah. We hope the commitment and the cooperation inter team keep longer, for the children’s moral & intellectual development’s sake.
The Children Healthcare Development Program
On Tuesday, Sept 27th, 2011, we had some donation from the friends of Canisius College alumna for processing the birth certificates of 26 children. Since the visitation of the friends of CC alumna few months ago, they planned activities with the long term result for Cakung children.
On the early October, we had donation step by step. In the first step, the donation for 10 children soon after the term of condition fulfilled.
Now, from 26 children, there are three chidren who have birth certificates. Some children will have birth certificates in the early November.
Thank you so much for the friends of CC alumna who care about the children’s need for their future’s sake. Thank you so much for the faithfulness supports for Cakung Children Community. We hope the cooperation will sustain.
Since the middle of October, the preparation of the workshop of the children healthcare development program of TB problem started. This activity was the early one of the series of the activities. Thank you for the people’s initiative in the clean and healthy environment. From the people’s suggestion, we build the cooperation with the team of doctors who lead by Dr.Bimo, supported by CC alumna. We held a consciousness activity through the healthcare workshop of TB problem.
The preparation was started in the series of meeting with the friends of CC alumna and on Saturday, October 22nd, 2011, started at 11.30 AM, we held it who attended by the children’s parents, almost all were Mothers & became a compulsory education for the children of the 3rd and the 4th categories. Almost all the children of the 1st and the 2nd categories still in the place, following the workshop after drinking milk together.
There were about 60 participants who attended one by one until finish. From about 40 participants & the Mothers, the total added to 60 participants.
The interactive dialog in open space made the people enthusiastic enough asking questions about the development and the prevention of TB problem.
We agreed for the follow-up by screening and mantoux test for children on Sunday, November 13th, 2011 at the learning house of Cakung Children Community.
The result of the screening test will follow on Wednesday, November 16th, 2011. The people who positively TB infected will go together to the puskesmas for the compulsory screening and medication.
Thank you so much for the friends of the team of doctors who were representatives of CC alumna. Thank you so much for Dr.Bimo, Dr.Aisa, and Dr.Ivonne for the healthcare workshop & supporting the people in the follow-up preparation.
On Sunday, October 23rd, 2011, while we were facilitating the people at Muara Baru, we have an information about the birth certificates processing from Mrs.Kokom. We just need a cheaper fee when we processing directly to the population official of Jakarta and also in the term of condition fulfillment.
From that information, the rest of people agree to prepare the archives & choose a representatives to processing them in the early of November 2011.
The Bibliotheque Program
On Friday, October 14th, 2011, we had amount of student books, learning materials, toys, and secondhand clothes from Ovelia and Owen. The student books & education CD registered in the library, while the learning materials, toys, and secondhand clothes were used for the bazaar. The schedule of bazaar on the 2nd week of October change into the 3rd week of October, after we had many material support.
Thank you so much for Ovelia & Owen’s support. The children are so happy to read the new student books & education CD which could watch by children together.
The Children Nutrition Improvement Program
On October, there were enough variety of the healthy menu. To accomplish the nutrition that the children need, except drink milk regularly before learning, children should eat boiled egg and fruit.
On the 1st Saturday of October, the healthy menu was boiled egg, while on the 2nd Saturday, the children ate tomato slices sprinkled with sugar. On the 3rd Saturday, the children ate mixed vegetable with peanut sauce, while on the 4th Saturday, the healthy menu change into snacks; tuna cakes & peanut bread in the healthcare workshop.
On the same day, October 22nd, 2011, the team of doctor lead by Dr.Bimo brought milk powders for a month from the friends of Canisius College Alumna.
Thank you so much for the support.
On the 5th Saturday, the healthy menu spinach soup & carrot & corn change into the special menu, turmeric rice with complete dishes, such as fried chicken, slices of scramble egg, fried onion, peanut spices, chips, and cucumber with watermelon.
Exactly on Saturday, October 29th, 2011, after finishing the learning activities, children ate the special menu with the complete dishes. The special menu become the sign of Ms.Rikah maternity leave for expecting the first baby and the tradition gratitude of the 7th month old embryo.
All children who attended at the learning house enjoy the special menu, also the Mothers and the children. Thank you so much for Ms.Rikah and Mr.Aung. Our prayer, Ms.Rikah have a child-birth process smoothly & safely, also the baby in healthy condition.
Children Scholarship Program
Some children who received scholarship, particularly children who are in the 3rd grade of vocational high school. They have to follow the addition of school subjects. So they couldn’t more follow the learning activities & the program activities at Cakung community.
Since September, some children of the 3rd category have to involved in monthly meeting & the plan the schedule program next month. Cynthia, one of the children who has scholarship, had task to write the attendance book of children & facilitators, also write in the saving book. Intan & Cynthia who are active in preparing the learning house, have to involved in organizational structure. They are also helping arranging the library program every Tuesday afternoon.
In this month, there were variety of children needs. For children at the 3rd grade of vocational high school, they need try out fee, a preparation test. For some children of primary school, they need the new shoes & schoolbag because the old ones were big enough and fragile. Some children of the primary school needs student books & musical instrument; pianica.
The parents were calm because of the children finally have birth certificates, which is needed to pursue their education.
Thank you so much for the friends of CC Alumna for accomplish the children & parents’ need. Thank you so much for Mr.Mehdi and Mrs.Margareth Laftavi who support in children scholarship.
November and Early December Schedule :
1. Sunday, November 13th, 2011, at 1 PM will be held by TB screening & mantoux test leading by the team of Doctor from CC alumna.
2. Sunday, November 26th, 2011 for all categories of the children will be held learning evaluation at the learning house.
3. Sunday, November 27th, 2011 for all the team of facilitators will have personal evaluation at Mrs.Danik’s house, Condet, leading by Mrs.Alvieni and her team.
4. Saturday – Sunday, December 3rd – 4th, 2011 for all children of the 4th category and the children of program coordinator will have personal evaluation at Civita House, Ciputat leading by Mrs.Alvieni and team.
We hope the support in donation, personnel, and material for the accomplishment of the schedule on November, particularly in the year end evaluation of Cakung Children Community on the early December.
Thank you so much for the donation for the operational programmes of Cakung Children Community. Thank you for our friends, Mrs.Ivana & family, Mrs.Rina Anwar, Mrs.Vina – Mr.Arend – Michelle, Ms.Jenny, and also the friends of CC Alumna.
We hope our cooperation will sustain and may God bless all of us.
Warm regards,
On behalf of Cakung Children Community
You could give donation via bank:
Acc.holder Debby Maitimu or Dwi Resmi Sari
BCA Branch office Matraman, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Swift code : cenaidja
or contact me for material support on +628129685594
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