by Nia Kurnisah
On 1st November we had bad news. Our house would be demolished. I was very sad and disappointed: "why does my house have to be demolished?". There were so many beautiful memories that I will never forget. When my house is demolished I will not be able to meet my friends at the rice fields.
On 12th November we received bad news again. The decimation was coming, it was just a matter of days. I was really sad. I did not want to leave this place. My mum had headaches looking for another place to rent.
On 14th November the demolishment started little by little. I was very sad to see our friends' houses were demolished and finally our house was also knocked down. Around afternoon prayer time (dzuhur) my parents were busily moving our belongings to the new rented place. As soon as our stuff was out of the house, our place was knocked down. I cried as I saw with my own eyes that the house where my family and I lived was destroyed. Only the bamboo structure remained.
My friends, one-by-one, left. The learning house lost the children one-by-one. We could only resign to our fate, we could not do anything. May be this would be the best for us. We only have past memories that we would not forget.
The saddest thing happened in my life is when my house was demolished.
Translated by Reinilda Delima
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